However, Arthur now is not comparable to those strong men in his mind.

Seeing that Arthur did not attack for a long time, he took the initiative to rush to him and punched him: "It's getting late. Although you are strong, you haven't broken the best persistence record in my hands!"

He did not use all his strength, but just adjusted his strength freely according to Arthur's limit to prevent Arthur from getting hurt.

"This time, he definitely can't hold on, and fell asleep obediently." Zefa punched Arthur, and he was sure that Arthur could no longer resist.

Seeing Zefa's powerful fist approaching, Arthur suddenly raised his sword with both hands, and his eyes flashed: "Dragon bounce!"

Only a loud noise was heard.


The fist landed on Arthur for a moment, and was suddenly bounced away by Arthur.

The sudden huge force shocked Zefa, and his body lost its center of gravity without exception.

"What...?" Zefa was shocked, thinking: "He used his skills to dissipate a lot of the power of my fist at that moment?"

"Get going!" The ground of the playground where Arthur was located cracked due to his momentum, and he stabbed Zefa, who had lost his balance, with a knife.

All the elites watching the game stood in awe, not daring to imagine the scene on the playground below.

The tip of the knife stabbed out quickly, and Zefa suddenly stepped on the air and dodged sideways, causing Arthur's stab to miss.

Arthur's eyes moved in his eye sockets, looking at Zefa in shock, thinking: "Six Styles·Shave can be used like this? I thought that move was sure to hit! Is this the general?"

"Cooper..." (How can there be such a powerful human...) Cooper lying on the playground had never seen anyone who could avoid Arthur's knife.

"What a joke... I thought I was very strong." Arthur said secretly, watching Zefa dodge his stab and punch him again.

The force was twice as strong as before.


The explosive punch landed on Arthur's body, knocking him directly into the ground.

"It's over. I have to say... You are the third one who persisted in my hands..." Zefa laughed, and saw Arthur standing up again with blood all over his body.

In less than two seconds, he stood up again-

Arthur tore off the bandages on his body, revealing his lean flesh and the two scars he received in Punk Hazard.

"I won't fall." Arthur's whole body was sank, and he stabilized his shaking body, wanting to continue to confront Zefa.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Zefa was moved by Arthur's perseverance, pointing at Cooper and asked: "If you go on like this, you are just showing off. Look at your eagle, it has learned to surrender."

"If I fall, we will all die." Arthur Zefa said. Now he is no longer the naive time traveler in Rapeseed Village.

After experiencing two missions, he found that every battle was like a gamble of life.

Besides, he seemed to have died once.

In order to push Arthur to his limit, Zefa attacked him again.

Suddenly, Arthur suddenly found that he could sense Zefa's attack consciousness, and his body predicted it in advance and moved.

He adjusted his body slightly, dodged Zefa's fist, and slashed at his body with a knife.

Zefa, whose punch missed, quickly dodged it, and the blade slashed from his side, falling on the ground and opening a knife gap.

Zefa suddenly realized that something was wrong, and frowned slightly: "A coincidence?"

"Haha, it's interesting." Arthur suddenly grinned: "Ask you something, instructor."

"I prefer people to call me Z, or say Zefa teacher." Zefa introduced himself to Arthur.

"Well, Mr. Zephyr." Arthur changed his words: "Before I am knocked down by you, can you tell me whether Observation Haki can see some hidden and unmotivated creatures."

Zeffer was shocked by Observation Haki. The feeling just now was not an illusion. Arthur did use Haki to dodge his fist.

He looked forward to Arthur even more and responded:

"No, Observation Haki can only predict people with murderous and hostile intentions. If a person lurks beside you quietly, it is difficult for you to find him."

So that's it. Arthur finally understood the rules of Observation Haki and dispelled his doubts.

Observation Haki is not a radar.

"Let me see where your limit is, Arthur."

This battle test lasted for two and a half days...

Marinford, Zephyr's training base playground.

Zeffer looked at Arthur, whose muscles were about to explode, and couldn't believe that there was such a person with such perseverance. It was unprecedented.

No matter how many times he was knocked down, he would get up again and face him.

"Hey, get me some food, Cooper." Arthur walked to Cooper and kicked him with his leg.

After receiving the order, Cooper immediately flew over the sea to find food for Arthur.

Arthur still held the knife and watched Zefa, but his eyes were scattered., lost its luster.

After Arthur experienced two actual combat growths, his body's endurance and physical strength became stronger.

He couldn't believe that he could hold on for so long.

"You actually adapted and grew madly in a sparring battle. It's hard to imagine how much you will grow in the next two months!"

"I won't fall down." Arthur roared at him like a beast.

Prepare for the next confrontation and attack prediction.

"I won't fall down either, it's still a long way to go!" Zefa also began to learn and said the same thing to Arthur.


"Marshal Kong, something bad has happened!" An instructor under Zefa hurried to the marshal's office to report.

"What happened? Is there another war overseas?" Kong was annoyed by what happened in recent days.

I thought it was another war between non-member countries.

"No, Marshal Kong, the new recruits recruited by Chief Instructor Zefa and Dorag have been fighting at the training base for three days!" The instructor said to Marshal Kong with a worried face.

"What?" Kong was shocked. "The new recruits fought with Zefa for two days?"

"Marshal, go and stop Chief Instructor Zefa. If they continue, someone will die!"


The elites in the training base were given two full days off because of the competition between Arthur and Zefa.

"That boy is stubborn. Only a fool would insist on it. His body must have reached its limit, right?" The new recruit named Kaji said as he looked at the two of them.

"The ground is in a mess. How many days will this competition last?"

"Hey, Kaji, look over there... over there!" A soldier next to Kaji patted his shoulder and pointed at a group of female soldiers in the distance.

"Ah?" Kaji looked around and his eyes straightened up.

Gion and a group of female soldiers watched the competition between Zefa and Arthur not far away.

"No... She is too beautiful today." Kaji touched his short hair and decided to confess again.

The people around Kaji were speechless, and they all said in unison: "When did she become unattractive in your eyes?"

"Instructor Zefa and that new kid have gone crazy." Kaji moved his limbs on the spot, glanced at the people behind him: "Brothers, watch my performance, this time it will definitely be a success."

Kaji's appearance is very ordinary, but he has an invincible physique.

That is absolute confidence and optimism.

He ran towards the direction of Gion with a run-up, then knelt down on his knees, slid and kowtowed in front of Gion's slender thighs.

"You...what are you going to do, Kaji?" Gion looked at Kaji with disdain: "The instructor is still fighting with the new boy, what are you doing to me?"

"Be my girlfriend, Gion!" Kaji looked up suddenly and shook his plain face: "This is my 36th confession to you. I named it, Fancy Romantic Diving Kneeling Confession!"

" are a good person, Kaji. But we are really not suitable." Gion held his forehead in public, even though he had experienced it many times, he still felt so ashamed.

"I will never give up, Gion!"

Instantly, Kong Ganggu quickly came to the base where Zefa was, and saw Arthur holding a knife and fighting Zefa in the playground.

The fast-swinging blade could not touch Zefa at all, but Zefa's fist could hit Arthur from time to time.

Both of them had smiles on their faces——

"The physique of that new recruit has been heard by the Five Elders." Kong Gang stood quietly outside the field, his arms crossed as he watched the fight: "I didn't expect it to be so terrifying to see it with my own eyes."

"Stop them, Marshal, it will kill people!"

"Zefar knows his limits, don't worry..."

The Navy instructor was speechless. He asked Kong Gang to end the competition that lasted for almost three days, but he didn't expect him to come to watch the fight.

"Keep working hard! Hahaha——!" Zefa's uncontrollable laughter reached everyone's ears.

Looking at the resolute Arthur who kept swinging his sword, it seemed as if he saw that there was still hope for the Navy's future.

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