The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 472 472. The strength of the red-haired Pirates

Thaddeus's powerful anger was detonated by a shot of Jesus, which was something Thaddeus had never expected.

How powerful is that shot, it was able to lose control of his anger, that ordinary man, he knew, was the famous sniper in the new world, Jesus Bu.

Thinking of this, Thaddeus, the ghost cow, was very angry and seemed to lose his mind, so he roared loudly, and Ben Beckman continued to fight together.

Although Thaddeus's strength is strong, it is impossible to defeat the opponent in a short time. This time even if he is not dead, he will have a high probability of becoming a polished commander, because most of his forces will be wiped out by the Redhead Pirates.

Three hours later, the battle between the Guiniu Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates continued, but the Guiniu Pirates had lost a lot of troops, and the captains of the four major ships had almost died.

On the other side, the red hair was somewhere on the island. He looked at the flame energy overflowing from the explosion in the sky and immediately pressed the Western sword on his waist. However, after seeing two companions walking in the distance, he Then he loosened the palm of his sword.

"The evil spirits and blood diamonds should be coming soon."

The red hair muttered to himself. After thinking about it, he saw more than a dozen huge pirate ships appearing on the sea in the distance. The leading ones were two giant battleships, one black and one red. The top of the flagpole above the battleship, on both sides The Pirate Flag is dancing wildly in the sea breeze.

On these two clear-cut, mighty and domineering pirate ships, it was the members of the Evil Spirit Pirate Group and the Blood Diamond Pirate Group.

On the other side, part of the Redhead Pirates' troops is about to decide the victory or defeat with the Ghost Niu Pirates, because among the core combat members, except for Ben Beckman, everyone else has returned to the redhead, Laki ·Lu was eating with a huge meat stick in his hand.

Obviously, if he was able to eat a meat stick here leisurely, he must have slaughtered the awakening powers of the two animal devil fruits, the tiger and the lion.

Jesus cloth also walked to the red hair with a sniper rifle. In the battle just now, he only shot once. After one shot detonated the anger of the ghost cow Thaddeus, he did not take the shot, because the opposite side was no longer there. People are worth his shots.

Thaddeus, the captain of the Ghost Bull Pirates, confronts Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the Redhead Pirates, and Laki Lu confronts the Captain of the First and Second Fleet of the Ghost Bull Pirates, and places the other core combatants. , Except for a shot by Jesus Boo, no one has ever shot it again. The four big beasts can let Laki Lu take the shot himself.

The red hair swung to the other side of the island and saw Ben Beckman fighting with the ghost cow Thaddeus. A lot of hot heat poured on the ground. The ground seemed to be melted into magma, and the two fought. The momentum is huge, especially the ghost cow Thaddeus, every attack has a shaking prestige, but every time it is resisted by Beckman.

After a short glance, the red hair withdrew his gaze. He was not worried about Ben Beckman's situation, but he also understood that the battle between the two men would not end in a short time. After all, the other party was a great pirate who was famous in the new world. Moreover, having eaten the devil fruit of the animal-type phantom beast species, it must have the strength of protracted battle.

"Head, let me take the lead this time, the two beasts just now are too weak, they can't fight at all."

At this time, Raki Lu swallowed the meat in one bite, and said vaguely.

Behind the red hair, besides a few core combat members, there are also a large number of pirate crew members. Although the number is far less than the pirate alliance of the other three, everyone is extremely powerful.

"Hahahaha, Beckman was dragged by that guy, this time you want to go first, go first." The red hair said with a laugh.

After hearing this, Raki Lu took off his yellow coat and dropped the bones in his hands. After that, he clenched his fists, and there was a crisp sound of crackling in the air, and Raki Lulan's teeth were exposed. Smile: "Then fight them to your heart's content, head."

He has completely entered the serious mode.

At this time, Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor, inside the Marshal's office.

"The Marshal of the Warring States Period, the Redhead Pirates has been forced to the sea area of ​​the Star Islands of Orebor, and is currently fighting with the Ghost Cow Pirates." At this time, the door of the Marshal's office was opened and a navy came in to report. Said.

"The Marshal of the Warring States Period, the Evil Spirit Pirates and the Blood Diamond Pirates have also reached the sea area of ​​the Star Islands of Orebor, and will soon join the war between the Ghost Cow Pirates and the Redhead Pirates." Marshal's Office The door was opened, and another navy ran in anxiously to report.

Scenes like this have happened several times a day in the past week. Once the two sides acted, the news would reach the Marshal's office as soon as possible.

"Immediately transfer to Lieutenant General Crane." Warring States said without any consideration. He turned and walked to the other side and picked up the phone worm. Three seconds later, Lieutenant General Crane's voice came from the phone worm.

"Lieutenant General Crane, where are you now...specific location?"

Warring States asked.

"Forty nautical miles away from the star island, you can reach the star island combat site in one hour." He Shensheng replied, he naturally knew the opening position of the war between the ghost cow pirate group and the red-haired pirate group, evil spirits The arrival of the Pirate Group and the Blood Diamond Pirate Group was also under her supervision.

"Okay, then stop. I want to see the true strength of the Redhead Pirates." The Warring States Period thought for a moment and said, naturally knowing when is the best time to join the battlefield.

"Always wait for my order, this time I will kill them all!"

Warring States and Crane exchanged for a while, and then hung up the phone worm.

The navy in the marshal's office kept coming in and out, and the Warring States period controlled all this by remote control in the office.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, Wu Lao Xing phone."

A seaman brought another delicate telephone bug.

The Warring States took the call and the worm listened.

At this time, the news of the Redhead Pirates fighting with the Three Great Pirates Alliance spread instantly.

Reinhardt in Polkaria, far in the North Sea, was sitting in the Kingdom Hall at this time. He took the World Economics Report in his hand and looked at it for a long time before finally laughing: "It seems that the strength of the Redhead Pirates is better than I imagine it is more powerful."

In the Kingdom Hall, apart from Reinhardt, there was only King Fiona.

She cast aside the smirk-looking Reinhardt, and said coldly: "Listening to your tone, it seems that you don't have much awe of this world's top power."

She didn't understand what kind of confidence could make Reinhardt so confident that she could completely stabilize the situation in the North Sea in the future.

In the North Sea, there are not only civil strife, but also external threats, as well as the navy's surveillance of him and the fear of the world government.

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