"Hey! Xiaoya! Hurry up! Xiao Bai looked speechlessly at Keya and Gureva who were still 'saying goodbye' on the other side. Thinking depressedly. "It's said that two women have one play, but now it's all N, why haven't you finished singing yet!!


"Oh! The little guy over there seems to be impatient waiting!!" Gureva said, sipping her wine. "Hehe, Grandma Greva, thank you so much for curing my illness!!" Huha, if you want to thank the little brother over there. If only he hadn't. I won't die, but I'll probably spend the rest of my life in bed!!" Greva grunted and drank again. "Hmmm! Shiro is a very gentle person!? Then there will be a date!! Grandma," Koya bowed and ran.

"Ahh BY THE WAY, YOU MUST HAVE MODERATION IN YOUR YOUNG LIFE, OTHERWISE, YOUR BODY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HOLD IT! After saying that, Grueva was grunting again, and 'bang' Koya listened to Grueva's words, and fell to the ground shyly. Shout. Keya rushed towards Xiao Bai at a speed beyond Liu Xiang's reach. Fly and pounce. And they fell. It's falling. Fell under a cliff.

"Wow! Xiaoya! I'm glad you're so welcoming, but we're both going to die!!" Xiao Bai smiled and touched the head of Keya in his arms. "Humph! I know it's ruthless. And, I know Shiro won't let me die. Keya said without changing her face. Hahaha! That's a must. Xiao Bai smiled and kissed Keya.

"Ahh Why didn't Xiaoya cooperate! I've Xi been practicing for a long time!? Xiao Bai said embarrassedly. "No, I'm going to punish you. Let's take it!! "


"Hmmm! Something seems to have fallen into the yard!?" Keya walked to the window suspiciously. "Hey! Usopp, what are you doing? "

"Alas! Keya, you're back! I'm worried about you in the past few days!?" Usopp said jelly, "Ah! This is Luffy, this is Zoro, and this is Nami. They're all my friends! "Hey! What do you want to do, the son of a third-rate pirate," Usopp was about to climb the tree to find Kaya, when Krabatru's voice was heard.

"What's wrong! Xiaoya, we have to continue!!" Xiao Bai hugged Keya and said. 'Oh! Luffy. Sauron. Nami turned out to be gone, and Aaron Nami would still go to sea. Xiao Bai thought about it and rested his head on Keya's neck.

"Hey, what kind of person are you, why are you leaning on Keya's neck." Usopp shouted with a flushed face, took out his slingshot and aimed it at Xiao Bai.

............................"Ahh "

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