The impact energy erupted, and the moment the air flow passed through Diamond’s body, an invisible wave of air was apparently swayed around. After penetrating Diamond’s body, the air flow turned into a white torrent, directly turning a huge building in the distance. Wear a transparent.

The momentum is very terrifying, and the white air waves are like floods.

At this moment, Mond straightened his limbs, the blades on his hands fell, his eyes turned white, and under the impact of energy, a large amount of blood burst out of his mouth, nose, eyes and ears, as well as his back that was unprotected from the blow.


Diamond wailed, being hit with full strength at such a close range, even the Four Sovereigns or the powerhouse at the general level would not be unscathed, let alone Diamond at this time.

Diamond wanted to gather all his strength to fight back, but Blatter's tiger tail clung to his hands, unable to break free.

"I have been avoiding it not because I am afraid of you, nor because I can't beat you."

Blatter took a hard breath, then opened his huge tiger's mouth and smiled sullenly, "It's because I want to save my energy to implement a one-shot move against you."

Click, click, click...

Suddenly, Diamond’s ears heard this heart-pounding crisp sound. It was the sound of tiger fists crushing the air. Diamond’s face changed immediately, and his pupils were filled with fear. He could feel this pair of tiger fists. What a terrifying force is condensed on it, and the armed domineering covered on it is qualitatively improved compared to before. As a large pirate who has been in the New World for many years, he will not know how terrifying the high-level armed domineering.

The pair of tiger fists that are about to be released, in addition to Blatter's own physical skills and fruit power, is also rich in a lot of high-level armed domineering.

With such a close contact distance, with Blatter's tyrannical strength, it is very possible to kill himself in one fell swoop. Even if he can't kill himself by chance, there is a high probability that he will be seriously injured. When the time comes, there is only one word of death waiting for himself.

Diamond's fear touched his throat, but he couldn't say anything. He exhausted all his strength to try to get rid of the tiger tail that Blatter had bound his hands, but he didn't move at all. Seeing that the pair of tiger fists were getting closer, he There was also a strange whiteness around the bloodshot pupils.

Do not……

Upright Hammer!

The horrible energy exploded under Diamond's struggling and astonished gaze. The hundreds of meters on the ground where Blatter stood, all burst under the air wave caused by this blow.


Diamond didn't even yell under this attack, he vomited blood suddenly, and slammed into the ground with a twisted face.

Suddenly, the surrounding air waves were fierce, and the ground undulated for a while, suddenly cracking.

This trick is Blatter's collection of the fruit abilities of the ancient saber-toothed tiger form of the animal cat and cat fruit, the physical skills he has cultivated for many years, the terror power of his talent, and the advanced armed color he learned from Reinhardt. Powerful moves such as the integration of multiple forces can completely destroy the enemy directly from the inside.

Although Blatter is very talented in the practice of armed color domineering, the time for cloth to practice advanced armed color domineering is still very short, so now he can only use it once, so he implemented this combat plan after many considerations. You must find a way to make Diamond not set up a defense at a certain moment, so as to have the opportunity to completely defeat him with high-level armed color domineering.

The vitality of this strong man is very abnormal, and it is difficult to kill him directly with his current strength without this method.

Diamond received a full blow from himself in this situation, even if it was to repair the fruit, he could not recover in a short time.

Huhuhu... Seeing Diamond fell to the ground and struggling slowly, Blatt took a few vicious breaths and walked over again.

In order to completely kill him, the blow just consumed 90% of his stamina, but Diamond was still able to lie on the ground and struggle slowly, which shows how terrifying his physical fitness is.

When he arrived in front of Diamond, Blatter glanced indifferently, Diamond's eyes were filled with a lot of blood, and the blurred vision became blood red.

"" Diamond wanted to struggle to get up, but the bones, viscera, blood vessels and other organs inside the body were completely destroyed by the move just now, and he couldn't stand up.

"I can't... impossible... to lose to a guy like you..."

Blatter stared at the struggling Diamond indifferently, and vomited: "Useless struggle!"

Blatter raised his right fist and slammed it against Diamond's heart.


The dull sound made people feel like a chill. After the punch, Blatter's entire fist was covered with red liquid, and there were some indescribable disgusting things.

Diamond didn't even scream, so he was crushed to his heart and sank to death.

Since then, the great sea pirate Diamond Lance, who has been famous in the sea for nearly two decades, has made the name of the "Blood Diamond" in this world, and has fallen into eternal sleep because of the death of Diamond Lance, Blackbeard. The Pirate Group began an irresistible defeat.

"I hate nonsense people." Blatter looked at Diamond's body and said coldly, and then began to slowly recover. Just now the last punch completely consumed the little physical strength left in the body. The current situation is He was exhausted and unable to participate in the battle in a short time, so he began to use the characteristics of the animal fruit ability to restore his physical strength.

He is an animal demon fruit capable person, one of his advantages is physical strength, and the recovery speed of his injuries is much faster than ordinary people.

At this time, the battlefield was extremely chaotic. Under the dazzling light, the island was shining with a strange bloody light. The pirate groups fighting on both sides lost a lot of troops, and the corpses on the ground were everywhere.

"Boss Diamond was killed." One of the pirates saw Diamond was killed and immediately roared in surprise.

"What? Boss Diamond is dead?"

"Such a strong person was actually killed..."

"how is this possible?"

Some of the pirates widened their eyes in disbelief. Among the nearly 7,000 pirates in the Blackbeard Pirates, some of them were from the old part of Diamond, and a small part were followed by the name of "Blood Diamond". Yes, now their immediate boss was killed by a member of the Black Duke Pirate Group, and they immediately planned to retreat.

"Boss Diamond was killed. We won't make any sense if we continue to fight. Withdraw."

Some pirates immediately began to prepare to retreat. This sentence was echoed by other pirates. They were originally a temporary team, and it is normal for them to plan to retreat after their boss is killed.

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