The gentle wind spread across the island, and all the trees fell. Dorag had a strong aura. He walked to Arthur with his hands in his pockets and looked at him lying on the ground.

"You are strong, but you have no combat experience. Without combat experience, no matter how strong your physique and strength are, you will be defeated."

Arthur smiled faintly, "So, I am now wandering in a wonderful mood, a happy mood that can change the way I live now."

Arthur's sailing skills are very poor, and he doesn't want to live in a muddle anymore, so he must change the status quo.

He said again, "Colonel, have you finished clearing out the bandits? Let's go tonight."

"So soon? Why not wait until tomorrow to set off?" Dorag didn't understand why Arthur was so anxious.

"Tonight. Cooper, come and help me." Arthur didn't want to pay the rent.

Except for the rapeseed field that he had cut for ten years, he didn't miss anything else.

Ten years of self-discipline, almost no social interaction, no new things.

His thinking level is still at the level of a four-year-old child who just crossed over, eager to contact new things.

Dragon can't stay in the East China Sea for long. The pirates flooding the Grand Line need these monster navy who have just debuted to suppress them.

Especially the Flying Pirates that have recently emerged.

Most of the remnants of the former Rocks Pirates have joined this pirate group, led by the remnants of the Rocks Pirates, the captain of the first team, Golden Lion Shiki.

He is very ambitious and has the ambition to conquer the world.

"I just can't stay in the East China Sea for too long. This time I come back to patrol the security of my hometown regularly." Dragon said to Arthur, "Fortunately, I came here and found a talented guy like you."

The navy soldiers heard the sound of the battle on the island just now and came to the rapeseed fields on the island fully armed.

"Colonel! What happened on the island? Did you hear the sound just now? Are you fighting?"

All the soldiers were on guard around them, but they didn't find anything unusual, except that many rapeseed fields were destroyed and a house was destroyed.

"Nothing happened. I was testing the new recruits!" Dorag explained to the soldiers.

"New recruits? He wants to join our navy?!"

Then he gave a serious order, "Yes, everyone is ready to sail and return tonight."

The assembled troops obeyed the order and quickly returned to the dock warship to prepare for sailing.

Supply, water, check wind direction.

Arthur and Cooper followed Dorag from the island to the dock. Looking at the huge warship docked at the dock, they exclaimed, "It's so big! How many soldiers are on this warship, Colonel Dorag?" Dorag replied, "300. Generally, there are 800 soldiers when going out to sea for missions. The peaceful scene in the East China Sea does not require such a big fight." Compared with the North Sea with advanced technology, the South China Sea with strong strength, and the West China Sea with mafia everywhere, the people in the East China Sea are more like living in a harmonious society. This sea area is very suitable for retirement and is called the weakest sea. "Really... 800... That's a lot." Arthur was a little surprised. Generally speaking, the navy he knew only had 800 people at the level of vice admiral. Dorag, as a colonel of the headquarters, also had such a configuration. From this, it can be seen how tense the beginning of this era of the rise of the remnants of Locke was. "Don't worry, as long as there is no mission, I can train you every day!" Dragon smiled and patted Arthur's shoulder, "I can see the infectious righteousness in you!"

Arthur secretly rejoiced, but still responded, "Then you really saw it wrong."

He just joined the navy to become stronger, and his strength was bottlenecked and could not break through again.

Drag focused his attention on the hilt of the knife on Arthur's waist, "By the way, are you a swordsman? Why don't you use a knife on your waist?"

Hearing this, Arthur looked down at the sword on his waist and smiled faintly,

"This is, self-discipline!"

Seeing the smile on Arthur's mouth, Dragon became a little curious, "Huh? In other words, your kendo is better than martial arts?"

"If you don't know swordsmanship, I just know a powerful swordsman in the East China Sea, and I can take you to learn for a few days."

Arthur refused, "No, Colonel Dragon, I just want to learn the six styles now."

Bulu Bulu, the sound of a call from Den Den Mushi suddenly rang on Dragon's body.

This made Dragon take out a creature that looked like a snail, with the Navy's iconic icon and a seagull on its back shell, and held it in his hand.

Dragon looked at the mission Den Den Mushi in his hand and answered it with awe, "This is the Navy Headquarters, Colonel Monkey D. Dragon, is there any new instructions from the headquarters?"

Dragon Den Den Mushi opened his mouth, "Colonel Dragon, please return to Marinford immediately, a big event happened on the Grand Line."

"Big event? What exactly is it?" Upon hearing this news, Dragon's expression became more solemn, which meant that a new mission order had arrived.

"The captain of the pirates under Golden Lion Shiki is leading the pirates to occupy the naval branch bases we have built on the islands of the Grand Line."

"However, the intelligence source this time did not find any trace of Golden Lion Shiki himself. The headquarters intends to let you, Sakaski, and Brusalino go there for some training."

"Please return immediately and meet up with Colonel Sakaski and Colonel Brusalino in Marinford."

The informant on the other end of the Den Den Mushi told Dragon the goal of this mission.

Arthur, who was standing aside, was also solemn because he heard the name Sakaski.

A name that all One Piece fans hate.

Dragon received the mission instructions, looked at Arthur beside him thoughtfully, and said, "Sorry, Arthur, I received an urgent mission. If you want to learn the Six Styles, it will be difficult to understand the theoretical knowledge of the Six Styles after returning home these days."

The navy soldiers were very surprised. Seeing that their captain treated Arthur so leniently, they thought that he must have something special.

"Theoretical knowledge?" Arthur showed a disdainful expression when he heard what Dragon said, "Colonel, let me practice directly. Theory is useless. Only practice can bring out the truth!"

The Navy Six Styles requires a certain physical foundation to learn, but Arthur has already laid a good foundation.

"You are too anxious... Go and register some enlistment information for yourself and your eagle first."

Dragon pulled Arthur into the office and filled in his personal information.

Arthur looked at the resume template with an embarrassed look on his face, "My birthplace country?"

In this world, he has no information in the World Government Archives, let alone the country.

"You don't even have a birthplace? The Grand Line? Or one of the four seas?" Dragon saw that Arthur was slow to write, and asked.

"No. "Arthur said.

"Okay." Dorag was a little confused, "Your situation is also very common."

"I don't remember where I was born, and I don't know who my biological parents are. Well, I've seen too many such things."

"Just fill in the Kingdom of Goa, or some other town, and I'll register you when the time comes."

War, orphans, corpses, Dorag has been training with Garp since he was a child. He has been exposed to those things since he was a teenager and has seen too many.

Subconsciously, Arthur is also considered a part of it.

"Then I'll write Rogue Town as my birthplace. Age, just turned 14 today. Birthday, October 19. Height, 189cm..., I love to eat dumplings with all kinds of fillings. "

Arthur wrote and talked in the cabin of Dorag's warship, writing all his personal information.

He handed some test data blanks to Dorag without writing them.

Looking at the personal information Arthur handed over, "Well, it seems that you don't have a substantial understanding of your body. Lack of practical experience. After this emergency mission is over, if you are still alive, I will test you again."

"There is nothing for you to do today, go down and rest first."

As he said, Cooper, who was following Arthur, also filled out a personal information sheet with his feathers and handed it to Dorag behind the desk.

This surprised Dorag very much. An eagle can actually write?

He looked expectantly at the personal information handed over by Cooper, and his face suddenly darkened.

All the blanks on the paper were written with the word "Cooper", which was written very beautifully.

"When will you teach me the Six Styles? Colonel. "Before leaving, Arthur asked Dorag for methods and insisted on learning the Six Styles of the Navy.

Only in this way can he achieve a breakthrough in strength and become stronger.

"I say, you go and rest now. You should do things step by step. Why are you in such a hurry?" Dorag began to deal with his report documents for the day, without looking at Arthur standing in front of the desk.

Arthur had a flat expression and planned to leave with Cooper. He said, "Where should I sleep? The accommodation has not been assigned yet."

After saying this, Arthur saw that Dorag was still busy with his own affairs and ignored him, so he took Cooper out of Dorag's office.

I don't know how long it took...

After Dorag finished dealing with the bandit suppression report in his hand, he looked up in front of him, thinking that Arthur was still there, and said, "Ask the quartermaster to arrange it for you... Where is the person? "

Dorager looked at the time and it was already 5 a.m. He looked out the porthole and found that the warship had set sail from Rapeseed Village and was sailing on the sea.

As a navy, it is common to work so hard that you forget the time.

At 5 a.m. on the deck of the warship, the first thing Arthur did when he woke up wasThe first thing Arthur did was to wake up Cooper, who was his pillow.

They lay on the swaying side of the ship, blowing the sea breeze and slept all night.

"Cooper, get up and catch fish." Arthur grabbed Cooper's eagle-headed neck and shook it hard to wake him up.

Cooper's unconscious state immediately became firm. In the early morning before the sky was bright, he spread his wings and flew over the dark sea, ready to find food in the sea.

The first thing Arthur did when he got up was to lie on the deck and start exercising immediately.

Due to the lack of training common sense in the world of One Piece, his training was all some street fitness movements.

The navy soldiers guarding the deck looked at his and Cooper's terrifying execution ability, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads involuntarily.

"What's wrong with these two guys? They've only been awake for less than a minute, and they've already started to clearly divide the work?"

"Why did that eagle fly to the sea? To catch fish?"

"I don't know. Look at the look in the boy's eyes on the deck... It's too determined."

One, two, ten. In less than a minute, Arthur did more than 300 explosive push-ups. His arms and core were not tired at all, and he did them faster and faster.

Even the navy soldiers who had received professional training from the headquarters were shocked during the wait-and-see process.

"In this world, the original conventional body structure of the world has been broken, but this kind of training alone can no longer improve my strength..."

"When will Dragon give me the Six Styles? As long as I master the Six Styles, even some animal-type devil fruit ability users will not be intimidated."

"He is planning to take me to fight. I have to follow him to the Grand Line to fight the Flying Pirates right after joining the navy..."

"I lack practical experience."

Arthur thought to himself and worried about his life.

He was not the kind of guy who would risk his life for a fight, because he had no reason to risk his life for a fight now.

If he had to say one thing, it would be to become stronger.

But now, becoming stronger can also be improved by learning some moves, and it is not to the point where you can't improve without fighting.

When Dorag came out of the cabin and opened the door, he saw Arthur training on the deck with a determined look on his face.

"Hey, Arthur..." Dorag wanted to ask Arthur to follow him and assign him accommodation, but he found that he was training with extremely terrifying concentration and couldn't bear to disturb him.

After a long time, Arthur stopped training until Cooper came back with a big fish weighing 10 to 20 kilograms in his eagle claws.

The sky was just bright, and he did a total of four kinds of training: push-ups, sit-ups, punching and swinging a knife.


Cooper shouted, stopped in the air and threw the fish to the deck.

Then he landed beside Arthur with a fog all over his body.

Whoosh, Arthur drew his sword and cut the fish in half, then quickly sheathed it and gave the larger half of the fish head to Cooper.

"Eat it, Cooper, to replenish protein."

Dragon and the people on the boat looked shocked.

"Eat it raw?!"

"No, breakfast will be ready soon on the boat, why are you doing this?"

Arthur turned his head and looked at the navy with a confused look on his face, holding the raw fish meat and chewing it, saying,

"I'm used to it..."

These three simple words made Dragon, who was standing in front of the cabin door, feel that the strength of the boy in front of him was not accidental.

It also made him feel a little pitiful.

From the rapeseed village, he learned that he lived alone at the age of four and had a companion after saving an eagle.

Except for being polite to people when selling game, he spent most of his time exercising.

"Get used to it? What's wrong with you? Could it be that you were raised by savages since you were a child?"

"Shut up! Everyone should do their job!" Dorag ordered, asking everyone to go to work.

"Yes, Colonel!"

Arthur watched everyone leave, feeling a little puzzled. He had been numb to this kind of life for ten years and had long been used to it.

If he were on the island, he would be hunting with Cooper in the foggy forest.

"Is there a bathroom on the ship? Colonel Dorag." Arthur ate the fish in a few bites, checked Cooper's body, smelled himself, and planned to take a bath.

"Cooper!" Hearing the word bathroom, Cooper wanted to spread his wings and escape, but was caught by Arthur.

It didn't want to take a bath, and hated taking a bath.

"Come with me, Arthur." Dorag didn't seem to have so many rules for the officer class for Arthur, and took him to the quartermaster to get a suitable navy uniform.

Cooper was assigned a top and a navy hat.

"Which of the six styles do you want to learn first, Arthur?" Dorag planned to give him the six styles and let him practice them first to see the results.

Outside the warship warehouse, Arthur was holding his uniform, a little excited, "Of course I want to shave. If I learn how to shave, I can understand the Moon Step myself.and Lan Jiao, killing three birds with one stone. "

Drag nodded, thinking Arthur was very smart, and said,

"Then you try first, can you let your feet step on the air." After saying this to him, Drago left, waving his hand with his back to Arthur, "The bathroom is on the middle deck, I'm going to sleep first."

Arthur and Cooper were stunned, stepping on the air?

If this kind of thing that goes against common sense was placed in the original world, he would definitely think that the other party was sick.

But this is the world of One Piece, and the premise of learning the six-style shaving seems to be stepping on the air at high speed, generating explosive speed and power to move in the air.

He was not sure, but decided to try it.

In a simple bathroom on the middle deck of the warship.

Arthur, with a white towel on his legs, washed Cooper's stinky body from head to toe.

The bath water rushed into the warship pipe and discharged into the sea.

"If you don't like to take a bath, I'll kill you, you stink! "

Although Cooper was very reluctant, he still had to obey and let the mean Arthur pick at his body and clean it.

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