"Are you crazy, Genos?"

Vinsmoke, Iji and others looked at the newcomer in disbelief. You know, the existence of Paradise City is tacitly approved by the World Government.

Under normal circumstances, the navy cannot lead troops into Paradise City on a large scale. This is an unspoken rule generated by the struggle between various forces.

This is also a rather absurd phenomenon in the pirate world. Some evildoers can escape punishment as long as they pay enough money after breaking the law.

"Am I crazy?"

Hearing this, Genos's eyes immediately became fierce, and he seemed a little crazy and shouted loudly

"What am I crazy about? I have never been so clear-headed as I am now... I am a rear admiral, but I let such a sinful city stand in the North Sea."

"It destroyed countless families, but I could only watch it grow bigger and bigger... I was crazy at that time!"

"But now... there is a boy who dares to break it all by himself. Am I, a navy, still standing by and watching?... If a boy dares to do this, there is no reason for Wang Genos not to accompany him."

"Isn't it just a punishment? Genos sneered,"I accept it!"

In the distant sea, Genos has actually been paying attention to the situation here, watching Luo Xiu fight against everyone alone... falling and then standing up, falling and standing up again.

Genos's iron heart was moved, so he decided to violate the decision of the World Government and come to support Luo Xiu!

Iji and others immediately became anxious when they saw Genos

"You have to think it over carefully... You are violating the regulations of the World Government! Now you let me take Luo Xiu with me... I can do you a favor on behalf of the Vinsmoke Family!"

Iji was really unwilling to give up this good opportunity. Now that he had fought against Luo Xiu face to face, it was even more difficult for him to understand Luo Xiu's peculiarity!

The opponent's ability definitely did not come from the devil fruit, but from his other abilities... He knew very well what this meant. If the Vinsmoke Family could get Luo Xiu and discover the secrets in him, perhaps the technological power would be able to achieve a great breakthrough, and then it would be just around the corner to control the North Sea again!

"Is the favor of the Vinsmoke family worth a lot of money?"

Genos sneered, and the aura of a rear admiral was immediately revealed!

Luo Xiu behind him listened to the other party's speech, and his expression was slightly moved, and then he smiled with some relief.

Sure enough... this damn world can still be saved!

Although the navy is not as perfect as Luo Xiu thinks, there are still some people in this group who are worthy of respect.

"Hold on for ten minutes!"

But Luo Xiu was not a sentimental person, he just said to Genos in front of him expressionlessly.

The latter also smiled slightly.

"Don't worry... As long as I'm alive, no one will touch you!"

After saying that, Genos raised his hand, and the navy he brought with him immediately moved.

Seeing that things were hopeless, Iji was also angry. If you want to fight, then let's fight!

"Germa 66th Legion, stop the navy!"

He ordered the soldiers he brought to stop the navy, and he went to meet Genos.

"I'll hold this guy back... Yongzhi, take that kid away!"

The Vinsmoke Family naturally didn't dare to tear their faces with the Navy directly, but they could still obstruct the other party.

"Don't even think about it!"

Genos snorted coldly, and the armed Haki immediately covered the blade, and with the help of the observation Haki, a blade light directly knocked out the hidden Yongzhi!

What a joke!

If Genos hadn't been so stubborn and repeatedly violated the regulations of the World Government, he could have been promoted to Vice Admiral of the Navy with his strength!

It is still possible to stop the two Vinsmoke family boys.

The pirates on the other hand simply watched the excitement and didn't mind the trouble. Seeing so many navy soldiers coming to surround and kill... the warlike genes of this group of people also rose.

Soon the battlefield became a mess!

No one in the entire Paradise City might have thought that it would turn into such a situation!

First, Luo Xiu teased the entire Paradise City to kill the Tiger King Genesis, even the Vinsmoke family attacked, but they still couldn't stop Luo Xiu's steps. In the end, many people beat Luo Xiu to exhaustion, and finally the navy intervened...

The situation changed so fast that people couldn't react!

But Luo Xiu didn't have time to think about these things now. What he wanted now was to recover his strength as soon as possible... So Luo Xiu used healing ninjutsu on himself!

A light green light began to emerge from Luo Xiu. According to Luo Xiu's estimation... After a while, he would have the strength to fight again.

This is the horror of the perverted world of One Piece plus the high burst of Naruto... As long as he is not killed instantly, the opponent can wait to die!

Iji and others were anxious when they saw this. If Luo Xiu recovered... How to fight? They rushed to Luo Xiu without hesitation, but Genos was too powerful!

They couldn't get through at all!

The situation of the pirates on the other side was better, after all, they were all big guys from various places in the North Sea, and the navy on Genos' side was only half the size of a base... How could they be the opponent's target!

But the navy's advantage over pirates lies in cooperation, so under this situation... these pirates really can't break the navy's defense line for a while!

Time passed by minute by minute, and Genos kept his promise and didn't let anyone touch Luo Xiu who was still recovering!

Finally, when the battle situation became tense again, Luo Xiu He opened his eyes for the first time!

He fired several fire escapes directly into the air... The scorching flames caused the clouds to react again. It was obvious that Luo Xiu wanted to use the Thunder Escape Kirin again to kill the pirates in the field!

Boom! Boom!

As time passed, the sky soon began to thunder, which immediately reminded people of Luo Xiu's horror.

The faces of the group of pirates immediately turned bad!

As Vinsmoke Iji and others who were trained to be combat weapons, in addition to not having emotions of fear and pity, the most important thing is that they have developed brains and are decisive beyond ordinary people!

After realizing that things were impossible, Iji almost didn't stay for a second and immediately led the Germa 66th Army to retreat!

Of course, he didn't forget to leave a harsh word to Genos!

"Genos, right? The Vinsmoke family will remember you! You wait for me.……"

After saying that, he picked up his half-dead brother Niji and started to flee!

""Looking forward to your arrival!"

To this, Genos just replied coldly, but did not chase again.

If the Vinsmoke family did not go too far, he, as a navy, would not be able to attack them!

When the Vinsmoke family and others just left in embarrassment, Luo Xiu's Thunder Escape and Kirin were finally ready!

At this moment, Luo Xiu almost turned into the God of Thunder again. He stood on the top of the tower... The sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning was crackling!

Crackling! Crackling!

The huge thunder roared as if it was going to destroy the world. Luo Xiu held the Thunder Escape and Kirin in his hand... and went straight to the Smash it down!

Those pirates who didn't have time to escape could only watch in despair as the blow came at them again!

Bang! Bang...

Swish! Swish...

A series of explosions sounded immediately. These pirates with insufficient strength simply couldn't withstand Luo Xiu's strongest blow!

One after another, corpses with black smoke began to fall to the ground. Only a few pirates with strong physiques... withstood the blow with their physical strength.

Then they began to flee in embarrassment, but how could Genos and others miss such a good opportunity? They immediately led all the navy to chase and kill!


Luo Xiu stood on the top of the tower, panting, listening to the constant broadcasting in his mind!

Today's battle should be the most difficult battle he has fought in a long time. Of course, it is not because the enemy is too strong, but simply because there are too many of them.

Luo Xiu has been using up all his strength but still can't kill them all... Fortunately, Genos bought him precious time, otherwise the final outcome is really hard to say

〖Massacre Points: 1963〗

This is his current total massacre points, and he is just one step away from exchanging for Divine Power!

A hint of excitement flashed in Luo Xiu's eyes. If he had Divine Power now, he wouldn't have to work so hard to beat these enemies!

"Just a little bit more……"

Luo Xiu's mouth curled up into a smile unconsciously. After nearly two months of continuous fighting, it was finally time to reap the rewards!

He was now just one step away from personally killing a pirate with a bounty of more than 90 million Baileys!

"Phew… After this battle, there shouldn’t be any more pirates in Paradise City. It’s time for me to go to the New World! That should be my real home.……"

"Besides...it's time to arrange for Xiaolan and the others to leave."

Luo Xiu took a deep breath and subconsciously thought of the stubborn little girl who had followed him all the way!

There was no way, he Luo Xiu didn't have the energy to take care of a little girl...and if she followed him Luo Xiu, the probability of death was really too high.

The little girl was so young, she still had her own life to experience!

Luo Xiu thought about it and started running towards the safe house he had set up for Xiaolan and the others! He didn't even have time to say hello to Genos...Luo Xiu's feeling about the navy was complexity, so the less contact, the less contact!

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