The instant he was covered by thunder and lightning, the crackling electric current on his body continued to explode, and the floor was strung into huge holes by thunder. The gravel was covered by electric light and turned into powder in the air.

In the next second, he immediately awoke from the pain of being devastated by the electric light, and then he snorted, and wailed in his mouth, woo....

He spit out blood suddenly. After the electric light passed, he lay on the ground somewhat collapsed, but he didn't seem to lose his mobility completely.

It wasn't long before the whole body's consciousness was fed back to his mind. The pain that was smashed by the thunder frontally could not be described as tearing.

After the electric light passes, his body can move slightly. Fortunately, the electric light disappears in an instant. If it is longer, even if he does not die, he will be completely seriously injured.

After standing up, he raised his head and glanced at the distant tower: "Has his identity been discovered?"

As he said, he took out a grimace mask from his arms, covered his face, and prepared to escape immediately, but at this moment, there was a strange change in his escape route.

I saw a sharp aura formed near the dim light in the distance, and then the light flickered, and the darkness filled the light, turning this space into night.

He was shocked and seemed to understand something, so he said to himself: "Have you been discovered?"

At this time, he had been paying attention to the dark night ahead, and a man in a suit appeared.

"Night Demon Meister."

After seeing this man, the man with the grimace mask whispered, while staring at Meister, he also paid attention to the electric lights flashing in the night sky.

He was cold in his heart. He didn't expect that not long after he had just sneaked in, he would be discovered by [Three Aces]. Was it derived from Ainilu's domineering vision of using the thunder fruit to expand the entire island?

With such a terrifying sight and domineering, not only can you perceive your own breath, can you even sense what you think in your heart?

He came to Budamegas this time, only dressed as a normal tourist and sneaked in. He did not show any clues, nor contacted any internal or external personnel, but even so, he was discovered.

He has heard that Ainilu can not only monitor all the islands, but also feel the thoughts of everyone on the island. He didn’t believe it at first, but now, the reason why he exposed is big. The probability is due to the horror and domineering cause of Ainilu.


Meester stood in front of the man and spoke softly, "It's not easy to find you."

"But I didn't expect that you would really come here this time."

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be exposed shortly after sneaking in."

He answered without fear.

"Should I do it myself, or will you catch it?"

Meester said softly.

"Hehe, the night demon, the head of the Black Duke Pirates [Three Aces], is so naive?" The man laughed.

"That's what I thought." Meester nodded, took out two batons from the cuffs of his suit, and then said, "I haven't played against CP0 in these years. Now I have finally fulfilled this wish."

Ka... The two batons were buckled, and the tips of the batons were swept down gently, and a thick black tide swept across, like a dark current.

After seeing this scene, the man glanced at the tall tower in the distance, then looked at Meister for a while, so he immediately made a decision.


The man stepped on his feet suddenly, and his body immediately escaped into the night sky. His body, which was more than two meters tall, was incredibly agile in the air at this time, and the speed was so fast that Meester was stunned for half a second.

As CP0, although his strength is strong, he is definitely not a [three ace] opponent. Now he is in the city of Budamegas. Once he does it, there is no possibility of victory.

Ceng Ceng... He stepped into the night sky, the speed of his feet crossing only the afterimages.


At this moment, a huge sound of wind rang in his ears, and then he was astonished to see an extremely huge long-handled axe flying in the night sky.

"What..." The man was extremely surprised, the giant axe spinning crazily in the night sky, like a spiral iron wheel.

In consternation, too late to escape, he directly set up his arms covered with hardened armed color to resist.


The crisp sound of impact spread, and a clear bone cracking sound could be heard in the night sky. He was shocked, feeling that the giant axe was full of terrifying power, and his arms that were hardened in armor also trembled tremendously.

This power... is really shocking.

Within half a second of his stalemate with the giant axe, the giant axe broke out with a squeaky tremor, but there was no sign of stopping.

Then, he could no longer withstand this giant axe, and was hit directly into the air, falling from the night sky.

Snap... A crisp voice sounded, and the man fell to the ground fiercely, his whole bones seemed to be about to break.

With a sneer, the giant axe fell from the sky, and the blade of the axe plunged into the ground, just on the side of CP0's body.

The man coughed a few mouthfuls of blood fiercely, and under the dim lights in the distance, the sound of footsteps rang.

He knew this great axe, and then saw a figure walking out of the shadows, opening his mouth full of anger: "Blatt!"

"Hehe, let us [Three Aces] play together, you are proud of it."

Blatter came over and said.

"It's been a long time for you to CP0, and it's been a long time since I didn't show up. I thought I wouldn't be coming."

Blatter's words made him stunned again. These guys seem to know in advance that the world government will send CP0 to sneak in?

Strange, don't these people find themselves relying on Anilu's horrible knowledge and domineering?

If not, what are the reasons for the other criminals caught by Ainilu in the city in this way?

The more I think about it, the stranger it gets.

As far as he knows, although seeing and hearing domineering can reach the terrifying state of monitoring people's inner activities, users of seeing and hearing domineering can also use the domineering of seeing and hearing to evade, and their own domineering level of seeing and hearing is not weak, it seems not. It is too possible to be heard by Ainilu.

And he doesn’t believe that with the strength of Anilu, combined with the fruit of the thunder, the sound can be transmitted in this way at most, but it will never reach the realm of listening to the voice of the heart, even if he can hear the heart of others The idea of ​​​​is just a low-strength person who is not strong in seeing and hearing.

There are many branches of seeing and hearing color domineering, which can make one's five senses sharp, and can also detect the changes in the surrounding creatures' aura, and can also detect the emotional changes in the target. It can also be used to predict avoidance, and even more, it can be short-lived Anticipate future dangers and avoid them.

These are all domineering ways of seeing and hearing, but only a handful of people can reach the level of listening. Obviously, Anilu does not possess this state.

Thinking of this, he seemed to understand something, so he sneered and said: "Hehe, the so-called monitoring of the whole island, it should be monitored only by making a sound.

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