Wearing sunglasses, a blue-gray man with a red dragon tattoo on his right neck, he faced the most powerful black knight among the six color knights of the Evil Spirit Pirate Group.

The black knight Sturgia is a member of the Evil Spirit Pirates group second only to Dolson Carter Sith. Although it is temporarily impossible to defeat in the one-on-one battle, it is also a part of the red-haired pirates. Combat power.

On the other side, the bald-headed man without eyebrows, the man with the monkey on his back and the hat with the Pirate Ship logo on his head, and the yellow-haired man faced the remaining three color knights, namely the purple knight and the gray knight. Knight, yellow knight.

The strength of these three men is slightly weaker than the other three color knights, so a two-on-three battle has the upper hand in the scene.

The remaining core members of the Red-haired Pirate Group and thousands of ordinary pirates fought together with the pirate alliance formed by the three great pirates.

The battle continued, and the winner was indistinguishable for a while. Crazy shouts of killing erupted throughout the island, and the soaring murderous and bloody smell continued to spread.

At this time, four naval warships appeared in the waters ten nautical miles away from the star island. Although the navy flag was flying in the wind, the navy warship stopped.

Four admirals wearing white navy coats appeared on one of the warships. The head was tall, with golden stripes on the shoulders of the white navy coat. He was Admiral Polusalino, codenamed Yellow Ape.

Standing next to him were three generals who also wore navy coats. The three were Lieutenant Admiral and Chief Staff Crane of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant Admiral Taotu of the Navy Headquarters, and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters.

Not to mention the admiral Huang Yuan, who is the three lieutenants of the navy headquarters, is a powerful combat force.

Bru Bru Bru...At this time, the phone worm of the Crane staff rang. After she connected to the phone worm, a low voice from the Warring States Period came from the phone worm: "He, how is the fighting over there now?"

"It has entered a fever, but it should not be possible to tell the winner in a short time."

After thinking for a while, Crane took his gaze back from the distant sea, so he thought for a moment and continued: "We are now staying in the waters ten nautical miles away from Star Island, waiting for your order at any time."

"You don't need to wait for my order, Xiaohe, you are on the front line of the battlefield, you can act on the spot." The voice of Warring States came from the phone worm.

"Okay, I understand." He answered Shen Sheng.

"This time, we must catch all four of them pirates."

After the Warring States had finished speaking, he exchanged for a while, then hung up the phone worm.

"Everyone is ready for battle." After the crane put away the phone worm, he immediately asked the guards to prepare for battle. It was only ten nautical miles away from Star Island, and at the speed of a navy ship, he could arrive in just over ten minutes.

"These guys are really troublesome." The Huang Yuan on the other side laughed lazily after hearing what He said.

"General Huang Yuan, these pirates are no ordinary trouble..." Taotu next to her covered her mouth and said with a smile, a snicker appeared on her delicate face, her eyes always revealing sexiness.

"The only thing worth paying attention to is the red-haired guy. In addition to his strength, that guy is also a crew member of the former Pirate King Roger."

Crane spoke on the side, but with General Huang Yuan holding down here, she won't worry about any emergencies anymore. General Admiral is a powerful pronoun. As one of the top powerhouses in the world, this kind of scene is also It's nothing.

"Those newcomers are of course nothing in the eyes of Senior Crane..." Flying Squirrel said to the side, red hair, evil spirits, blood diamonds and ghost cows, these four powerhouses second only to the emperor rank, in Crane's eyes. They are just newcomers, even if they are as strong today, Crane still treats them as newcomers.

He shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate those guys. Each of them is a strong player in this sea. Although they are not gold medalists for the time being, they will have the strength to compete for gold medal players in the future."

Crane is obviously not too arrogant, because she knows very well in her heart that the sea is surging and there will be some talented newcomers every day, especially the newcomers who can stand out in the new world, but not just super newcomers. Pirates of the level like redheads, evil spirits, ghost cows, blood diamonds, etc., can already be regarded as the overlord of the deterrent party. Although they are not yet able to become a force challenging the navy, who can be sure in the future.

The potential is unlimited, at least Crane thinks so.

"Um... it seems that there is a ship to build a team..." At this time, Taotu was holding a telescope to observe the sea in the distance, and suddenly said in surprise.

"Who is here?" Crane asked in surprise. She really couldn't imagine that at present, apart from the three king-level pirate groups in the New World, who would have the courage to enter the sea area of ​​the Auberge Star Islands.

"It seems to be..."

After watching the binoculars for a while, Taotu was stunned. What appeared in her gaze was a huge fleet, which was a fleet of dozens of huge ships with huge fortresses and palaces. The flag fluttered in the wind, and two numbers 66 appeared on the flag.

"The Kingdom of Germa 66!"

After seeing the fleet's logo clearly, Taotu frowned and finally said softly.

"Oh... it's them?"

Crane took the phone bug from Taotu and said after watching it for a while.

She was a little puzzled, and she didn't understand why the Kingdom of Djerma 66 suddenly appeared in the sea area of ​​Orebor, and it shouldn't be a place where they could appear.

"Something unusual!"

After watching for a while, Crane said again, and then ordered the guards to start monitoring the Kingdom of Germa 66 that suddenly appeared in the distance.

"Porusalino, what do you think?"

While speaking, Crane put down the telescope again and asked towards Huang Yuan who had been standing still.

"Yeah... It's the Kingdom of Jerma 66, that's the army of evil." Huang Yuan took the telescope from Crane and said after looking at it for a while.

"Why are they here..."

He didn't know, so he pondered.

"But what does it matter? If we stop our navy from doing things, I don't recommend that they often kick at the speed of light."

He shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Come on Polusalino, they are a member of the world government. We have no reason to fight against them."

After all, it is a member of the world government, and it is a kingdom such as Jemal 66 that occupies a pivotal position among the members of the world government. Without sufficient reason, the navy will not do anything against them.

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