The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 486 486. Tian Cong Yun Jian (seeking monthly ticket)

At this time, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Crane were also engaged in the battle with Diamond Lance, the captain of the Blood Diamond Pirate Regiment. Diamond Lance itself was not weak. If it were in its heyday, the ranks of two lieutenant generals would be It is impossible for the navy to beat him at all, but now he is obviously affected by serious injuries. Although he can barely resist in the process of fighting with the two lieutenants of the headquarters, he is already slightly declining.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, you go to support Lieutenant Crane and them, you must catch the blood diamond Diamond Lance, and I will kill the evil spirits."

Huang Yuan’s gaze was collected from the red-haired pirate group on the sea in the distance. He didn’t take care of the red-haired pirate group. This time it was obviously unrealistic to kill them all at once, but even if he caught three The big pirate is also a great harvest for the navy.

Thinking of this, he cast his gaze on the members of the Evil Spirit Pirate Group who were fleeing in the distance.

At this time, the evil spirit completely abandoned his ship, but let all the remaining subordinates board the fleet of the Kingdom of Djerma 66, hoping that this would not be pursued by the navy, but he still overestimated Djerma 66 The status of the kingdom in the hearts of the navy has underestimated the admiral Huang Yuan's determination to capture them.

After Huang Yuan gave a command to Taotu, his body immediately turned into a golden light beam.

"General Huang Yuan, that is the Kingdom of Djerma 66, a member country of the world government, and you cannot do it lightly."

Taotu said hurriedly, trying to dissuade Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan smiled, and turned to look at Taotu: "All the countries that the world government joins are a group of guys who mingled with the pirates. Even if it is a country that joins the world government, there is no need for it. This time I Just destroy them together."

The golden light and shadow folded in the air like a mirror, and then formed a broad light track. At the same time, his body also appeared at the end of the track.

Track of Light-Yata Mirror!

At the end of the orbit of light, is the core castle of the Kingdom of Djerma 66. Huang Yuan's body hangs upside down, and the majestic golden energy is condensed with one foot in the air, directly blasting past.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound in the distance. It was an airflow composed of huge white energy. A figure was wrapped in the airflow. This figure was more than four meters high and was full of terrifying hostility. Bumped together.

With a bang, the direction of the yellow ape's kick was completely shifted, and the huge beam energy shifted to the distant sea. Then the light wave exploded, the sea surged, and the undulating waves turned into a huge tsunami.

"Navy Admiral Huang dare to directly act on the countries joining the world government."

Below, Vinsmok Gage, holding a stun gun in his hand, looked at the yellow ape in the sky with anger. If it wasn't for the evil spirit Dolson Carter Sith to stop him, I'm afraid that now Jermak 66 The kingdom’s fleet will be completely destroyed.

"Collaborating with pirates, do you know what kind of crime you committed."

Huang Yuan stood at the top of the castle, and turned to Vinsmok Gage below.

"You nonsense!"

Of course Gachi would not admit this.

"My father didn't collude with the pirates. It was the evil spirit pirates who seized control of our fleet. My father was forced to do so."

At this time, a young girl with pink hair appeared next to Kage. She was the eldest daughter of the Germa 66 family, Vinsmok Lejiu.

She turned her head to look at Huang Yuan, then slowly said, "You don't think that as long as we appear on the island, we violate the laws of the world government?"

She is unwilling to admit it, nor will she personally admit it, so it is really impossible to determine the crime of Germa 66 colluding with the pirates. An unreasonable reason for being coerced by the evil spirit pirate group is enough to deal with the accountability of the world government. Up.

Although it is impossible for Huang Yuan and many navies to believe their words, they cannot convict them.

Of course, if the world government wants to wipe out a country, it is easy to convict them.

"Yes, I took control of their ship."

The evil spirit not far away held the jet-black long sword in his hand, and said with a smile.

"If this is the case, then I will get to know you personally, and by the way, I'm helping you get back control of the ship in the Kingdom of Djerma 66, and then... completely destroy it!"

After speaking, Huang Yuan’s body turned into a golden light and disappeared in place. The evil spirit was shocked and felt the huge energy coming from the top of his head, so the fierce stabbing of the dark long sword in his hand coincided with the speed of light of Huang Yuan. Kicked and bumped together.

In an instant, a huge force was merged into the palm of his sword holding, and then signs of collapse again appeared on his body, a large swath of blood was evaporated by the golden light, and the body of the evil spirit also hit a certain part of the ship. There was a loud rumbling noise on the deck.

As a demon fruit capable person in the form of the evil spirit of the animal type human fruit phantom beast species, he has been severely traumatized during the past few days in the process of fighting with the red hair, and he has been able to support it until now. It was a miracle, so he didn't have the physical strength to become a skeleton body at all now.

Unable to become a skeleton body, his devil fruit ability will weaken a lot, plus the consumption of the two previous bone recovery, it is completely the end of the crossbow.

Perhaps this sea area today is his burial place, the same as the final fate of the two guys, the ghost cow and the blood diamond.

Thinking of this, a huge unwillingness arose in the evil spirit's heart. After planning for so long and exhausting all of his combat power and most of his subordinates, what he finally got was this fate, which is really unwilling to make people feel unwilling.

There is a hatred in his heart, if it wasn't for the guy that Gui Niu flees, how could he be defeated by the red hair and Ben Beckman.

In addition to this, he hated the blood diamond Diamond Lance even more, and was so easily defeated by the redhead.

"Asshole...idiot...weak fellow...traitor..."

Suddenly, the evil spirit burst into an angry shout, seeming to be accusing the alliance and allies of poor standards.

"What about the Admiral...Labor and capital are the [evil spirits] from Huang Quan, a devil who can resurrect from death many times, how could it be killed by mere humans!"

The evil spirit snarled up to the sky, and the white wave of air condensed by the huge body grew again, and then turned into a white wave to rush towards the yellow ape in the sky.

[Evil Spirit] The black sword in his hand slashed horizontally in vain, and a huge amount of white light gathered, like a long white dragon flying across the sky, directly slashing on the yellow ape.

Huang Yuan stared at this scene intently, then with his hands in the air, a sword made of golden light appeared.

Sky Cong Yunjian!

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