The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 522 522. Life is hanging by a thread

This long monster is unexpectedly powerful...

Reinhardt thought subconsciously, and then saw the monster surrounding the body of the evil spirit emit a stronger roar, and the huge body rushed towards Reinhardt.

"Now it's two to one!" The evil spirit roared wildly, the black bone sword in his right hand reappeared, and the huge skeleton body simultaneously attacked Reinhardt.

Bang, bang, bang... a series of crisp noises erupted, and Reinhardt was flanked by a skeleton and a long creature. He couldn't handle it, and heavy blows continued from his body.

After a series of heavy blows, he felt that his body was about to split. The body that was already severely injured was more serious at this time.

Oops, this guy can still show such a powerful force at this time, this is in trouble.

Reinhardt furrowed his brows deeply, and was severely attacked as he continued to dodge. If it continues, it may not be long before he will be killed.

Physical strength seems to be close to exhaustion.

Reinhardt was shocked again, and the remaining little physical strength was over-exhausted in this continuous heavy blow.

It seems that you have to use that sign, and you will die if you wait.

He felt the crisis of death firsthand, without hesitation in his heart.

But at this moment, the evil spirit suddenly slapped a powerful energy in his palm on the ground.

Reinhardt suddenly remembered something, the evil spirit had used this trick before.

Oops, his dead men will be reincarnated.

With a roar, the white air current spread wildly on the ground, and in the next second, a special energy burst out of the bodies of the dead black knight Stegia and white knight Aserai.

The flesh and blood on the two corpses began to fade, and after a while they turned into two pale skeletons.

With two humming sounds, the skeleton immediately let out a sharp howl.

After the howl, a thick white mist flashed across the skeleton, rushing to Reinhardt as fast as lightning.

Reinhardt was shocked, and he could fully see the honor of the two skeletons. The skeleton on the left was more than three meters tall, holding a bone knight gun in his hand, and the eyeballs on the skull were extremely black. A crisp sound of bone cracking erupted from his body.

The skeleton on the right is about two meters away, holding a bone cutting saber in his hand, which is similar to the skeleton on the left.

Reinhardt knew at a glance that the skeleton on the left was the reincarnation of the black knight Sturgia, and the one on the right was the reincarnation of the white knight Aserai.

The skeleton holding the bone-splitting saber rushed to Reinhardt and slashed hard, and his arm was numb with tremendous power.

Reinhardt was very surprised that these two reincarnated skeletons were so powerful.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt also understood the specific role of the evil spirit's ability. If the strength in front of the reincarnation is strong, the skeleton's body will be particularly strong in hardness, strength, and speed after reincarnation.

"I also want to thank your men for killing them all."

The evil spirit swept across Reinhardt's sullen eyes, and continued: "If it wasn't for your subordinates to kill, I wouldn't be willing to make them into puppet spirits."

"They now have inherited a part of their physical strength, strength and speed."

"So it's four to one now?"

Reinhardt struggled to stand up, then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"It's good to know." The evil spirit smiled viciously, "I won't give you this kid any more chance next."

An illusory creature composed of black and white air currents surrounds the evil spirit’s side, and two undead skeletons that have just been reincarnated stand on both sides of the evil spirit, like two guards. The bone weapons in their hands exude A strong breath of death.

The evil spirit himself looked at Reinhardt with a sneer.

"This is your last chance to survive, do you want to kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"Pray for mercy?" The long knife in Reinhardt's hand raised lightly, the blue light rippled in the air, and then continued to sneer: "Do you think it's possible?"

"I don't think so..." The evil spirit laughed, and the voice fell. The long creature surrounding the evil spirit suddenly moved. It let out a loud roar, and its body suddenly rose up into the sky, then opened its huge mouth. A black and white energy ball was condensed in his mouth, and then he opened his mouth, and the energy ball surged in the air, turning into a sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters, and flew directly toward Reinhardt.

The two skeletons that had just reincarnated in the distance also rushed past with their bone slicing saber and bone knight's gun respectively, as fast as lightning.

At the same time, the black bone sword in the evil spirit's hand suddenly waved in the air, and a strong and domineering air current rolled up on his side. After this, the evil spirit's huge body suddenly turned into a white meteor and roared past.

Seeing the powerful offensive of these four-headed monsters, Reinhardt showed the calendar dial in his left eye, and the celestial dial in his right eye, with blue sparks flickering on the dial.

Pat... After a crisp sound spread, the hands on the calendar dial in his left eye began to rotate faster.

The hands stopped abruptly, just as they were unified with the hands of the relatively small dial in the left eye. At this moment, it seemed that they had received this turning force. The three hands in the calendar dial accelerated again, bursting out huge sparks.

Boom boom boom boom...Four consecutive attacks hit Reinhardt. The violent explosion covered a distance of 100 meters, and the sky was full of smoke and flames floating around.

The evil spirit's face was calm, and only after a few explosions did he show an arrogant smile.

It was really tricky to finally kill this little devil. If it weren't for the fact that he had an absolute counterattack hole card, it would not be easy to kill this little devil.

But at this moment, there were three bangs, bangs, and needles in the air, as if thunder was ringing from all directions.

what's the situation?

The evil spirit was taken aback for a moment, this strange scene shocked him, and then he felt the familiar and powerful aura again.

Pointer and instruction backtracking!

With a bang, a wave of invisible energy swayed from Reinhardt's body, and a strong undulation appeared on the surrounding ground.

The evil spirit saw a blue light and shadow rising into the sky, like a blue meteor rising from the ground.

how is this possible?

The evil spirit's gaze was shocked, and it felt incredible. He did not expect that he had suffered four deadly attacks from the front, and he had room to return to the battle.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the weird ringing of the bell just now, and the crisp snapping of his fingers...

Bang... the blue light beam descended from the sky and directly hit the evil spirit. The evil spirit wailed, and the body was knocked over, but the three creatures he controlled were not affected at all, and continued to roar away.

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