The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 810 810. The Four EmperorsReinhardt

After hearing Brin's words, Charlotte Perrospero stretched out her long tongue and flicked in the air, then licked it again and said, "Brin, hurry up and wake mother."

"Hmph, Mom will be angry, I don't want it." Brin curled her lips, her cute eyes rolled.

"Ghost girl." Perrospero flicked his tongue wildly, but he didn't dare to wake his mother easily. Mother hated being woken up in sleep. That kind of anger, even if he was the eldest son. Can't bear it.

"Go to Brother Kata Kuri." Brin said.

Perrospero had to find Kata Kuri. As the eldest son of the Charlotte family, he hated Kata Kuri very much. Although he is an older brother, his strength is far worse than Kata Kuri.

Kata Kuri showed monster-like strength since he was a child, making him extremely jealous.

Perrospero turned and left, and found Kata Kuri within a short while.

"Cart Curry, Reinhardt has become the Four Emperors."

"I saw it." Katakuli said calmly when he heard Perrospero's words.

"Just now there was news from Murloc Island. The Black Panther Anubi of the Black Duke Pirate Group defeated our people and occupied Murloc Island."

Perrospero said quickly.

"When did it happen?"

Hearing the report from Perrospero, Kata Kuri stood up immediately. He obviously took this matter seriously. If there is no dessert of Fish Man Island, then mother's schizophrenia cannot be alleviated.

"Just three days ago." Perrospero said loudly, "Now we must send people to fish island. If we can't take back fish island now, my mother will go crazy if we can't eat the dessert of fish island. Must be thinking of a way to take back the fisherman island."

After the death of Whitebeard, the BIG·MOM Pirate Group organized a manpower to occupy Murloc Island.

In the past, when Whitebeard was still there, although Murloc Island did not belong to the BIG·MOM pirate group, it could still get desserts from Murloc Island. Whitebeard did not have much objection to this, but if Murloc Island became The forces of the Black Duke Pirate Group, with the temperament of the Black Duke Reinhardt, will never let Murloc Island provide her mother with dessert.

What's more, the forces belonging to the BIG·MOM Pirate Group were captured, and he had no reason not to crusade.

The power of Murloc Island is nothing to the BIG·MOM Pirates. The most important thing is the dessert provided by Murloc Island.

The desserts provided by Fishman Island over the years have made BIG·MOM very happy. It is conceivable that if you lose the desserts on Fishman Island, your mother will be crazy.

Murloc Island was once a force of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and it was also an important channel to enter the new world. After the death of Whitebeard, it lost its shelter. For a long time, it was extremely chaotic. Countless pirates flooded into Murloc Island. However, after the BIG·MOM Pirate Group planted the flag on Murloc Island, the chaos on Murloc Island was resolved.

But if you lose the dessert of Murloc Island, BIG·MOM's schizophrenia will break out.


As the head of the three generals of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group, Kata Kuri understood the seriousness of the matter, so he acted decisively and called to Charlotte Irving.

"Brother Kata Kuri, I am willing to take a trip to Murloc Island."

Owen replied with a smile.

"This matter is handed over to you, the fisherman island matter must not be changed, otherwise none of us can bear the anger of mother."

Kata Kuri said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Irving laughed.

After Owen and Perrospero had left, Kata Kuri reread the newspaper of the World Economics, chanting Reinhardt's name.

"I didn't expect this guy to actually become the Four Emperors."

Many years ago, in the sea area of ​​the New World, he had a battle with Reinhardt. At that time, Reinhardt had just become the king of Qiwuhai. He felt that Reinhardt was very powerful. Even he didn't have the confidence to defeat that guy at the time. On the contrary, he eventually destroyed a ship.

New World, the Kingdom of Lei Ting, Music Island.

It has been a month since Reinhardt returned to the Kingdom of Redding. During this time, in addition to taking stock of all his forces and businesses, he was still actively recruiting troops. Therefore, the overall power was expanding very rapidly. The Black Duke Pirates The squad of the squad has expanded to fifteen squads, with a total of 8,000 newly added pirates, plus the remaining 2,000 pirates that were lost due to continuous wars. Now the fifteen pirates squad has a total of more than 10,000 Pirates.

The power of the Black Duke Pirate Group was completely formed, and on this same day, the name of the Four Emperors Black Duke was called out.

"The undercover agents installed by the navy and the world government have already executed some of them."

At this moment Chitila came over and said.

"it is good."

Reinhardt said with a smile, "We can't execute all of them, just to make them think that which of the remaining people have not been discovered by us, we must leave a few people to focus on, so that the world government thinks that we have cleaned up. One cannot be executed without execution, otherwise the world government will doubt it."

Some of the undercover agents installed by the world government this time were seen by Chitila during CP8, so they were removed easily. As for the undercovers that Chitila had not seen, their identity information was Brady. It has been notified, but considering the next plan, Reinhardt is not in a hurry to completely eliminate it.

A few people are left to focus on, and may mislead the world government's intelligence at a critical moment. The most important thing is that the remaining undercover agents are just ordinary crew members of the Black Duke Pirates. He has the confidence to control their words and deeds.

On this day, the Shijingbao newspapers were out of stock. From morning to night, the sky was full of albatross birds, and countless newspapers fell from the sky.

In addition to the World Economic News, countless newspapers around the world are also reporting on the deeds of this historical moment, so the world is full of all kinds of mixed news.

The real new era is coming, and the Black Duke Reinhardt is crowned the Four Emperors-a report from the New World News.

The rainstorm has come, and the waves of the times will sweep the world-from the Seven Islands of Water Newspaper.

BIG·MOM, Kaido, what is red hair?Black Duke Reinhardt is the new king-from Beihai News.

Establish a friendly relationship between the four emperors and revive the economy of the New World-from the news of the New World current affairs.

It's you, the legendary great pirate who made the admiral disgraced-from the Donghai News.

There is a strong man named Reinhardt-from the North Sea Polkaria News.

I am the Four Emperors Reinhardt-from Xihai News.

In addition to these mixed news circulating in various regions, there are countless tabloids, such as a writer from a tabloid newspaper in Great Airway: Ten things that Reinhardt and I have to say.

There are also gossip news such as Reinhardt’s favorite foods, Reinhardt’s favorite wines, which women Reinhart likes the most.

People have a natural interest in gossip, and these tabloids have been sold out in just a few days.

"Hey, brother, look at this news, it's interesting."

In Redding's king's hall, Moselle immediately laughed after reading it with a newspaper.

"There are many titles." Meester laughed as he saw the headline in the newspaper.

This newspaper puts all the names Reinhardt has obtained in the past, including the name of the Kingslayer who was first in the North Sea, and the Time Traveler, who was only recently called, Starlight, Ancient Names such as sword crowns alone accounted for half of the front page.

"Hahaha, it seems that my coronation has become the carnival of the whole world." Reinhardt immediately laughed, sipping the wine bottle.

In the King’s Hall, an unprecedented celebration was held. The core members of the Black Duke Pirate Group, as well as the captain of the 15th Division, all gathered here.

After hearing what Reinhardt said, dozens of people present laughed.

"Come on, cheers to the new era we are about to create!"

Reinhardt stood up, raised the bottle to everyone, and said loudly.

"Cheers to the new era that the captain leads us!"


The wine bottles bumped together.


In 1522 of the Haiyuan calendar, two years after the top war, the New World Music Island Leiting Kingdom, the headquarters of the Four Emperors and Black Dukes.

At this time, the Leiting Kingdom was very lively. A large number of sailboats sailed towards the port on the sea. Posters were posted everywhere on the port. The three characters "Jiuhaohui" were written on the posters.

This is the continuation of the many years of tradition of the Reinhardt Working Society, the wine club.

Since the first wine tycoon meeting was held in 1509 in the Haiyuan calendar, until now, thirteen times have been held in the Kingdom of Polkaria in the North Sea. This is the 14th wine tycoon meeting, and Reinhardt officially became the fourth Eight months after the emperor, for the first time the location of the wine tycoon meeting was placed in the new world.

This year’s wine tycoon meeting is no longer simply a wine fight meeting, it is also a manifestation of the huge power of the Black Duke Pirate Group. Those who can receive invitations to attend the wine tycoon meeting are all big and decent people. Part of it is Reinhardt's long-standing allies.

In the royal city of Budamegas, on the huge Ducal Square, there are a large number of fine wines. In addition to the products of its wineries, some of these fine wines were searched from all over the world.

This time the wine tycoon will be very grand, and it was reported all over the world through the World Economic News. Therefore, there are a lot of people who come here. Everyone wants to compete for the glorious [wine tycoon] city.

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