I am the wind!

The moment Long shouted this sentence, the sea surface within a radius of dozens of miles suddenly changed, and countless strong winds began to rise out of thin air, and they grew stronger and stronger.

In an instant, Luo Xiu's protective back hand was instantly crushed!

This is the terrifying ability of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey, D. Long!

Control one of the three natural disaster abilities, the Hurricane Fruit!

Its power is not weaker than the Tremor-Tremor Fruit of Whitebeard and the Magma Fruit of the Navy Akainu!

Luo Xiu, who had been paying attention to the movement here from a distance, was also shocked for a moment by the rare release of Long's power.

"Such a strong control of power, and the development of the devil fruit ability has reached a terrifying level. He is worthy of being the leader of the revolutionary army.……"

Luo Xiu could sense that this dragon's devil fruit ability must have also awakened, and the awakening level was extremely high.

Even surpassing Akainu and Whitebeard, Luo Xiu estimated that this guy's strength might also reach the demigod level!

Almost the same as Red Hair and Rocks.���Luo Xiu's eyes were calm.

It seemed that this was the reason why the Revolutionary Army had been able to survive the siege of the World Government until now!

"Interesting... Interesting, super control of the weather? Such an ability is really amazing. I also want to fight with such a person!"

Luo Xiu suddenly became interested and wanted to meet the leader of the revolutionary army in advance!

When Luo Xiu just raised his footsteps and wanted to use the divine power to pass over.

Somehow, Luo Xiu's face suddenly changed... He looked at a certain place in shock and murmured

"This... How is this possible?"

Luo Xiu stared at the huge hurricane in front of him, more specifically, the eye of the storm!

There was a familiar feeling coming from above... a sense of spatial vibration!

Crack! Crack!

A little light leaked out from it, accompanied by a slight breaking sound... The whole space was shaken.

Luo Xiu frowned, it seemed difficult for him to imagine all this happening.

"What is that? The feeling of space……"

On the other side, Long obviously also found something wrong. The location of this magic island seemed to be wrong. His ability of the Hurricane Fruit seemed to have opened something extraordinary when used in this place!

But he could no longer stop all this from happening. The glimmer in the center of the eye of the storm grew bigger and bigger... and expanded into a"black hole" in an instant. The surrounding strong winds were sucked into it like a tide. Not only the strong winds but also the sea water were sucked into it, and even the entire sea surface began to shake...

Several ships of the revolutionary army led by Long began to be pulled forward by this force, and everyone's faces changed drastically.

"What happened... Damn it, the ship is out of service!"

"All units, pay attention... All units, pay attention!"

Long stood in front and looked at the eye of the storm, oh no... it should be my Eye of Space, he had no expression on his face.

Boom! Boom!

Countless black thunders began to explode from the sky.

On the Demon Island, Sauron, Luo and others were also awakened by this change.

Several people came to the top of the mountain in a flash, looking at the scene in the distance... Several people had solemn faces.

The panic energy coming from afar made them feel a little timid in their hearts. In front of that power, it seemed that they had no ability to resist at all.

Luo Xiu's side!

Luo Xiu, who was closest to the Eye of Space, was the one who felt the most!

Crack! Crack!

The space was still collapsing, and Luo Xiu's eyes flashed with confusion when he saw this scene.

Because this space gave him a familiar feeling, yes... familiar.

More than ten years ago, it was this force that brought him from the Blue Star to the pirate world. Luo Xiu stayed in this space for a long time, so he was very familiar with it.

Now that he encountered this irresistible force again, Luo Xiu understood.

No wonder he had been feeling a shock in his mind for some time. It seemed that the pirate world was rejecting him...

This force was coming to him, and Luo Xiu felt a sense of familiarity with this force.

"Are you going to let me go to another world?"

Feeling the strange feeling in his mind, Luo Xiu murmured expressionlessly.

"But I still have a lot of things to do here... I've only just started!"

Luo Xiu clenched his fists, and the Eye of Space in front of him grew larger and larger... The attraction to Luo Xiu became more and more irresistible.

Luo Xiu's eyes trembled, and the power of divine might broke out... But it was completely unshakable.

Luo Xiu was silent, knowing that this power was determined to take him away.

Just when Luo Xiu was about to fight against this power, a familiar voice came to Luo Xiu's mind.

〖Because the Lord of the Pirate World discovered that the host's original power came from another world, he was rejected... Now the host is urgently transferred to another plane! 〗

The voice came from the system. Now Luo Xiu understood what was going on.

It seems that his existence has affected the development of the Pirate World too much, and the latter has begun to correct the world... That's why he is rejected, and it seems to be coming with great force.

The system is trying to let him hide from the limelight.

"Then can I come back to this plane later? After all, I still have some things to do in this world, and leaving in disgrace like this... is not in line with my philosophy."

Luo Xiu asked,

〖Of course! When the host becomes as powerful as the Lord of the Planes... that is, when he becomes a god, the host can freely travel between the planes without being rejected! 〗

Luo Xiu was relieved and continued to ask,

"By the way...what is the next dimension?"

〖Naruto's plane! 〗

A flash of excitement flashed in Luo Xiu's eyes. Are they going to that place?


Luo Xiu looked at the people on the Demon Island with some nostalgia, especially Xiao Lan... and then looked into the distance through the clouds... That was probably where his brothers and sisters were.

Since the ending cannot be changed, then don't be so angry!

He, Luo Xiu, will come back to this world!

Thinking of this!

The power of the Eye of Space also burst out again and came to Luo Xiu in an instant... Before being absorbed, Luo Xiu asked

"By the way...at what time point will we be teleported to the Naruto world!"

〖During the time when Pain attacks Konoha Village, the host will retain all of his current strength... The specific tasks will be announced at that time, so please rest assured.〗


Before Luo Xiu could continue to ask anything, Luo Xiu's eyes went dark... and he instantly fell into a void, and his consciousness immediately immersed in it.


As Luo Xiu was absorbed by the Eye of Space!

At the same time, in front of the Demon Island of the Pirate World!

It immediately became calm, and Long and the Revolutionary Army led by him looked at all this in confusion.

The Demon Island was similar.

Zoro, Luo and others were also confused... None of them knew what had happened in just a short while.

Only Xiaolan frowned and looked deeply at a certain place...

Somehow she felt that her heart suddenly hurt, as if something was missing!



On the other side, after an unknown amount of time,

Luo Xiu slowly woke up from the void, looking at the bright and sunny sky above and everything strange around him!

Luo Xiu was silent, he knew that they really came to the Naruto world!

"Shinra Tensei!"

But before Luo Xiu could continue to be confused, a huge energy wave suddenly came from afar, and the whole earth began to shake...

Crack! Crack!

Luo Xiu looked in a certain direction in shock, and through layers of obstacles, his eyes met with someone's!

He looked at the red cloud and black robe on his body and then looked at the red cloud and black robe he was wearing!

Luo Xiu's mouth corners slightly raised,

"Haha... Interesting!""

One Piece World Chapter!" Ending!

Ending remarks!

Oh, I'm sorry everyone... My performance has been getting worse and worse, and I have almost no money in a day, so I can only passively end the One Piece World chapter. After all, I don't want to be a slacker anymore.

And many people said that they are tired of watching One Piece World and asked me to travel to the next dimension to have a look... So I finally chose this Naruto world! I will play the Naruto World chapter later. If the performance is good... I should continue to write about One Piece World!

Sorry again...

I don't know what to say, I will kowtow to you!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

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