The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 796 796.Gravity wave vs planetary swirl

Taking advantage of this gap, Reinhardt immediately jumped to the high sky where the stars revolved. Fujitor also used gravity to guide the wreckage of the warship into the sky, and a large number of soldiers were saved.

Seeing Reinhardt leaping across the sky with ease, Fujitora's mind turned over. Air and sea battles are not his advantages. He must find a way to transfer the battlefield to land.

Thinking of this, Fujitora locked the area where Reinhardt was, and then lightly waved the stick and knife, and a gravitational airflow flew into the high altitude and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Reinhardt was slightly taken aback, was that the trick?

Summon a meteorite attack!

Sure enough, but for a moment, a huge firelight appeared in the depths of the sky, and the firelight quickly fell with terrifying heat, and the target was within the range of Reinhardt.

Although Reinhardt was able to evade, if this meteorite hits the sea, it will inevitably cause a tsunami, which will submerge Clock Harbor, so he looks along the location of the meteorite, and the straight blade in his hand suddenly faces the sky. With a wave.

The invisible slash swept across the sky, and the energy burst at this moment was like dense blade light, directly cutting this super-large meteorite into countless pieces.

The meteorite fragments fell on the sea with huge heat like snowballs, the sea surface was boiled, and a lot of bubbles emerged.

In an instant, Fujitora's attack was blocked, but Reinhardt found that Fujitora had disappeared from the sea.

He let go of his domineering look, and then found the location of Fujitora, who appeared on the shore of Clock Harbor.

It turns out that I just distracted myself so that he can get on land...

Thinking of this, Reinhardt's body also disappeared into the air and came to the land where Fujitora was.

"Don't you want to have air and sea battles with me?" Reinhardt said while looking at him.

"Hehe, I can't fly in the sky like you." Fujitora said with a smile.

Reinhardt looked at him and said, "As an enemy, I don't want to satisfy your wishful thinking, but since you are already an old man with half of your foot in the coffin, I don't care."

"Although the old man is an old bone, and he is still blind, the old man is not so old that he can step into the coffin with half his foot."

As he said, the stick and knife in Fujitora's hand shook slightly, and then Reinhardt felt the gravity spreading around him, and his body was immediately covered.

Within the range covered by gravity, every step Reinhardt took was like carrying a mountain on his back. A distorted scene appeared in the space compressed by reuse, and huge cracks appeared on the ground. It won’t be long before Reinhardt There will be a deep pothole where you are standing.

The superhuman gravity fruit is really terrifying. Not only can it create gravity waves, but it can also control the strength and direction of gravity at will. It can also adjust gravity to apply a gravity circle in the opposite direction to rebound objects and attacks. This is a very powerful Devil fruit, even some natural types, can't match it.

The upper limit of the development of the Superman Devil Fruit is very broad. It is not like the singularity of the natural department, nor is it like the limitation of the animal department. The development of the Superman Devil Fruit depends more on the brain.

This is also the main factor in the development of the power of celestial bodies by the Reinhardt clock fruit.

Seeing that Reinhardt was about to fall into a deep pit, he looked up at Fujitora, then stepped forward, his right hand directed lightly in the air, and the sky full of starlight energy began to move towards Reinhart. Special body gathered.

[Planetary Swirl]!

When this move was completed, the gravity covering Reinhardt was bounced back strangely, and the [Planetary Swirl] applied by Reinhardt also broke at this moment.

"What kind of ability is this?" Fujitor seemed to have seen the scene of [Planetary Swirl] rebounding gravity, so he couldn't help but continue to ask, "It was able to rebound all the gravity waves of the old man."


Reinhardt gave a low laugh, the blue light surrounding his body was moving fast, and it looked as if it was still because of the speed.

"This is the power of celestial bodies." Reinhardt laughed and said, "It's a pity that your meteorite is not a celestial body."

"Haha..." After hearing this, Fujitor couldn't help asking again, "Can the clock fruit be developed like this?"

Among the information provided by the world government, Reinhardt’s physical skills, swordsmanship, and clock fruit abilities, including all the commands developed by clock fruit, and the three tricks [Planet Light] [Cometfall] in the celestial body are the most powerful. The ability, but there is no [Planetary Swirl] attack that can rebound all objects.

"This was developed by me not long ago. The name is [Planetary Swirl]. It can bounce off all objects and attacks, including the gravitational waves you cast."

Reinhardt did not intend to continue to conceal this move, because it has been used in front of the Navy, and there is no point in concealing it.

"Really..." Fujitor was stunned for a moment, and continued, "Just like the old man's gravity, it can form repulsive force to bounce off all objects and attacks?"

"It's really an interesting devil fruit. It doesn't look like an ordinary clock. It can be developed to such an extent by you. You are really a talented young man."

Fujitora laughed, and then squeezed the knife and swung it again. A burst of stronger gravity once again covered Reinhardt's body, but Reinhardt was prepared this time, and his right hand commanded gently in the air. [Planetary Swirl] took shape again, and the gravity wave that Fujitora displayed was bounced out at the same time.

But this time, the [Planetary Swirl] that Reinhardt applied to his body lasted for a while before it gradually broke down. It seems that the firmness of [Planetary Swirl] has increased again under the exercise of Fujitora's gravity waves.

His [Planetary Swirl] has been improved once under the attacks of Joz, Bista, Marco and others. This time under Fujitora’s gravity waves, it seems to have increased its firmness again, [Planetary Swirl] As if he could understand the master's thinking, he was evolving in the direction of'absolute defense'.

"How, the general of life?" Seeing the [Planetary Swirl] on his body gradually shattered, when Reinhardt beckoned, the starlight converged on his body again, and in an instant, [Planetary Swirl] formed again.

There are no restrictions on the use of this trick, as long as there is enough physical strength, it can theoretically be used unlimitedly.

"Hehe, that old man, let's see how far your strength has improved in the past six years."

After Fujitora laughed, he rushed over with a stick and knife.

"That's right. Swordsmen must always have the style of a swordsman, and always use fruit abilities. That's not the style of a swordsman."

Reinhardt waved his blade and slashed.


The blade hit, and there was a violent vibration in the entire Clock Harbor, and then the terrifying air wave directly crushed the surrounding buildings within thousands of meters.

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