The inspector nodded, and then said again to the technician in front of him. The technician operated the instrument for a while, and the signal source was transferred to an independent telephone bug message.

Immediately after this, Sake took another phone worm to call, and after a while, the phone worm was connected.

"BOOS, the latest news, the Kingdom of Germa 66 has already begun to cross the red soil continent, and it is expected that it may completely enter the North Sea before 6 o'clock in the evening." Sake reported the situation quickly and simply, and then said, "I have let I transferred the video signal source to you over there."

Reinhardt, who was in the brewing factory at this time, heard the calm voice of sake, so Reinhardt said, "I see."

He turned on the video phone worm next to him, and then a huge projection screen was projected into the air. After the screen flickered for a while, a picture of the red earth continent appeared.

Reinhardt's gaze observed the image for a while before he gradually saw the scene that appeared in the picture. It was a fleet of countless giant snails and cat carts, climbing on the red soil continent.

What appeared was the scene of the Kingdom of Djerma 66 crossing the red earth continent.

After watching it for a while, Reinhardt said, "Immediately notify all family members and prepare to fight."

The first time the Kingdom of Djerma 66 entered the North Sea, the battle even started completely.

"It has been notified. The family members have already entered the planned sea area in advance. "Sake replied slowly." Now the eight fleets led by Mr. Ryu and Bender have arrived in the planned sea area, and they can proceed at any time. A round of artillery fire."

"Okay, remember don't fall in love with the battle, just retreat immediately after lighting up the ammunition." Reinha nodded his head. This time he was more fortunate. He successfully predicted the approximate position of the Kingdom of Germa 66 over the red soil continent, so it was approaching the upside Only within a hundred nautical miles of the mountains and seas can we get the news smoothly.

If the place where the Kingdom of Djerma 66 crossed the red land was in an area 100 nautical miles away from the upside down mountain, then he would not be able to monitor the trail of the Kingdom of Djerma so quickly this time. Reinhardt only existed at first. With the mind to gamble, I didn't expect to bet right.

At present, the monitoring work of one hundred nautical miles is already at the limit, and beyond this range, there is nothing that can be done.

Seeing the gradually clear picture, the Djerma 66 Kingdom fleet is climbing fast. After thinking about it, Reinhardt chuckled and said: "As long as Djerma 66 breaks through all defense lines and reaches the Port of Clock, Just consume their troops as much as possible, the more the better."

"But don't fall into their encirclement." Reinhardt reminded again.

"Boss I understand, we have all the artillery and ammunition we have stored in the past few years. Even if we can't defeat the Kingdom of Jermah 66, it should be enough for them to drink a pot."

Sake hehe laughed, and was about to continue speaking, but suddenly felt a strange change in the picture on the projection screen, so he exclaimed: "No!"

At this time, in the secret base inside the red earth continental wall, all of the dozen or so instruments responsible for monitoring the phone worm stopped functioning.

"Repair the imaging equipment immediately." The technician shouted, and the assistant next to him hurried over.

The technicians and assistants were busy on the instrument, but the instrument console did not respond at all.

At this time, an electronically synthesized alarm sounded suddenly in this area.

"Alert, surveillance system No. 18 is invaded..."

"Alert, surveillance system No. 18 is invaded..."

"Alert, surveillance system No. 18 is invaded..."

The harsh sirens attracted the attention of other staff. One of the men hurried over from a distance and sat on the instrument console to check the situation.

The inspector standing behind the technicians naturally heard several piercing alarms, so he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Can it be solved?"

The technician did not answer, but was busy on the instrument console with a solemn expression. After a while, he was sweating profusely. After a while, he hurriedly said to the man next to him: "Head, there is a solution. ?"

The man who ran over is the leader of their technical team.

The team leader focused on tapping on the instrument console, and did not answer him for a long time.

After a while, the team leader slumped down on the chair and shook his head and said, "No, the shielding system and anti-intrusion system have been completely breached. Fortunately, these surveillance phone bugs are independent. The signal source, otherwise the entire base will be exposed."

Thinking of this, he was a little grateful. Fortunately, Lord Duke had the foresight that putting these surveillance phone bugs in an independent signal source would not affect other deployed monitors.

He didn't expect that the Kingdom of Germa 66 would invade the surveillance phone worm system immediately.

Looking at the group leader, there is no way, the technician said: "Then cut off the signal source..."

"Alright, this is the safest way at the moment." The team leader nodded and was about to turn off the phone worm signal source, but the inspector behind him shook his head: "Wait."

"Sake-sama is having a conversation with Duke-sama."

After hearing this, the group leader listened to the action in his hand: "Okay, I will send a signal feedback instruction to Lord Duke."

The technician nodded and immediately started operating on the console.

In an instant, both Sake and Reinhardt received this command feedback.

"BOSS, the surveillance phone worm was invaded by the Kingdom of Germa 66, and now all the surveillance phone worms over there are invalid."

The sound of sake was transmitted to Reinhardt's ears through the phone worm.

"I know, I have also received feedback from them."

Just after speaking, Reinhardt heard dozens of small blasts in the phone worm, which was a signal that the phone worm was destroyed by the monitoring phone worm distributed on the red earth continent.

The projection screen in front of Reinhardt jumped suddenly, leaving only a slightly blurred picture in the end, and it seemed that there was still a surveillance phone bug that had not been destroyed.

He felt a shock in his heart, sighing that the technology of the Kingdom of Djerma 66 is really extraordinary. In such a short period of time, he has detected and destroyed the surveillance phone bugs scattered around the red earth continent.

"BOSS, report over there whether you should cut off the signal source completely, otherwise the conversation between us will be intercepted by the other party."

The sound of sake came in his ears, and Reinhardt chuckled, "Don't worry."

Not cutting off the signal source will not have much impact. At least now that he has learned that the surveillance phone worm signal source was invaded by Germa 66, it is impossible for him to exchange any family secrets in the phone worm with sake.

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