For the Beasts Pirates, Kaido is naturally Zoro's only king, so even in this battle, Kaido did not appear directly, but chose to send one of the Three Calamities, Jin, to lead this war!

Of course... Quinn and Jack also participated in the battle, playing a supporting role on the side!

At this moment, the coaches of both sides just looked at each other, and they stood still as steady as a mountain despite the artillery fire!

The state of the coach is extremely important to everyone on the side, because they symbolize momentum, and momentum is extremely important for a war!

"Is this Aokiji, one of the three former admirals of the navy? This guy is really extraordinary... Even from a very far distance, I can feel a little bit of oppression, and this oppression is comparable to that of Kaido!"

Jin's mood at the moment is actually different from the calmness on his face. Obviously, facing Aokiji, one of the three admirals of the navy, still shocked him!


Jin glanced at the pirate ship belonging to their Hundred Beasts Pirates camp. Under the bombardment of both sides, they are still at the bottom!

Not only the firepower but also the defense is weaker than the ones below. After all, there are not so many people in their Hundred Beasts Pirates!

"We can't continue to bombard the navy like this... We are at a disadvantage!"

Jin looked directly at Aokiji opposite him. He didn't turn around but suddenly said in a deep voice

"Quinn,'s up to you!"

""Hehehe... all right!"

Two somewhat cold voices suddenly sounded, and Jack and Quinn, who had been hiding in the dark, both showed cold smiles!

Three Disasters, Three Disasters...

As one of the Three Disasters of the Beasts Pirates, they have always been feared by everyone not only because of their strength, but also because of their extremely cruel methods against the enemy!

What they are best at is using some cruel weapons!


Quinn laughed extremely coldly, looking at the weapons that had been prepared long ago, and his crew members who were eager to try!

He laughed crazily,

"Are you guys ready? Let's let those stupid navy guys experience our new toys!"


There were several pirate ships hidden in the dark behind the Beasts Pirates camp. Hundreds of crew members on them all wore gas masks!

Then one by one, they pressed the bottles they had been holding into the special cannon barrels on the side. The bottles placed by these crew members were very strange.

Because it was not a cannonball, it was just a bottle... and it seemed to be filled with dark green liquid, which looked extremely viscous.

Looking at his masterpiece, Quinn smiled with satisfaction... and then raised his right hand and shouted directly


The next moment!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

One by one, the specially made dark green bottles flew out of the shells at an extremely fast speed, heading straight towards the opposite navy camp!

"Um... this... this is……"

Aokiji is worthy of being Aokiji. He noticed something unusual just at the moment the other party launched the attack. He murmured with a grim expression.

"This is... a poison gas bomb. The bastards of the Beasts Pirates actually used this kind of weapon in the war!"


Aokiji was also rarely angry. If this large number of poison gas bombs exploded directly on the navy side, the navy would suffer heavy casualties!

Aokiji took a step forward without hesitation... and his figure came directly to a hundred meters above. He opened his hands and shouted in a deep voice.

""Frozen world!"

As soon as the words fell, a trace of extreme cold air slowly emerged from Aokiji's mouth, forming a wisp of smoke!

Then the next moment... With Aokiji as the starting point, my strong cold air swept the entire place.

The sea water at the bottom was instantly frozen to form a thick layer of ice and was still spreading around, and Aokiji himself also condensed a layer of solid ice in front!

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Countless poison gas bombs wrapped in artillery shells were blocked outside by this layer of ice, preventing those attacks from advancing an inch!

This is how terrible the strength of Aokiji, one of the three admirals of the navy, is! The power of one person alone can change the situation of the battle!

"General Aokiji is invincible!"


The navy behind him cheered deafeningly at the almost invincible figure, and their fighting spirit was instantly ignited!

But... is Aokiji really invincible?

Obviously not, almost everyone at the same time, the head coach of the Beasts Pirates, Jin, also moved.

He took a single step and flew directly into the air, and two flaming wings appeared behind him, plus the burning flames around him and the black armor!

Jin was like a demon from the flaming hell at this moment! Exuding an extremely terrifying aura!

As the head of the Three Calamities, he is also one of the top masters in the pirate world, qualified to launch a real attack on the admiral of the navy!

"Break it for me!"

Jin grinned coldly and attacked Aokiji directly. The scorching flames went straight to Aokiji's ice wall!


The moment the two collided, a huge explosion sounded immediately!

Crack! Crack!

The ice wall condensed in front of Aokiji began to shatter on a large scale, and a big hole appeared directly on the right part!

Aokiji was only one person after all, and his ability was not enough to cover such a large range of extreme defense. How could the power at the edge withstand Jin's full force attack!

After Aokiji's defense was broken, from those gaps... the poison gas bombs released by Quinn's side finally broke through the defense and came to the top of the navy camp!


Aokiji cursed but could do nothing but let a small part of the gas bomb explode in the field!

Bang... Puff... Puff!

As the gas bomb exploded, dark green poison gas was violently released from the air and then spread all around!

Some of the navy who were close to it howled in pain the moment of contact.

"Ahhhh…my face!"

"My hand... hurts so much!"


A large number of navy soldiers began to fall down with wailing sounds. This had nothing to do with their strength... This was the power of poison gas bombs. Since ancient times, poison has been used in wars as a killer!

Seeing this, Quinn, who was far away, laughed proudly. This was his masterpiece!

Only technology is the real first weapon!

However... Quinn didn't laugh for long, because soon a large number of soldiers wearing white protective clothing and holding some strange machines began to rush out from the back of the navy!

Tsk! Tsk!

They all carried some bottles and cans behind them, and sprayed something in the air from time to time, and the battlefield after being sprayed.

Those navy soldiers also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Obviously... This is their navy's response method. As the party that provoked the war, how could their navy not have made a complete plan!

Quinn looked at the calm figure above with a distorted face!


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