The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 739 739. The Warring States and Karp Jointly

"You are old, you should be like the white beard, the stage of this era."

"You are actually underestimated by a kid like you!" The Warring States, who turned into a golden Buddha statue, smiled disdainfully.

"Now the little ghosts are more arrogant than the other."

With that said, the huge Buddha image moved flexibly, and every punch burst into a terrifying shock wave. Within the range covered by Reinhardt [Planet], the energy of the shock wave was everywhere like an air cannon. Hart's jumping body stopped.

Even if you want to preserve your strength, facing a serious admiral, you can't avoid it forever, you must take the initiative to fight back.

The two fought head-on. If Reinhardt played against Karp and Sengoku, then Reinhardt had absolutely no chance of victory, but only Sengoku, he was confident that he could defeat the 70-year-old Sengoku. .

"Marshal of the Navy fought with Black Duke Reinhardt."

"Reinhardt will inevitably face crusade by the navy if he wants to start a new war. He will undoubtedly die today."

"Lieutenant General Karp also shot, and Blackbeard was suppressed."

"Marshal of the Navy and naval heroes take action together. This is a grand occasion that has not been seen for many years. This time our navy will win."

After the Warring States and Karp entered the war to kill the pirates, the navy's momentum increased again.

"Chasing Luffy, don't let them run away."

"Kill Luffy, carry out the justice of the navy!"

"The justice of the navy must never be tarnished, and all pirate forces must be eradicated."

Under the chase of the three generals, the navy’s pursuit became more and more fierce. A group of captains of the White Beard Remnant Group were blocking the attacks of the three generals, but they obviously could not stop them, especially the furious Sakaski, whose terrifying strength It broke out completely, even if it was as strong as Marco, it only slightly blocked his advancement.

In Marin Vatican, the azure blue stars are as dense as rain, Reinhardt’s figure and the golden Buddha statue of the Warring States period are intertwined back and forth, roaring vibrations and violent waves continue to sound, the battle is getting more and more fierce. The tendency to sink completely under the sea.

The shock wave of the Marshal of the Warring States slapped towards the rushing stars, and then the huge bergamot clenched his fists, directly predicting the position of Reinhardt's jump, and hammering it down fiercely.

"Accept just sanctions!"

With a bang, the horrible shock wave energy on the Buddha's fist erupted in the sky, and Reinhardt's pupils who had just completed the jump shrank, just falling under the attack of the Warring States Period, so he saw the terrifying light waves like the sound of the falling mountains. Generally, it suddenly came over.


With a wave of Reinhardt's demon sword, countless stars formed a torrent and hit the rushing light wave.

At this moment, Reinhardt suddenly had a bad feeling, and then suddenly raised his head and saw the naval hero Karp's iron fist hit him.

The surrounding air suddenly burst, as if the bones on his body suddenly split.


Reinhardt roared, but his voice was drowned in Karp's fierce fist.

Puff...puff puff puff.

He vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and his body fell directly like a star.

Oops, I'm going to fall into the sea.

Reinhardt felt more anxious than ever. After smashing the surface of the island, there was an endless deep sea below.


He immediately yelled, and Meister, who was chasing the rainy elder group in the distance, reacted, and then rushed quickly, grabbing Reinhardt, and he did not fall into the sea.

With Karp's powerful strength, if he fell into the sea, there would be only one result he faced, and that would be to be locked in the sea tower stone handcuffs and kept in the underwater prison forever.

"Boss, are you okay!" Meister looked at Reinhardt covered in blood and asked worriedly, and then glanced at Warring States and Karp again.

"I'm fine, I didn't expect Karp to drop his black beard and attack me."

"The strength of these two old guys is too strong. If it is one-on-one, I still have the confidence to beat each other, but two-on-one, I will definitely lose."

Reinhardt gasped fiercely, then spit out blood, using the Command Healing Acceleration Ability for himself.

"What to do... Now the Navy wants to completely kill us in the headquarters." Meester said softly.

Reinha nodded his head, he couldn't hesitate at this moment, but he felt that the red-haired Shanks should be coming soon, so he opened his mouth and said: "Prepare to return to the Galaxy Stars. I will retreat when I return to the new world. Blackbeard Pirates."

At the speed of the Galaxy Stars, no matter where the Blackbeard Pirates go, they can catch up.

"Okay." Meester nodded, "Retreat, all members return to the Galaxy Stars!"

After Meister gave this order, the members of the Black Duke Pirates immediately gave up chasing the Blackbeard Pirates, and all returned to Reinhardt.

"Big brother, are you okay." Blatter asked. He also bleeds in many places. He is very strong. Although he was hit hard in the counterattack before the death of the evil king, he still killed smoothly. The opponent, together with Daficius Long who has the form of a moon and lion, assisted, and the battle of the Rain King would only be a surprise result.

"Reinhardt, next time I will kill you all."

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, Blackbeard immediately looked at Reinhardt gloomily. He was extremely angry. He was originally a team that could compete for the Four Emperors, but now only three subordinates remained.

"Little ones, retreat!"

Today’s Blackbeard Pirates, in addition to Blackbeard himself, only Yuzhiliu, Van Oka, Catalina Depeng three people, Lafayette, Bashas, ​​who followed him first, Poison Q was all killed, and the villainous king Abarro Pizarro, the huge battleship San Juan Wolfe, and the great wine Basque Chote were all killed in this battle. dead.

Therefore, he lost the basic plate to compete for the four emperors, but Blackbeard is not reconciled. As long as he can escape, he will do everything possible to find the shaking fruit, and then use the dark fruit's ability to hunt. It will not be long before he can form one. A new group of Blackbeard Pirates.

Not daring to delay the slightest, Black Beard fled immediately with the remaining three subordinates.

"Since all of you from the Black Duke Pirate Group are here, let's accept just sanctions together!"

"Marshal of Warring States, I didn't expect you to let go of Blackbeard like this."

Watching Sengoku and Karp jointly attack him, Reinhardt gasped and said.

"Although I don't want to let Blackbeard go like this, you are the biggest threat to the world government in the future."

Warring States roared, and Karp attacked from two directions.

Together, they are determined to defeat themselves here.

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