The Pirate: The Black Duke

455.Chapter 455 War mobilization

"The combat power we can use is far inferior to the opponent." After reading the information in the data, Blatt said with a slight worry.

Not to mention Dolson Carter Sith, who has the devil fruit in the form of the evil spirit of the animal-type phantom beast, and his ten powerful subordinates cannot be dealt with by the family now.

The atmosphere at this time was a bit tense. Everyone could see that the information that Reinhardt provided showed the strength of these people. Except for Blatt, Meister and Reinhardt, the others were basically There is no strength to match it.

In this way, how can everyone not be nervous.

Reinhardt looked around and felt that the family members seemed to be in a heavy mood at this time, so he smiled, and said relaxedly: "You don't need to be too nervous, the men of the Evil Spirit Pirate Group How much can be saved after this war is still unknown."

It’s no wonder that they have this kind of behavior. They are natives after all, and the other party is a great pirate who is famous in the new world. Anyone who hears the name of the evil spirit will shake three times, let alone war with the other pirate group. It.

The tension gradually eased, and Reinhardt continued: "This time we still have the assistance of the Navy."

There is no doubt that as long as the evil spirit pirates return to the North Sea to start a war, the navy will inevitably send troops.


Everyone remembered that the evil spirits are pirates. Once they return to the North Sea to start a war, the navy has no reason not to stop it, but how much power the navy is willing to provide is unknown.

"This incident is the biggest crisis the family has faced since its establishment, but it is also the best opportunity for us to speak out to the world."

Reinhardt knew very well in his mind that the family had never encountered any difficulties in the real sense during the years since the establishment of the family. The enemies he faced in the North Sea in the past were either the much weaker pirate group or the suppressed kingdom nobles. Either the mafia or other small characters, I have never met such a powerful enemy.

This upcoming war will not only test the cohesion of the family as a whole, but also an opportunity for the family to break through the current state. If this crisis is completely resolved, then the Reinhardt Work Society will truly take shape. Otherwise, it is still a mess.

Without the baptism of iron and blood, how can we condense the temperament of steel, and only by tempering in the flame, can we soar, so that it is possible to compete with the legendary great pirates in the future.

"Beihai is a small place, no matter how big we are in Beihai, we are destined to not be able to get on the table."

Reinhardt's eyes swept slightly across the faces of the family members.

"Brother, give the order, this time it's time for all members of our Reinhardt Working Group to meet the enemy together."

Mosel spoke on the sidelines. After so many years, it seemed that the family had never had a chance to dispatch all of them.

"Yes, BOSS, it's time to show the world the strength of our Reinhardt Work Agency."

On the other side, Ghaith also agreed. Then he stood up and looked at Reinhardt: "BOSS, the eight thousand elite Mafia in the North Sea can participate in this war at any time."

Ghaith is currently the well-deserved boss of the North Sea Dark World Mafia. Eight thousand Mafia members are his carefully prepared forces. Although they can't play a decisive role, the more forces in this war, the better.

At this moment all members of the family stood up and looked at Reinhardt.

"it is good."

Reinhardt's words were loud and sound, as if thunder fell to the ground.

"Let the world's eyes turn to us, family members, let's win this war together."

Reinhardt's simple words greatly boosted morale, and the atmosphere that was so lifeless and decadent just now seemed to be boiling over.

"Understood... Boss, big brother, boss, boss!"

Everyone answered in unison.

"From now on, all work will be focused on the upcoming war, and Beihai has entered a state of preparation for war."

After saying this, everyone immediately began to get busy. Each of them had different responsibilities. At this time, after the plans and tasks deployed by Reinhardt, they started to operate like machines, not just Reinhardt Jobs. Even the Kingdom of Polkaria and the six kingdoms with branches in the four directions of the North Sea have begun to prepare for the coming war.

After the family members gradually dispersed, Reinhardt received a phone call.

"Brother, the family meeting is over, right?"

In the phone bug, Waldo Roentgen's slightly mature voice passed over.

"It's just over." Reinha nodded, "Everyone's tasks have been arranged."

"What are the chances of winning this war?" Roentgen asked again after pondering for a while. The worry in his voice was not concealed. Although he had never doubted Reinhardt's ability, this matter was involved after all. The Great Pirates of the New World has six large fleets, and the combined strength of the evil spirit pirates exceeds 10,000.

Especially after cooperating with the Kingdom of Jerma 66, and getting the help of cloned soldiers, the strength is bound to rise to a higher level.

Can this kind of powerhouse really be defeated by Reinhardt Work Agency alone?

Roentgen couldn't help muttering to himself.

"If it is a complete evil spirit pirate group, then the success rate of this war is zero, but if it is the evil spirit pirate group that has lost most of its forces after being defeated by the redhead pirate group, we will have 30% The chance of success."

Reinhardt thought for a while and said, but these are all guesses and ideals after all. It is impossible for the development of things to follow his trajectory. Although Reinhardt has shown enough confidence in the family meeting and will win His ambition, but he knew very well in his heart that the difficulties this time far exceeded his expectations.

At this time, Reinhardt suddenly remembered something. The time Hawkins used to divination for him. In the deck analysis, he said that he would encounter life-related difficulties in the future, but there was absolutely nothing. To be alive, to reverse the first line of life and death, does the situation shown by the reverse triangle divination star array refer to the war facing this time?

He is somewhat skeptical.

Hawkins had left long ago. Reinhardt didn't know Hawkins' phone worm message or whether he was in the North Sea. Naturally, he had no chance to find Hawkins for his own divination.

But thinking about it, he never took Hawkins’ divination results in his heart. Although Hawkins’ divination has never been missed, it is better to change everything instead of believing in this pre-predicted fate.

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