After the death of the Snake Girl with a bounty of 55 million berries, the entire Snake Pirates were no match for Luo Xiu, so there was almost no suspense in the following battle!

Massacre! Complete massacre!

Under Luo Xiu's various ninjutsu, almost all the crew members of the Snake Pirates were killed...but Luo Xiu finally left one alive.

Of course, it was not Luo Xiu who was kind-hearted. How could he have any kindness towards pirates?

"Tell the other pirate groups in Paradise City that they are my next target.……"

"The time is three days later!"

Luo Xiu stood beside the piles of corpses. At this moment, his whole body was blood red, as if stained with blood, which made his Sharingan look even more weird at this moment...

He whispered to the only survivor lying on the ground.

The latter could only lie on the ground with his head lowered, not daring to look at the young man at all. After Luo Xiu looked at his masterpiece in the field... he smiled with satisfaction. After

Luo Xiu left, the only survivor dared to stand up, and then ran out of the door like crazy, shouting...

Under the propaganda of this last survivor, the news that Luo Xiu alone went to the headquarters of the Sky Snake Pirates and killed all the people in the Sky Snake Pirates began to spread rapidly in Paradise City!

The whole Paradise City was boiling again!

And the last words left by Luo Xiu,

"Next, he will attack and kill several other pirate groups... The time is three days later!"

Such arrogant words directly pushed the heat to the highest point. Before, Luo Xiu attacked and killed many people in the South City District and declared war on Paradise City. Some people thought he was just joking.

After all, it is not enough to overthrow Paradise City with the strength of a teenager.

But now Luo Xiu alone destroyed the Sky Snake Pirates and escaped unscathed, instantly slapping everyone in the face... That boy seems to have such ability.

Now the big pirate groups in other districts are really anxious, because since Luo Xiu has the ability to kill the Sky Snake Pirates alone, it also means that he has the ability to destroy them.

At present, these pirate groups have strengthened their vigilance!

But some leaders of pirate groups are completely disdainful of Luo Xiu's threats, and threatened to let Luo Xiu come to break into his pirate group in three days, and directly inform the whole city!

"He begs to be killed!"

The speaker was the leader of the Wild Wolf Pirates in East City, a pirate with a bounty of 56 million Baileys!

His arrogant voice made many people in Paradise City applaud excitedly, thinking that this was the backbone of their Paradise City, and instead despised those pirates who were cowardly to Luo Xiu.

This arrogant situation lasted for three days, and then on the night of the third day, a fierce battle broke out in East City.

The battle made a lot of noise, and when everyone rushed to East City... they saw a head hanging on the roof of the Wild Wolf Pirates' headquarters!

That man was the Wild Wolf who spoke arrogantly before, but at this moment he had become a dead wolf, and the other members of the Wild Wolf Pirates... who were at the headquarters that night were all dead.

In the hall, someone left a few big words in blood

"Very good, let's continue!"

"Luo Xiu!"

The blood-red characters made the pirates who had killed many people feel numb, because they had only killed ordinary people, but this young man who called himself Luo Xiu treated them as prey.

This was not the navy's way of catching and imprisoning, but killing directly!

So far, Luo Xiu's reputation has been completely known in Paradise City!

The pirates in the entire Paradise City began to panic. As long as Luo Xiu appeared in the city... it meant that someone would die, and they didn't want to be the target of this young man's hunting.

Some pirate groups planned to unite to deal with Luo Xiu. They hunted for Luo Xiu in the city... but found that Luo Xiu was hiding too well.

There was no trace of the young man's existence at all. Just when they were about to go home... Luo Xiu actually rushed out from their own crowd!

At this time... everyone understood one thing.

It turned out that Luo Xiu had another... The ability to transform into someone else and hide among them was terrifying...

And as time went on, they were even more horrified to find that Luo Xiu's ability seemed to be inexhaustible. Not only could he transform, but he could also split himself, and all kinds of attribute energy could be used at will.

This was almost a genius born for assassination!

This feeling of being unable to kill and only waiting for the other party to kill was really too uncomfortable. Finally... The major pirates in Paradise City really began to fear, fearing this twelve-year-old boy.

And this time was only more than a month.

And all this was the result Luo Xiu wanted, he wanted this group of pirates to die in fear.

And this terrifying attack lasted for more than a month, a reincarnation every three days... Luo Xiu would randomly find a pirate group.

According to statistics from some people with a heart... The number of pirates who died at Luo Xiu's hands has exceeded 10,000!

10,000 people!

This is a terrifying number. Luo Xiu was also dubbed the Blood Eyed Killer by the people of Paradise City!

Because when Luo Xiu was fighting, the strange blood red color of his eyes was really too eye-catching!

Luo Xiu's name completely frightened the major pirates in Paradise City!

And Luo Xiu's revenge points soon reached an astonishing number.

〖Host: Luo Xiu〗

〖Physical fitness: Low level (twenty times lower than that of an average person)〗

〖Mental strength: Intermediate (20 to 50 times that of an average person)〗

〖Talent: Three Magatama Sharingan〗

〖Ninjutsu: Fire escape, small fireball jutsu! Water escape, water tornado! Earth escape, earth flow wall! Clone jutsu, substitute jutsu, transformation jutsu... Raikiri, shadow clone jutsu, palm fairy jutsu, sealing jutsu, lightning escape... Fire escape, great fireball jutsu!〗

〖Revenge points: 1068!

This is the number of revenge points that Luo Xiu has now, and this is what he has left after exchanging many ninjutsu in the middle, otherwise there would be more left, after all, most of the people gathered here are human traffickers.

The navy not only looks at a pirate's strength, but also at the harm he causes.

Of course, he still hasn't encountered a big pirate with a bounty of over 90 million during this period, so he still doesn't have the qualifications to exchange for forbidden ninjutsu.

Luo Xiu looked at the Mangekyō Sharingan awakening qualification at the highest point of the mall, and licked the corner of his mouth a little excitedly.

He vaguely felt that his current strength had reached a bottleneck period. He had already learned all the ordinary ninjutsu in a single round. According to his estimation, his current strength should be about the same as that of a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million!

Without opening the Mangekyō Sharingan and those forbidden ninjutsu, Luo Xiu's current strength has reached the limit of what can be improved.

"Those pirates with bounties of over 100 million should all be in the New World. The ceiling of pirate strength in the North Sea should be those pirates with bounties of tens of millions."

Late at night, standing on a high tower in Paradise City, Luo Xiu looked at the clear night sky and said expressionlessly.

Luo Xiu is familiar with some unspoken rules in the world of One Piece. All pirates who have reached a certain level of strength will go to the forbidden sea area called the Grand Line.

Only pirates who have established a foothold there can be called true strong ones, such as the Seven Warlords of the Sea who are entrenched in various places in the New World, and the current Four Emperors who have occupied large areas of sea!

The Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates!

Most of the pirates with bounties of over 100 million are concentrated there. If Luo Xiu wants to complete the task of killing the pirate with a bounty of 90 million Baileys, he almost has to set foot in the New World.

Luo Xiu tilted his head and looked at the clear night sky and said expressionlessly.

"It seems that it is time to end this trip to Paradise City. This time... let's settle accounts with these guys all at once!"

He doesn't have much time to waste here!

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