Xia Lulia Palace walked forward a few steps and looked at the vast sea. Suddenly, she laughed and said

"Holy! Have you heard of this sea area?...There used to be a huge island here!"

"A huge island?"

Saint Charlos frowned as he looked at the endless sea.

"This area within a hundred miles is all sea, how could there be an island?"


Xia Lulia Palace looked at the latter with contempt, and said with some complacency,

"You can learn more things when you have nothing to do, or maybe history... The history recorded by us Celestial Dragons is much more detailed than that of the untouchables outside."

"For example... the Valley of the Gods that disappeared decades ago!"

Xia Lulia Palace was also a little proud when she said this. Perhaps she was one of the few people in this generation of Tianlong people who liked to learn about history. This time she chose this route to go home... She also wanted to see the place where the legendary Valley of the Gods disappeared.

"The Valley of the Gods actually existed many years ago... It is said that it suddenly appeared above this sea area, not rising from the sea but as if it flew down from the sky."

"No one knows how it came about... Our ancestors accidentally landed on the island many years later and discovered some of its secrets, thus naming it the Valley of the Gods!"

"What secret?"

Charlos Saint is not very old, and he also likes to listen to this kind of gossip.

Xia Lulia Palace's face straightened and she slowly said a few words.

"Super ancient weapon!"


Saint Charlos exclaimed, scaring the group of slaves nearby. The latter hurriedly covered their heads and some even tried to cover their ears.

"Get in!"

Saint Charles also knew that what was going to happen next was not suitable for these slaves to know, so he immediately asked these slaves and their guards to go into the cabin.

After everyone left, Xia Lulia Palace continued to speak.

"Super ancient weapons are one of the legends that have been passed down for a long time. Their existence seems to be even older than us Celestial Dragons... They are said to have the power to kill gods!"

"Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune are the names of these three ancient weapons, but no one knows what they look like, how big or small they are. Our ancestors have searched all over the world for them, but to no avail. Many people even think that this legend is false."


Xia Lulia Palace licked the corner of her scarlet lips and said excitedly,

"Until they went up to the Valley of Gods... and found the secret of the super ancient weapon on a stone wall. Although most of the stone walls there were damaged, they could barely analyze the contents."

Hearing this, Saint Charles couldn't help but take a breath. What does the super ancient weapon mean... even if he is stupid, he knows it.

A weapon with the power to kill gods is equivalent to being able to easily change the world. Whoever gets it... may become the king of the world!

"So... did we, the Celestial Dragons, get those ancient weapons?"

Saint Charlos asked hastily, but the next moment, Palace Xia Lulia poured cold water on him.

"No... no, the stone wall is too blurry, and the text recorded on it is not from our world, so we can only decipher it bit by bit, which will take a long time."

"After many years, we finally got a clue... But just when we were about to decipher everything"

"A damn bastard got the news from nowhere... and actually tried to occupy the Valley of Gods by force."

Saint Charlos was angry,"What's the name of that bastard?"

Xia Lulia Palace said in a deep voice

"His name is Rocks,D,Bejik... the king of the sea decades ago, although he was also a pariah, he really possessed terrifying power in that era, and this bastard's ambition was strong enough."

"He actually wanted to exterminate our Celestial Dragon race and become the king of the world... and he seemed to have such strength at that time, he was too powerful."

Xia Luliya Palace, who knew that period of history, thought of that powerful man and sighed. Can humans really be so powerful?

In his hands, they, the Celestial Dragons, seemed to be just so-so.

Xia Luliya Palace sighed,

"But that guy was also unlucky. The navy was also strong at that time. In the end, we joined forces with the Pirate King Roger and the navy... the three parties cooperated and defeated the opponent in the Valley of the Gods."

"The course of the battle is unknown, but the final result is that Rocks was defeated... and the Valley of the Gods, the battlefield where they fought, was also shattered after this battle."

"Part of it sank to the bottom of the sea... and part of it……"

Xia Lulia Palace couldn't help but frown when she said this, because she could hardly believe what she said next.

"What happened to the other part?"

Charlos Saint was fascinated by what he heard and urged him. Xia Lulia Palace sighed.

"Disappeared... Part of the Valley of the Gods disappeared directly, and that part of the Valley of the Gods happened to contain the secret of the super-ancient weapons, so after it disappeared, our research on super-ancient weapons also stagnated."

"Until today, we still don't know where the lost part of the Valley of the Gods is?"

Xia Luliya Gong almost finished telling everything she knew. After all, there is only so much history recorded by the Tianlong people.

The hidden history is not something that a Tianlong person of her level can know!

After Xia Luliya Gong finished speaking, there was a sigh on her face... She just spoke from emotion. After all, she just came to the place where the Valley of the Gods once existed, and it was really hard to hold back.

It is said that this part of the Valley of the Gods that fell is under the seabed here, but I don't know how deep it is... They, the Tianlong people, have also sent people down.

But they can't get close to that place at all. The water pressure there is too terrible. It is not a place that people can go to.

(The following is not included in the total number of words!)

Woo woo woo... Friends, I seem to have two yangs, and Giao is uncomfortable now. These two chapters were written hard. (I'm not lying to you)

But don't worry, two chapters a day are still OK.

Can you give me a small gift to encourage me?


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