However, the Akatsuki organization that made a huge noise in the war at the top seemed to be like the last Sabaody Archipelago incident, and fell silent again after the incident.

No one knew they were in, and there was no trace of them!

They were like a venomous snake lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move. As long as it attacks, it will definitely pursue a one-shot kill!

Time passed like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye it was half a month later!

In this half month, the New World seemed surprisingly calm... The pirate groups or other forces that were originally conflicted and ready to go to war all tacitly quieted down, preparing to settle the grudges later!

After all, the atmosphere in the New World is really very strange now. According to some people... After the Whitebeard Pirates were eliminated, the territory that had become a no-man's land was actually not fought for!

You know, among the four emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates' territory is almost the largest one... It makes all forces envious, but they can't do anything about it. After all, as long as Whitebeard is alive... People can't have other bad thoughts!

But after Whitebeard's death, he was left there so abruptly... The most aggressive Beasts Pirates did not move, and even the navy did not go to recapture it, as if that place had some kind of magic!

Only a very few people know some secrets. In fact, the various forces did not move to grab the territory, but the people sent out did not come back!

Time passed in a flash, and another half a month passed in a blink of an eye... The New World is still so peaceful. This month may be the most peaceful time in the New World for so long. There are almost no wars, only very few small-scale wars, and the number of casualties is also pitifully small... It can be called a small fight!

Of course... The Akatsuki organization that everyone has been thinking about still did not appear, as if it had really disappeared. The long-lost peace in the New World made many ordinary people very happy!

After all, what they expect most is peace, because only peace can have the opportunity to eat enough, and the first thing that war takes away is their lives!

But everyone knows that the peace of the New World is false now. It is just the calm before the storm... And the fact seems to be so!

One month after the war at the top, another major event broke the long-lost peace, and this event was also about the navy!

That is, the former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku, resigned and will step down as the Admiral of the Navy... and the next Admiral of the Navy will be selected from the current three admirals of the Navy!

What is the position of the Admiral of the Navy? As we all know, the Navy has always been the real overlord of the sea, the real first force!

A single Four Emperors Pirate Group is not the opponent of the Navy at all. Several top combat forces similar to the Admirals of the Navy, plus dozens of Vice Admirals of the Navy and millions of Rear Admirals of the Navy... and countless Navy soldiers are the real foundation of this first force!

So the title of Admiral of the Navy is almost equivalent to the status of the Pirate King to the Pirates, or even more... After all, the Admiral of the Navy can really command all the forces of the Navy, and the Pirate King Roger is just an idol in the hearts of pirates!

So... the replacement of the Admiral of the Navy is naturally a huge news, not only for the Navy, but also for the civilians or the pirates!

Because the will of the Navy Admiral represents the will of the entire Navy in a certain sense, and its influence is not small! For example, the Navy led by the previous Navy Admiral, Kong Gang, gave people a different feeling from the Navy led by Sengoku!

The former was more radical because he was in a war-torn era, while Sengoku emphasized the word"stable". During the period when he led the Navy, the war in the New World was indeed the least in history... The death rate was extremely low!

However... because of Sengoku's peace policy, the pirates became more and more powerful at that time, and there was even a trend of not taking the Navy seriously!

Now the Navy is going to change the Admiral... How can everyone not be excited!

The eyes of everyone in the New World are once again on Marinford!


At this moment!

Marine Headquarters, Marinford!

After Sengoku submitted his resignation to the World Government and announced his indefinite resignation from the position of Navy Admiral, Marinford was in a weird atmosphere!

Because the Navy Admiral must be selected from the three Navy Admirals, and each Navy Admiral represents a different faction of the Navy. It is extremely important for them to have the Navy Admiral who represents their will sit on the position of Navy Admiral!

Well... In fact, not every Navy Admiral has faction support behind him!

For example, Kizaru, one of the three contemporary Navy Admirals, is a weirdo. It was unexpected for a group of people to become a Navy Admiral, and naturally no one bet on him!

After all, his temperament is too weird. You say he is responsible, but his face looks like he is in a state of panic. You say he is irresponsible, but he is very reliable at critical moments!

Extremely contradictory!

Being a Navy Admiral is already something that everyone reluctantly recognizes because of his strong strength... If he is a Navy Admiral, then forget it!

They can't believe what will happen to the Navy if Kizaru becomes the Navy Admiral?

So at the beginning of the competition for the position of the marshal, Kizaru was out!

And Kizaru had no objection to this, on the contrary, he was happy about it!

So the admiral of the navy will be directly selected from Aokiji and Akainu!

Although the temperaments of these two people are also very strange, at least they are within the acceptable range, and they have factions behind them.

Behind Aokiji are the conservatives, that is, those who focus on peaceful means to govern the sea and deal with pirates. Behind

Akainu are the pro-war factions, who focus on toughness and ferocity, are extremely enthusiastic about war, and are determined to eliminate all evil!

The concepts of the two are almost completely contradictory, and even have great contradictions. This is the first time in the navy in so many years.

So this time the appointment of the admiral of the navy seems even more important... The development of the navy in the next few decades may be affected by this day!

As for which admiral will the position of the admiral of the navy fall into.

The navy of Marinford has its own ideas, and the supporters are about half and half!

People in every corner are discussing this matter.

(The following words are not counted in the total number! There are still no pictures today!)

Dear readers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!!

I wish you all a happy reunion on this day, good health and happiness for your family!

And one more question, how many days off do you have?

I have eight days off.……◝(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)◜..°♡

Is there any big shot who could give me some gifts to buy some mooncakes? I’m typing on my way home now...

Thank you!

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