Katan Island in the North Sea, Port of the Clock of the Kingdom of Polkalia, in the office of the Reinhardt Brewery at this time.

Sitting in the huge office are two tall men, one of whom has long hair draped over his back, and the other has short half-finger hair.

The office seemed a little quiet at this time.

Reinhardt sat on the chair with a flat face, but Blatter with short hair stood up from a side position, his gaze rested on the information on the table.

There is a stack of materials on the desk, about seven or eight pages, and the white cover title of the materials is: Confidential.

"Is everything clear? Brother." Reinha nodded, focusing on the documents on the table, and said: "All the information is here."

"This is the top-secret information about CP8 passed by Brady?" Blatter stared at the word "confidential" for a long time before asking again.

"Most of it is her information." Reinhardt replied softly.

For Reinhardt's "she", Blatter naturally knew who it was.

Blatter did not hesitate, and immediately opened the pile of information.

What caught my eye was a portrait of a very beautiful woman with light golden hair and short hair, a sky blue top hat, a string of red pendants on the left and right ears, and a light blue dress on her body. The hem of the skirt extends to the position of the thigh, the shoulders are draped with a light white shawl, the feet are stepped on pink high heels, an elegant British dress, looks elegant and charming.

Her facial features are very delicate, her face is full of quiet temperament, and the stretched arc between the corners of her mouth seems to make her temperament a bit sharp and intellectual.

Her name is not difficult to guess. In the North Sea, most people can directly call her name when they see this full-length portrait, but no one knows that she has a real identity.

She is called Chitila, and she appears to be a reporter working for the North Sea branch of the World Economic News, and is the deputy editor of the North Sea branch of the World Economic News. She is also the queen writer of foreign news for the King of the North Sea Reinhardt.

This is an identity that everyone knows.

Her other identity is a spy member dispatched by CP8 to lurking in the North Sea for eight years.

After Blatter's gaze swept over the information, it finally stopped at the bottom, then immediately picked up the information on the table and saw this surprising name.

Code name: Elf.

"It's really her!"

Blatter sighed. He sighed and breathed a sigh of relief after browsing the information on the data. It seemed that he was calming down the somewhat depressed mood. This incident was indeed unexpected, so that he heard this from the mouth of the big brother the first time. When the news came out, he still held a veto attitude.

However, since the information in black and white is here, it is impossible to make a mistake in this matter.

This comprehensive information was naturally obtained by Brady who was lurking in CP5. The information on the information was very detailed, including every move of the elf in the North Sea over the years.

"Brother, these guys are really pervasive. I didn't expect to almost put nails next to your pillow."

Blatter thought for a while and said, there is really some palpitations. If she gets into the family, then it is really possible to be taken away by the world government. Although this "elf" is not a family member yet, The degree of Reinhardt's trust in her does not make much difference whether it is a family member or not. She also knows the secrets that many family members know.

Fortunately, the real core secrets of the family will only be passed on between Reinhardt and Blatter. Some secrets are not even known to Roentgen, such as Eugene undercover in the East China Sea Naval Branch and Brady who broke into CP5. And the close cooperative relationship with the revolutionary army.

"It seems that I was careless before." Reinha nodded his head. At the time when Brady told him the news, he didn't think it was a big deal, but when he saw the information about the elves passed by Brady afterwards, He was shocked to let out a cold sweat.

It was careless, it was too careless. It was not the secrets in the hands of the elf that made him startled with a cold sweat, but that the elf had been silently lurking around him, but he hadn't noticed any clues. The most terrifying threat is the silence, which may be killed at any time.

If it hadn’t been for Brady’s early discovery of the elf this time, he would definitely not think of her as a CP8 spy, and in the future, he would only trust the elf more and more, and it would be more likely to let her participate in the family The core secret incident comes.

If there is such a day, it will truly cause disaster.

"This is not something you can predict." Blatter shook his head. "Now the situation in the North Sea is already undercurrent, and it's not a big deal to have a few spies."

"Our enemies are everywhere in the North Sea."

"This is different." Reinhardt shook his head, "I pushed the elf up with one hand, and participated too much in the process of our rule of the North Sea. He also knows part of our future plans."

Speaking of this, Reinhardt paused for a while, then said solemnly: "She knows too many secrets about us."

Blatter fell silent. He understood the meaning of Reinhardt's words. Although Reinhardt has absolute right to speak in the family, if the family is to maintain it for a long time, then this matter must be explained. , Otherwise, it is a hidden danger in the family after all.

"Really determined?" Blatter continued. He knew the elf's love for Reinhardt all the time, and he could see the increasingly close relationship between the elf and Reinhardt in the past few years.

"You don't need to say anything [determination] about this kind of thing." Reinhardt gave a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then glanced at Blatter: "I have killed so many people these years, so how can I care about a small woman."

Blatter was slightly startled by Reinhardt's flat voice. He commented on Reinhardt's eyes, and he seemed to feel a cold and indifferent, which did not seem like an expression of indecision at all.

Maybe... I miscalculated the feelings of my eldest brother for the elf.

"Big brother, she's you..." Blatter said subconsciously, but was interrupted in the middle of the speech.


Reinhardt looked at him, and Blatter was shocked. He seemed to see a complete stranger. The black hair hanging on the sides and the black crown with golden dragon tattooed on his body were the same as the head worn six years ago. Reinhardt, who wears a tiger-head hat, an old shirt and slippers, is different.

At this time, he had long been a high-ranking person who was not angry and pretentious, and there was a powerful force of stars falling like a fight between his waves.

That kind of strong temperament has been completely formed.

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