The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 697 697. Galaxy Stars (seeking monthly ticket)

After understanding all the outline frames of the giant ship, Reinhardt was very surprised. Although the formed giant ship was somewhat different from what he had imagined in some respects, there was not much difference in the functions achieved. It's all the same, so he is very satisfied with the results of the workshop, laboratory, and Tom Murloc.

There are as many as four power systems on this ship. The power source of the power system comes from the engine moved from Ankahet, and the power equipment of the steam system comes from the family. The family has developed steam technology and it is fully applicable. In the ship system, the wind shell comes from the sky island, which belongs to his sphere of influence. He has long allowed people to transport a large number of wind shell shells from the sky island. These empty island shells are used for backup energy. Normally Will not be used next.

There is the last kind of energy, which comes from Reinhardt's fruit power-comet energy.

In addition to the comet energy, the other three can operate independently, which fully guarantees the power energy of the [Ship of the Century], while the comet energy requires Reinhardt's ability to make the clock on the bow of the ship rotate. , The comet energy will drive the entire ship.

"Boss, you are here."

At this time, Daphis Long walked over from the deck and said.

Reinha nodded and asked, "Can this ship be launched?"

"You can enter the water at any time." Long answered in a deep voice.

Reinhardt walked into the control cabin, saw the joysticks and rudders distributed on all sides, and saw some incomprehensible control equipment, then said in a deep voice: "Then go into the water, this time I am here for this ship. Yes, if there is no problem, this ship will enter the'service' stage."

"I'm going to arrange the helmsman and boatman now, and I can set off at any time." Wood, who had been standing next to him, said, then turned and left.

"Name this ship Reinhardt..." Tom the Murloc, sitting at the helmsman, took a sip of the wine and said.

"What good name do you have?" Reinhardt thought for a moment, then asked Long and Tom the Murloc.

"Think for yourself, I don't have the talent for naming it. This is a big ship, of course it must be named."

"It makes sense." Daficius Long also said in agreement, and then glanced through the imaging equipment in the control cabin, then he pondered for a while, and continued, "That's called... Moonlight Leiwan Number."

"Huh? Yes, not bad, haha." After listening to Long's words, Tom immediately laughed in agreement, "But it's not loud enough."

Reinhardt was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but after thinking about it for a while, he turned and told Anubi who was next to him: "Go and inform the family members. An hour later a video call worm meeting will be held to discuss the naming of the new ship."

"Yes!" Anubi replied respectfully, and started contacting family members.

After a while, Wood arranged the helmsman and boatman, ready to sail.

One hour later, in the conference room on the third floor of the [Century Ship], some family members were seated. At this time, all the family members in Beihai arrived, including the three reserve members, Eddie, Gopher, Demi, and responsible Cole developed and produced in the military factory, Braunk, the Voyager Weiss, Anubi, Daphis Long, and Tom the Murloc who came with Reinhardt.

"Put the outline projection of this ship into the video phone worm." Long commanded.

After a while, the family members finally saw the full outline of [ShiuShiZhou].

Those who did not arrive at the scene have already turned on the video phone worm equipment, and the core members of the family have all been present. This important time, the core members of the family will never be absent. This on the other hand also reflects Reinhardt's superiority.

"Wow... It's so grand, big brother, it's incredible..." Moser said in amazement after seeing the outline of the ship.

"Spectacular!" Blatter's low voice came over.

After everyone was shocked, Reinhardt laughed: "This time I called you together to name this ship. Everyone talked about it."

"I'll come first, I'll come first." Eddie said quickly, and said directly, "The hurricane rushes."

The gopher is not far behind: "Marine Rat."

"Demi is the most beautiful flower in the world..." Demi, who had already come out to be extremely beautiful, covered her mouth and laughed after listening to Eddie and the gopher, and then said softly.

"No way, no way, not grand enough!" Tom Murloc vetoed it immediately.

"Flying Tiger." Blatter's voice came from the video phone worm.

"Flying Leopard." This is Anubi.

Two of them ate the devil fruit in the form of an animal saber-toothed tiger, and the other ate the devil fruit in the form of an animal black panther, so the name he took was also in line with their personal fighting style.

The rest of the family members said their thoughts one after another.

"Mephisto Music."

"The Ark Proverbs."

"The Musketeer."

"Double Star Runner."

"Storm and Rain Swing Sword."

"Dimensional Phantom."

"Moonlight Raimaru."

"Well, these are good." Tom nodded and said.

Everyone's name has a great style with him.

"Sailor Marine."


"Champion Sky!"

Everyone participating in the family meeting put forward their own opinions.

After listening to the opinions of the people, Reinhardt thought for a moment, then turned to look at Tom the Murloc sitting next to him, and asked: "Mr. Tom, what do you think of these names?"

"It's all good." Tom said with a smile, "but the personal style is too strong, and it doesn't fit this [Ship of the Century]."

Having said that, he glanced at the sake in the video phone worm, and continued: "The name Champion Sky is pretty good."

"Well, it makes sense." Reinhardt nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any other names?" Reinhardt said, his eyes swept over the crowd and the video phone worm.

Everyone shook their heads.

"I'll say you can refer to it." Reinhardt said in a deep voice, "galaxyStar..."

"GalaxyStar, galaxy stars!"

"How?" Reinhardt asked after looking at the crowd.

"Better than my Champion Sky." Sake said in agreement in the video call worm.

"GalaxyStar, galaxy stars..." Tom said these words, then nodded.

"This is good and grand enough!"

"In line with the behavioral style of Reinhardt Jobs."

"The stars of the Milky Way...good name."

After Reinhardt said the name, he immediately gained the approval of all family members. After seeing that there was no objection, Reinhardt immediately ordered: "Go and print the words galaxyStar on the hull in the proper proportion. "

So the name of the giant ship Galaxy Stars was decided.

After discussing this matter, Reinhardt did not end the video call worm meeting, but asked everyone to participate in the launching ceremony of [Galaxy Stars].

"Go get ready and get ready to go into the water right away." Reinhardt saw the sky getting darker and darker outside, and the night was suitable for hiding.

At this stage, the Galaxy Stars cannot appear in public for the time being.

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