The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 685 685.Two tasks

Hearing Brady's taunting words, Klockdal immediately roared in anger. He was completely irritated, but instead of rushing toward Brady, he attacked in the direction of Luffy.

"Aren't you afraid of completely angering him, you will be killed by him?"

A mature voice rang in Brady's ears, and Brady looked at the voice and found that Nicole Robin was looking at him with a smile.

"Nicole Robin, I advise you to run away. The CP9 agents have been looking for you..."

Brady chuckled and reminded.

"Who are you?" Robin was taken aback when he heard the three words CP9, then his body trembled.

"Don't ask too much, it's not good for you." Brady shook his head, looked at Robin's somewhat horrified eyes, and then said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, and I won't ask you about [History] Text] The real secret."

"I can't go!" Robin shook his head firmly.

Brady was not interested in continuing to talk to her, so he set his sights on the battle between Luffy and Krokdal.

Krokdal is a natural ability person. Luffy has obviously not learned to be armed and domineering, so he uses the blood flowing out of his body to grab the entity of Krokdal. Therefore, Luffy has gradually gained the upper hand.

Luffy’s combination of physical skills and fruit abilities is quite excellent, coupled with his strong fighting talent and will, already possesses quite strong strength, but he is able to slowly suppress Krokdal in battle, not because of Luffy Strong, but because Krokdal is too weak. Over the years, Krokdal's physical skills have completely degraded, degenerating into a weak person who can only rely on physical skills.

After thinking that Reinhardt had once told himself about Krokdal, Brady turned his attention to the battle again, and the battle between the two became fierce.

Shortly after.


Klockdal smashed the top of the palace directly, his body flew into the sky, Luffy gathered his strength, his legs collapsed and rushed away.

Rubber rubber storm!

Desert·King Kong Sword!

Countless fists collided with the huge sand blade scattered like a lotus, the diamond sword was instantly broken, and Luffy's fisting punches were as fierce as a storm, all of which fell on Krokdal.

Puff puff puff... he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood one after another, and looked at Luffy constantly punching in disbelief. No matter how clever he was, he didn't expect that the majesty Xia Qiwuhai would be defeated by the new Pirate.

Thinking of this, Krokdal's body felt a strong pain, and then he fell into a coma and smashed from the sky.

"Hehe, the way of the world has changed, and the King Qi Wuhai will be defeated by the rookie Pirate."

Brady sighed after seeing this scene, so he shook his head again, stepped out of the underground palace on a moonwalk, and then dialed Reinhardt's phone bug from a hidden location. After the call was connected, Brady started Report everything that happened in Alabastan.

"Krokdal was defeated and flew with a punch by Straw Hat Luffy."

"Well, I see." This is already expected, and there is nothing surprising. The kind of arrogant guy should also pay the price.

However, Klockdal’s failure means that the transaction with him has ceased. Don’t worry about this. He has arranged for Anubi to take people to the Whiskey Peak to receive all the warehouses. Whiskey Peak is the transit point for Reinhardt’s goods. In the past, the cooperation with Krokdal was handled by the two. Now Krokdal has failed, not only will he face jail, but he will also be deprived of his status as the king, Qiwuhai, so Reinhardt must arrange it in the first time. People go to control the warehouse.

After the exchange of the affairs of Alabastan, Reinhardt assigned a new task to Brady.

"You have two important tasks in the next two years. The first task is to investigate information about'Ankahet' within the world government."

"Ancient Kingdom'Ankahet'?"

Hearing this, Brady was taken aback for a moment, and then blurted out. He had heard of these four words from within the world government in the year he entered CP0.

"Yes, your CP0 should not be unfamiliar with this. Your first task is to investigate Ankahet." Reinhardt said calmly.

"Is there a clear investigation mission?"

Brady knew what Reinhardt meant, and as long as the information related to the four words'Ankacht' was investigated, the scope was too wide to focus on.

"Um... what you said makes sense..." Reinhardt continued to meditate for a while, "it would be too much work to check."

"Well, when you are tracing'Angacht', focus on the news of'Rainbow Meteor' and'Ancient Library'."

"The ancient library... are those ancient books collected by'Ankahet'?"

"Yes, those ancient books record some information that we may use."

"Then... what is'Rainbow Meteor'?" Brady asked again.

"It's a weapon, one meter and five meters long, it looks like a sword, and it looks like a straight blade, with only a very shallow arc."

Reinhardt pondered for a moment, then continued, "I'm looking for someone to draw a portrait of the'Rainbow Meteor' to you."

"Well, this information should be able to investigate the clues in Mary Joa." Brady replied softly and asked again, "What about the second task?"

"Investigate information about the'Star Chart'."

"Star map?" Brady didn't understand what a star map was, and Reinhardt had never revealed the secret of the star map to him.

"A mysterious pattern that immediately records some ancient secrets..."

Reinhardt slowly said that there is not much information about the star map, but he has two most important star map data, one is found on the altar of the sky island, the other is in Ankahe Specially found.

In other places, there must be information on the'star map'.

"The priority of the star chart mission is higher than that of'Ankahet'."

After listening, Brady would attach importance to these two tasks tomorrow, so he wondered where to start these two tasks.

After a while, the communication between the two people in the phone worm gradually came to an end, but before hanging up, Brady asked again: "I have got the rubbings of [History Text]. Can Robin catch it?"

"No." Reinhardt shook his head. "We are not in a hurry to interpret the historical text, we just use it for trading."

He has no interest in One Piece at all, no matter what happened in the blank history, no matter what happened eight hundred years ago or even long ago, it can't affect what he ultimately wants to do.

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