The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 520 520. True Form Moon Lion

Acele was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly found that the Meester held by his left hand suddenly collapsed, and then turned into a fragment of moonlight floating in the air.

This Yuehua began to reorganize and transformed into a real body again.

what is this?

Natural department?

But before he could continue thinking, he saw two identical Meesters appearing not far away.

Such a weird scene, this weird ability to divide into three, Acele saw it for the first time in his life.

With a bang, Acele's body was immediately knocked out.

Right after that, the full moon in the night sky was shrinking rapidly. After the contraction was completed, it turned into a flowing beam of light, which merged into the three bodies of Meister.

A stupefying gust of wind rushed into the sky, and Mestre's strength increased in vain. One foot on the ground, the ground suddenly swelled and shook, and the vibration spread. Just when Aserai was stunned, he saw the opposite three exactly the same. The figure also raised the baton in his hand.

Triple·Dark Concerto·Ye Mei Ming!

At this time, the night is still there, plus the other two clones, this sudden spike is already a qualitative change of energy.

There was a buzzing sound, and three sonic booms piercing the air came from all directions. Huaguang was present, Meester turned into three shocks in the night sky, and countless spurs of golden light appeared in the night sky.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The violent sound was like a dense drum beat, and the crazy stab sound became stronger and stronger.

Aserai's anger sounded one after another, and countless small holes appeared in his body, and blood continued to flow down. After this gust of gust of wind and rain, Aserai's wailing stopped abruptly.

At the moment Aserai died, the night of the entire sky receded, and the light of the world regained.

[Evil Spirit] Dolson Carter Sith, who felt this scene, suddenly had a bad premonition, and then felt the roar of air waves in all directions, and then saw countless blue slashes flying over.

Bone impact!

A strong white glow appeared in the palm of the evil spirit, and a huge white air current rushed past it.

"Asshole kid!" The evil spirit roared, and after the blue slash was cancelled out, it rushed towards Reinhardt angrily.

"You are doomed to fail this time, look at your subordinates."

"It's really clumsy!"

Reinhardt sneered. What happened around him was naturally noticed by his keen five senses, and the evil spirits were also very aware of it. That's why he was so angry. He didn't expect that his subordinates who were powerful in the new world would actually It was killed by Reinhardt's subordinates and the North Sea Naval Branch.

This surprised him very much, and he also had a bad feeling in his heart.

Originally, he was going to destroy Clock Harbor with thunder, but he didn't expect that his side would be the first to retreat. The development of the situation far exceeded his imagination.

Now only hope that there can be further progress in the Kingdom of Germa 66.

But at this moment, a stronger vibration sounded from the sea in the distance, and a white thunder that broke through the sky suddenly exploded.

That is... the moon lion form of the fur clan!

The evil spirit was shocked, and his body shook and was hit by a powerful slash.

On the sea in the distance, a group of ships of the Kingdom of Djerma 66.

A minute ago.

"Long, you dead monkey dared to betray the Kingdom of Djerma 66, so be prepared to be killed!"

Kage's angry voice came, and a strange light appeared on his body.

In the next second, Kage's battle suit was activated.


The lasing electric light hit Long's body, and Long wailed and flew far away.

He watched that all the five members of the Vinsmok family, father and son, had already activated their combat suits. He was slightly surprised. He hadn't seen him in a few years. The children of Kage grew up so fast. Even if Kage did not join the battle, he was The four children who started the battle suit are not opponents themselves.

But he still has his hole cards to use, now is the time.

While thinking about it, Long squeezed the stun gun in his hand tightly, and the tip of the gun snapped and rotated, and then a huge thunder energy rushed into the sky, bursting out countless fires.

His instructions had been issued, and the expected dark night spread in the next second, and the moon projection in the night sky appeared.


Long raised his head and stared at the constantly full moon in the night sky, and there was a burst of hot energy in his mind. This energy instantly gathered everywhere in his body, and finally rushed into his brain.

As soon as the full moon formed, Long's eyes were instantly red, and his body began to skyrocket. The golden hair all over his body turned white, and then the hair grew wildly.

"Kaji...Don't you always study the secrets of our fur clan moon lion form?"

A long and low voice roared from his throat, and every breath he breathed out seemed to be white lightning erupting.

The five fathers and sons of the Vinsmok family who had activated the combat uniforms watched this scene in shock. It was the first time that he had seen this change in him after knowing him for so many years.

Jiazhi knew very well that this was the unique moon lion form of the fur clan. He had wanted to study the reason for the formation of the moon lion many times, but he had no idea.

"Now let you see the fighting instincts in the blood of the fur clan!"


The substantial sound waves erupting from the mouth spread toward the surroundings, and there was a rumbling explosion on the sea.

True Form·Moon Lion!!!

In an instant, the moon lion took shape, Long's body grew by half, his golden hair turned white, and the thunder on his body flickered.

Boom boom boom, the stun gun in Long's hand rotated a few times, and a burst of thunder energy burst out on the deck.


Kage had a deep shock in his eyes. He didn't expect that the Ryu who entered into the moon lion would burst out with such a terrifying aura, then roared and rushed directly with the stun gun.

Behind Kaji, a flash of pink, sparkle red, lightning blue, and emerald green gleamed at the same time. That was the technological ability displayed by the four children of the Vinsmok family in battle uniforms. The five of them rushed towards Da at the same time. Phisis Long.

After seeing this scene, Long Chi's red eyes flashed with a white thunder, and then the stun gun in his hand suddenly waved in front of him.

"Roar...the war beast nation!!!"

In an instant, Long's body turned into a white thunder, piercing through.


The penetrating thunder sound stretched infinitely, and Long's body swelled with majestic thunder energy. At the same time as it rushed out, the group of ships of the Kingdom of Jermah 66 burst into a violent shaking.

The white thunder flies through the group of ships at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. The crossed thunder is like a white meteor flashing in the sky, directly covering all the enemies on the group of ships.


In the next second, Long's body returned to the original place, with a loud shout in his mouth, and then thunder burst through the sky.

Boom boom boom...

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