The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 490 490.Temporary Seven Wuhai Invitation

Before the words of the Warring States Period were finished, the old man directly interrupted: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is not the first time your navy has done this kind of thing, so put away your poor self-esteem."

The old man directly shut up the Warring States when he said a word. It is true that the Warring States period is not qualified to say this, because their navy did this many years ago.

"The evil spirits were rescued by the Kingdom of Geerma 66, the ghost cow was defeated and buried in the sea, and the blood diamond was about to be pressed into the underwater prison."

The Warring States briefly reported and heard the voice of hanging up the phone bug from there, and then hung up the phone bug angrily.

Bastard politicians... guys who care about their interests and ignore their position.

"Things are going according to the script of our plan, and the Red-haired Pirates should soon move in the new world." After the old man hung up the phone, he slowly walked to the remaining four old men and said.

"It seems that I chose to cooperate with the red hair. This move is the right move." The old man with a cane said.

"It's hard to say now, it depends on the real ambition of the redhead."

An old man with blond hair shook his head. For the red-haired pirate, he actually didn’t want to cooperate with him. Although red-haired was not interested in the big secret treasure at all, he was not an extremely ambitious guy, but he still felt that , Red hair will surely create a dispute that will sweep the world in the future.

"At least it can be confirmed for now that Redhead is not a fanatic who starts war everywhere."

The old man with a beard and beard nodded in agreement. For him, the peace of this sea is the most important thing, although after this war, this sea may have one more pirate group of the same level as the other three emperors. , But at the same time countless pirate groups of the level of evil spirits were missing.

This is the choice he made after weighing the pros and cons.

"Now that the dust has settled, let's wait for the redheads to take the next step. It should not be long before they will act. This is also the content of the agreement between us."

The old man with eight-character beard said slowly, but he paused slightly when he said this, "Just to talk about the evil spirits rescued by the Kingdom of Germa 66. How to deal with them?"

On the other side, the old bald man with a long knife didn't speak from beginning to end. After the old man with a beard and beard finished speaking, he slowly said: "I don't think there is any need to pursue it."

The other four people all turned their gazes to the bald old man, a little confused about his thoughts.

"Don't our world government still have a quota for Qiwuhai..." the bald old man said slowly.

"What do you mean?" One of the old people glanced at him, and naturally understood what he meant.

"Our world government still has a quota for Qiwuhai, so let's send an invitation to the evil spirits. This level of combat power is not much in the new world."

The old bald smiled.

"The only place, isn't it ready to send an invitation to [Black Duke]?" The old man with his cane in both hands shook his head and said. He didn't like temporarily changing his previous plan, especially this kind of Qiwuhai invitation.

After listening to his words, the other three elders were silent for a while, and were not eager to express their opinions about the differences between the two of them.

One of the previous plans for the five old stars to discuss together was to issue the last Qiwuhai quota invitation to the Black Duke of Beihai. In fact, before the bald old man proposed the candidate of the evil spirit, [Black Duke] is indeed the most suitable in the world. , But now that [Evil Spirit] is a better candidate, there is no reason to invite [Black Duke].

Seeing the silence of his companions, the old man pressing his cane had a pause. It seemed that this matter was going to be changed, but he still wanted to fight for [Black Duke], so he said in a deep voice: "[Black Duke] is worldwide Although his reputation and strength are not comparable to evil spirits, he has spread his business to every corner of the world, and has cooperated with our world government on the Four Seas Train project. Most importantly, his status in Beihai is unmatched.

"Even so, it will be nothing more than a kid's behavior after all. Without strong strength as the basis, it will not be able to deter many powerful pirates in the sea."

The old man holding the sword frowned, and relentlessly refuted the words of his companion. There seemed to be a strong contempt in his eyes. Is this a natural rejection of being a swordsman?

"The strength of [Black Duke] is not weak." The old man pressing the cane snorted, it seems hard to believe that the most powerful old man in the world like him would actually fight with his companions and actively help [Black Duke] Reinhardt won the last invitation from Qiwuhai.

If you let others know, you must think that he has reached some kind of agreement with [Black Duke] in private.

"Although Reinhardt has only been in the North Sea for six years, he is really a genius. At this time, Qiwuhai is not needed to win him. Waiting for one day to stand on our opposite side, we will increase a lot of pressure."

He continued, trying to convince the other three companions.

The bearded old man had some impressions of Reinhardt, after all, less than two months had passed since the last time they talked about the young man together.

"Now there is obviously no need to discuss this issue. [Evil Spirit] Dawson Carter Sith is obviously the most suitable candidate than [Black Duke] Reinhardt Dawn Polkin."

The old bald man with the sword said again, it was difficult for him to remember all Reinhardt's name.

The three elderly people nearby nodded in agreement. Just as the bald old man said, in terms of combat power, reputation and subordinates, evil spirits are more suitable candidates to suppress and dominate the pirates than the black duke.

The most important purpose of the world government to establish Qiwuhai is to use Qiwuhai's powerful reputation and strength to deter more pirates, and at critical moments, Qiwuhai can become a powerful force in the world government.

Regardless of the angle of view, evil spirits seem to be more suitable candidates than Black Duke.

Although the old man pressing the cane still had different opinions, but seeing that the other three companions all agreed to this temporary change decision, they were not insisting, so he nodded: "Then prepare to send the last one to [Evil Spirit] The invitation of Qiwuhai quota."

"In no hurry, we have to look at the situation in the new world first. There should be a huge movement soon."

Even if they have decided on the last invitation quota, they will not easily send out invitations.

At this time, the news that the pirate alliance composed of the evil spirit, the ghost cow, and the blood diamond three great pirates was defeated by the red hair spread all over the world in an instant. These news included the evil spirit’s escape from the dead and the ghost cow’s The matter of being buried in the sea and the blood diamonds being sent to Advance City, and after the end of this war, the Redhead Pirates' reputation in the world has risen to a new level.

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