
A violent kick like a horse's hoof rang, and then the broken and disfiguring ground broke out with a rumbling vibration, then the earth cracked, the storm surged, and a domineering torrent-like momentum Rolling past in all directions.

The moment Griffin was lifted, the star island collapsed in vain, huge water jets from the center of the island, and then the islands in some areas began to break apart, and the frantically condensed airflow turned into a huge air like a sky. The waves, directly centered on the red hair, spread completely, and in an instant, the world was enveloped!

The light condensed and the air shattered. On the [Griffin] blade in the right hand of the red hair, a powerful and sharp airflow gathered. The airflow is like the amount of solar energy that has been compressed, spreading directly like a comet explosion. .


The world is round!!!

The red hair raised his hand and swept across with a sword, and there were air waves and white light in all directions.

[Blood Diamond] Diamond Lance, who was closest to the red hair, was under the most pressure. His pair of tough knives also swung up at the same time. The huge slash greeted the air wave flying past, but it was in the circular air current of red hair. The slash was completely broken, and the slashing power of [Blood Diamond] began to be cancelled out before the two touched.

After this, the red-haired circular air slash directly spread over [Blood Diamond]'s huge body, making an amazing buzzing noise.

[Blood Diamond] Numerous scars began to appear on the skin of the body, and these scars became more and more under the blow of the red-haired air current, and the blood was also crushed into air by this air current.

Ah... [Blood Diamond] suddenly broke out a screaming howl, and the blood vessels in his body seemed to be ruptured.

On the other hand, after the evil spirit noticed the slash of the red hair, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn. In his impression, he had fought red hair so many times, and it seemed that he had never seen such a powerful burst of power.

Obviously, this is a life-and-death moment.

Redhead's slash shot was stronger and more aggressive than the slash that shattered his body just now.

The evil spirit’s thoughts quickly flipped at this moment, so after taking a deep breath, he thrust the blade of his right hand toward the ground, and then a large amount of white gas condensed on his hands again, and the whole skeleton body rose by three points again, reaching Eight meters high.

After doing this, the [spirit] in the palm of the evil spirit has been condensed, and then with a wave of both hands, the majestic [spirit] energy begins to spread, about to collide with the red-haired circular air current.

The white energy of the evil spirit in the form of a skeleton constantly fluctuates, like a burning white flame. The huge amount of [spirit] allows him to rise to a higher level after rebirth. This trump card is exactly what he has the courage to face many times. The main factor in the battle with red hair, although it was not used in the previous battle with red hair.

After this, the evil spirit immediately drew out the pitch-black long sword on the ground, and the huge skeleton body rushed directly with reckless white waves.

With a bang, the two spreading spirits of the evil spirits collided with the red-haired circular air current, and there was a vibrating noise, and the air wave after the impact spread across all the islands.

But even so, the offensive of the evil spirit still did not stop the red hair's attack. The white [spirit] cracked every inch, and when the evil spirit rushed into the red-haired circular air current, it suddenly felt like it had entered. Like the stormy waves.

There was a harsh cracking sound in his skeleton body.

Ah... the evil spirit uttered a huge roar, and the skull arm of his left hand had spread to his shoulder, but suddenly, his arm that had gradually shattered to his shoulder began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, there was a huge and stern roar suddenly in the distance. It was the shouts of dozens of pirates. The bodies of those pirates suddenly broke, and their flesh and blood were directly blown up. Everyone The flesh and blood after the explosion turned into a burst of strong blood and solidified in the air, and then dozens of blood gathered together and flew directly towards the evil spirit.

This is one of his fruit abilities in the form of the evil spirit of the animal type human fruit illusion beast species. You can give the [spirit] to the subordinates in advance, and when his body receives a fatal attack, it can detonate the [spirit] ], the burning blood gas is transmitted to one's body, so as to achieve the effect of rapid recovery.

Hmm... Not long after, the evil spirit suddenly let out a comfortable muffled sound, and the blood qi flowing into his body began to repair his white skeleton body.

The evil spirit stopped in this offensive for a long time, and the bones on his body shattered in the airflow, recovered, shattered, recovered, and so on.

However, the red hair was not ready to give the evil spirits a chance to recover. He immediately rushed over with the western sword in his right hand, and with a bang, the red hair was intercepted by [Blood Diamond] halfway through.

"I wouldn't just let you rush to the evil spirit guy easily."

[Blood Diamond] With loose hair and a bloody smile on his face, the blood in countless wounds on his body has solidified.

"In this case, you should be prepared to die first!"

With a cold snort of red hair, the Western Sword jumped up and cut directly at [Blood Diamond]'s head. [Blood Diamond] felt the huge force in his palm transmitted in, and the wound on the tiger's mouth opened again.

[Blood Diamond] shook his palm, and the double knives were immediately bounced away. Taking this opportunity, the red-haired Western Sword slashed again and directly penetrated [Blood Diamond]'s shoulder.

Ah...[Blood Diamond] yelled in anger, the blood on his shoulders couldn't stop flowing, the successive battles have exhausted the blood diamond's physical strength, plus the huge slashes that he had suffered in the redhead airflow before, He is already at the end of the battle.

Now after the red-haired sword blade slashed his shoulders, the blood drill's injury worsened again. The huge body was directly slapped by the red-haired palm and flew tens of meters away. He was lying on the ground coughing up blood constantly. Obviously, he had already There is no longer any hope of fighting red hair.

The red-haired body rose from the ground and came to the evil spirit.

However, the evil spirits used these short seconds to completely restore their strength.


The two swords fought, and the vigorous momentum danced wildly on all sides.

"Hehe...Red hair, you know that I have the ability to resurrect many times, so you dare to use this kind of move that covers the entire island without any physical strength. Let me see what other means you have to fight with me next!"

The evil spirit roared toward the red hair, and then the skeleton body rushed over, and the dark long sword slashed at the red hair fiercely!

The entire island was shaken.

"Well... you haven't won this fight yet." The red hair sneered, "I don't believe you have experienced two recovery and can recover again."

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