At this time, Sakarski, who was holding a cigar, said, what worries him most is that Reinhardt will become the four emperors, and this sea still has red-haired Shanks, the beast Kaido , BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling is the three "Four Emperors". It won’t take long for this broken balance to be replaced by someone again, and the person who fills it up must accept all the forces under the White Beard Pirates The Black Duke Pirates.

In the new world, apart from the three sea emperors, no other power is the opponent of the Black Duke Pirate Group.

"You are right, Sakaski." The old man holding the katana nodded in agreement, "Reinhardt went to the'Four Emperors', including when he became king under the Seven Martial Seas, it should be He joined in order to plan to become the "Four Emperors".

"The same goes for Blackbeard. They all want to use the Qi Wuhai under the king as a springboard, and the target is the Four Emperors."

"But in other words, fortunately, the Black Duke Pirates have eliminated the Blackbeard Pirates. If they and the Big Pirates join forces, everything we are doing now will be meaningless."

"With the four emperors as the goal, no one will have the idea of ​​succumbing to others, so there is no possibility for them to join forces."

"Then everyone, let's start, the time left for us is running out." He said in a deep voice holding the sword.

After a while, Fujitora and Lu Niu received two phone worms from the officials, one was a golden phone worm and the other was a silver phone worm. After that, the two walked out of the Wu Lao Xing conference hall, and only left in the hall. Under the five old stars and the current admiral Sakarski.

"What do you think of this matter?" Green Bull asked after walking out of the conference hall.

Fujitora paused for a while, and said, "The old man is just like you. It didn’t take long to join the navy, but just after joining, let the old man perform this kind of mission of exterminating humanity. The old man resisted from the heart, and justice can be done in many different ways. ."

"Haha, it seems that you are really a kind of old man, but this is the first mission for me to become admiral of the navy. If I refuse like this, the five old guys will not be happy." Green New Laughing, he can see that he has no respect for the five old stars.

"The old man thinks in the same way. The status of admiral can help the old man achieve justice. There are too many dirty and nasty people in this world."

Fujitora said in a deep voice.

"Hey, I've heard of your name for justice a long time ago. I didn't expect you to come in with a kick. It's really surprising, but then again, the world government, the revolutionary army, and the pirates are three camps. , And only the world government can realize your justice ideas."

Green Bull looked at him and said that both of them had become famous many years ago, but they both chose to live in seclusion. If the world government had not sent people to actively invite people and promised the position of admiral, he would really Will not break the long-standing seclusion life.

"The old man has been gambling all his life. Joining the navy system of the world government this time is also gambling that the navy will one day clean up the dirt in this world and sort out the waves on the sea."

Fujitora said with the stick and knife in his right hand on the ground.

"Hey, if one day you find that the interior of the navy is dirtier than you think, what should you do?" Green Bull glanced at him. Green Bull does not join the Navy like Fujitora to achieve justice. He joined the navy only for the position of a highly competent general. Besides, he did not want to continue to hide in this new era where many heroes will appear in this turmoil.

Admiral, this is an irresistible temptation.

After hearing this, Fujitora was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "Really...If so, then I will clean up the filth inside the Navy according to my own ideas."

Lu Niu shook his head, ignored his innocence, and asked again."Which one did you choose to follow this time?"

"North Sea."

Fujitora's answer made Lu Niu a little surprised: "Is there any reason for choosing Beihai?"

"The old man heard that the Polkaria Kingdom was well governed by Reinhardt. The local civilians are very supportive of Reinhardt. The old man wants to see it with his own eyes.

Fujitora replied softly, he had a relationship with Reinhardt back then, and since then he can feel Reinhardt’s future is boundless, so he wants to see with his own eyes the Polkaria civilians’ treatment of Reinhart. His attitude, what kind of personality charm, can make so many civilians support Reinhardt so much.

He was very interested in the two diametrically opposed characteristics of Reinhardt. Fujitora felt a strong sense of contradiction from him. On the one hand, he had a cruel, cruel and ruthless dark character, and on the other hand, he was so kind to civilians. His character, what kind of person is this person with such a contradictory character.

Of course, most people in the world possess the duality of personality, but no one has been so strong and extreme as Reinhardt, as if angels and demons are concentrated on one person.

"Strange thought." Green Bull laughed, "Then I will go to the Kingdom of Redding, but Reinhardt won't know that the navy has launched an order to kill demons against these two countries. You can't see that this time. Guys."

"Perhaps, I just want to see the situation in that country."

Fujitora shook his head. Although he was extremely reluctant to execute the Demon Slaying Order, he had just joined the navy now, and it was not easy to refuse it directly, and the task this time was directly issued by the five old stars.

Three days later, the decree to kill the demons authorized by the admirals Fujitora and Lu Niu respectively was activated. Twenty naval warships were separated in the midway sea area, ten were bound for the New World Redding Kingdom, and ten were bound for the Kingdom of Polkaria in the North Sea.

On the other side, New World, some sea area not far from Music Island, at night.

On the Galaxy Stars, Reinhardt and the members of the Black Duke Pirate Group have held several meetings in the past few days to discuss how to deal with the crisis of the killing order.

Reinhardt has already spoken with Dorag in person. The Revolutionary Army will send a group of powerful soldiers to support the Kingdom of Redding. Among these soldiers, the four chiefs of the Revolutionary Army and the chief of the general staff Sabo, with these five people, Coupled with the [Three Aces] [Seven Arms] of the Black Duke Pirate Group, Reinhardt was completely relieved.

In order to prevent the world government from gaining insight into Reinhardt’s movements in advance, Reinhardt dived into the seabed during the day and sailed on the bottom of the sea. In the middle of the night, he surfaced to the surface and speeded up towards the King Reinhardt of Music Island. Also dived into the seabed through a coated boat.

"The news just came that the world government's order to kill demons has been officially launched."

Reinhardt hung up the worm and spoke.

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