The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 818 818.Valley of Gods and Star Map

After a simple surprise, Ben Beckman went on.

"Yes, Lockes at that time not only had the ambition to unify the world, but also had this strength, not to mention how terrifying his own strength is. If only his pirate subordinates can work together, they will all be able to lift off. Turn over the strength of the world government."


Reinhardt asked.

"Yes, assuming the premise, if... Because although the crew members of the Rocks Pirates are a group on the surface, they kill each other. The relationship between the crew is very bad. This is also the main reason for Rocks' failure. "

Ben Beckman continued, "These people include the famous White Beard, Golden Lion, BIG·MOM, Kaido, and Silver Axe, John, and Wang Zhi."

"Each of them is a legendary big pirate. I didn't expect that they were all companions of a pirate group back then, and they all seemed to be fake."

Hearing Ben Beckman's words, Reinhardt said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect these guys...they were actually on a boat back then. The truth is unexpected."

"These people, any one of them, in a certain era in the past, is very likely to be king, but they did not expect that they would all gather in these two crazy eras."

After hearing Reinhardt's words, Ben Beckman suddenly said something like this: " are not..."

Reinhardt didn't hear the meaning of Ben Beckman's words for a moment, so he stared at her suspiciously.

"Don't you want to imitate the way Lockes conquered the world? Don't you have the same ambitions for this world?"

Ben Beckman's words sharpened Reinhardt's eyes.

Ben Beckman didn’t care at all, and continued: “Although you are not a member of the D, your identity as a remnant of the ancient kingdom is enough to write more articles to spread this identity around the world, The identity is dyed with a special halo, so that civilians all over the world will identify with you, the only one left behind by ancient humans."

"Far more [orthodox] than Tianlongren!"

Ben Beckman’s words made Reinhardt feel a huge threat. His words undoubtedly touched on the vital point. When the identity of his ancient survivors was exposed all over the world, he thought about this issue. For him, it may not be. It's all bad things, as long as you can create a special halo in this identity, it will be different.

But all this was completely seen by Ben Beckman.

"I can see it..."

Reinhardt suddenly laughed and continued, "It is indeed [Moon] who is called the strongest deputy, not only is powerful, but also possesses such wisdom."

"Haha..." Ben Beckman lit a cigarette and laughed, "Maybe your ancient kingdom identity is inextricably linked to the D clan."

Reinhardt stared at Ben Beckmann, there was something in his eyes that could penetrate people's hearts. After a while, he chuckled and said, "I am me, regardless of the D clan or the ancient kingdom, I have nothing care."

"Really..." Ben Beckman murmured to himself, "but there are some things that the authorities are obsessed with."

"Ben Beckman, don't change the subject, go ahead, even if you are listening to the story, I believe the story of Lockes is thrilling enough."

Reinhardt immediately reminded that he didn't want to spend too much time on irrelevant things.

Through Ben Beckman’s words, he probably guessed some information, but the real identity of the redhead needs to be said by Ben Beckman himself. Otherwise, no matter what kind of speculation is, it is just based on what seems reasonable and reasonable. Above the logical analysis, it is not the truth.

"Okay." White smoke filled the room, Ben Beckman nodded, and less than half of the wine on the table was left. Reinhardt opened another bottle and continued to listen quietly.

"In the Valley of Gods that year, Lockes brought all the pirate members and hundreds of thousands of pirates under his squad to prepare to attack the holy land Mariagioa, completely defeat the world government, and liberate the world's slaves..."

Ben Beckman spoke slowly in a low voice, and a series of flat voices came out of his mouth, which made people feel thrilling and immersive.

A long time later, Reinhardt looked at Ben Beckman in amazement. It seemed that it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

"It turned out to be like this... it turned out to be like this."

Reinhardt muttered to himself, "This seems to make sense, it makes sense...hahahaha."

He suddenly laughed again, "I have always wanted to find the remaining star maps, and have always wanted to decrypt the star maps that could not be decrypted at all. It turns out that these things have also appeared in the Valley of Gods."

"I have told you all the identity information about our head."

Ben Beckman frowned and said.

"Very well, this is a peer-to-peer... and a valuable exchange for both parties."

Reinhardt said with a smile, but at this point, he thought for a while, and then said: "However, I have one more thing I want to ask you personally."

"Personally?" Ben Beckman was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand the meaning of Reinhardt's words.

"It's about the ability of overlord's domineering, I don't think anyone in the world has Shanks who has a thorough understanding of overlord's domineering."

"I want to ask Shanks about the secrets of domineering and domineering."

He expressed the thoughts in his heart. Although his current strength is already at the Emperor level, he has not improved much in the use of the domineering look.

He has always believed that the ability of overlord sex should have a special power that others don't know, but he can't decrypt it at all by relying on himself, so he wants to ask the most powerful man in the world.

Red hair is also the only strong person who relies on the domineering color to cause physical damage so far. Even if Reinhardt's current strength is not weaker than the red hair Shanks, he still cannot use the released domineering color to cause physical damage. Learn the secret of the overlord's domineering alone

"That's it." Ben Beckman glanced at him, and didn't expect Reinhardt to propose such a deal, so he was silent for a moment and had other thoughts in his mind, "Why don't we make a deal."

"What deal?" Regarding the overlord's domineering, this is probably a secret that belongs exclusively to red hair, and its value is inestimable. Reinhardt thought that the other party would not be able to tell him so easily, so he wanted to know the other party's request.

"Take Marko in exchange!"

Ben Beckman's words shocked Reinhardt.

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