
Seeing Diamante dying right in front of him, Doflamingo said in a ferocious and cold voice.

This was the first time in all these years that he felt so furious. His people were killed right in front of him.

And Diamante was not someone else, he was one of Doflamingo's true confidants!

Facing Doflamingo's fury, Rossiu rarely showed a sarcastic smile, and stomped on Diamante's head with one foot!


Blood splattered everywhere, Rossiu's robe was covered in blood, and he looked at Doflamingo with a defiant look, as if to say,

So what if I killed him?

"You are looking for death!"

Doflamingo paused for a while, then attacked instantly.

At this moment, he no longer had the intention to use Luo Xiu, he just wanted Luo Xiu to be tortured to death!

He pointed his toes... and the fierce domineering aura with unparalleled momentum crushed Luo Xiu!

Bang! Bang...

The whole house was instantly torn into pieces, and the"Doflamingo" transformed by Luo Xiu's transformation technique was directly wiped out in an instant, and Luo Xiu was also forced to retreat several steps!

The strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is indeed well-deserved!

Not only that, Doflamingo also killed Luo Xiu directly!

Buzz! Buzz...

Countless silk threads cut towards Luo Xiu like steel wires, and the walls they touched were As thin as a piece of paper... cut off immediately!

Luo Xiu's face became serious for the first time. He could only rely on the Sharingan to see through the loopholes of the attack and simply dodge it... because if he used the earth escape defense, it would be easily disintegrated!

Doflamingo's combat power is no longer at the same level as Luo Xiu.

Armament Haki, Observation Haki plus Conqueror Haki... He even has the awakening of the ability of the String-String Fruit.

This is definitely a first-line combat force in the world of pirates!

Luo Xiu's current strength is directly crushed!

Bang! Bang...

In just a few seconds, everything around was directly wiped out. Such a large attack fluctuation immediately attracted the attention of many people!

"What happened? This is... Shit, who is that?"

"Doflamingo! That guy seems to be Doflamingo... He actually got into a fight with someone else"

"Someone actually dared to challenge Doflamingo!"

A group of curious people stood on the street and watched, while the timid ones just shrank back.

At this moment, the senior cadres under Mingge also rushed over, such as Torrepol, Pica and others...

Seeing this scene, they were also confused because they hadn't seen their young master so angry for a long time!

What on earth is going on?

But there are still sharp-eyed people who recognized Luo Xiu who was fighting against Mingge. After knowing Luo Xiu's identity, they saw Diamante's body on the battlefield!

Everyone knew what was going on completely?

It turned out that someone came to their door and assassinated Diamante on their territory. How could they tolerate this?

A group of people began to slowly approach the battlefield with gloomy faces!


Bang! Bang...

The battlefield has been destroyed by Doflamingo. The superhuman Devil Fruit ability of the String-String Fruit has been developed to a new level by Doflamingo.

It is enough to change the surrounding environment, and he still has a backup plan in Dressrosa.

Even if the admiral of the navy comes, he can still fight!

At this moment, even if Luo Xiu has played all his cards, he can only barely resist Doflamingo's offensive, and with the arrival of several major cadres.

Luo Xiu now seems to be in a desperate situation.

This is the first time that Luo Xiu has been so embarrassed. In the last battle of Paradise City, Luo Xiu was just exhausted, not completely crushed by strength like now!

Buzz! Buzz...

After Doflamingo cracked several combined attacks of Fire and Wind, Luo Xiu seemed to accept his fate and sat down.

Seeing this, a group of onlookers shook their heads and planned to go home.

Sure enough... Doflamingo is invincible, and the boy is going to be unlucky.

Rossouw may not have time to care about the thoughts of that group of people, but began to look carefully at this person who was his real enemy and the real source of the village massacre!

The death of the uncles and others was essentially due to Doflamingo's underworld business, so that group of pirates came to the village to rob and kill!

In fact, Rossouw would have come to Dressrosa to kill anyway, and Alan's incident only accelerated this speed!

Doflamingo was looking down at Rossouw at this moment, and Rossouw's non-resistance also made Doflamingo temporarily stop taking action!

He looked at Rossouw with a gloomy face, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Luo Xiu, maybe we could have been friends... After all, in the eyes of people like us, friendship and love can be abandoned."

"Do you think I don't know that your clone went to save that little girl? I have spies all over Dressrosa... I can even sense any disturbance."

"I didn't stop you just to give you face!"

Doflamingo looked at Luo Xiu with disappointment. He really intended to cooperate with Luo Xiu!

"But after you killed Diamante, things changed...so you have to die today!"

"I will make good use of your body and explore the secrets of your ability to use multiple powers!"

For Doflamingo, benefits are above all else, but he also has a bottom line, and Luo Xiu touched this bottom line, so there is no way to reconcile!


Luo Xiu sneered and looked at Doflamingo with a playful look on his face. This guy was still plotting against him!

He ignored Doflamingo's words and suddenly said

"Doflamingo, do you remember a village called Conch Village?

�� Luo Xiu stared at Doflamingo intently, trying to see a change in his mood!

But... Doflamingo just replied in surprise

"Conch Village? What is that? What does it have to do with me!"

Doflamingo had no impression of this name. Seeing Doflamingo's expression... he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The most infuriating thing in this world may be that your enemies don't remember you at all. The deep hatred in your eyes is nothing in the eyes of others.

They don't even know it, which is simply despairing.……

"Hehe...as expected……"

Luo Xiu took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed with a few traces of loneliness that were difficult to conceal.

Revenge? This is simply ridiculous revenge!

There was no hoarse rebuttal or roar, only indifference... Because the other party didn't even know that Doflamingo had no concept of ants in his eyes.

Their lives had no value in his eyes, and he was too lazy to even get angry.

Luo Xiu slowly got up. In two months, he had gradually understood what was going on.

It might not be the pirates who killed everyone in his village. The real murderer was this era.

This absurd era!

The great pirate era opened by the great pirate Roger!

Looking at Luo Xiu's eyes, Doflamingo gradually understood something. Is he another pitiful avenger?

But it's a pity... There are so many people who want to take revenge on him, Doflamingo, that he is too lazy to care about any reasons!

"If your village was destroyed because of me, Doflamingo, then I can mercifully say sorry.……"

Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and showed an indifferent attitude.

"But this is the way it is in this era... If you don't have power, you will lose everything. So being strong is right, being weak is a sin. The choice between life and death is yours!"

Doflamingo, who was about to execute Luo Xiu, took this opportunity to tell this interesting boy about his feelings.

"As long as you are strong enough, then... no one can judge you! You are the truth.……"

"And I, Doflamingo, am such a truth!"

Doflamingo laughed loudly, and his domineering aura was revealed without any disguise. Endless strong winds swept the area of several thousand meters in radius!

A group of people were trembling with fear! Looking at the terrifying figure with fear!

"This is how it is in this era. Either I kill you or you kill me. It’s just that I’m stronger so you’re the one who dies...and vice versa!"

"So put away your long-winded speeches of the Avengers. This world does not talk about morality, but only about strength!"

Doflamingo sneered at Rossouw.

"You are right. In this absurd era...power is the only truth."

Luo Xiu's expression had returned to calmness. The look he gave Doflamingo was no longer the kind of anger he showed when looking at an enemy, but the indifference he showed when looking at a stranger!

"So... I will become the most powerful person, and then destroy this absurd era!"

Luo Xiu said in a resounding voice, his eyes were terribly determined!

Doflamingo's smile froze on his face, his eyes stared at the boy in front of him, and he thought carefully about Luo Xiu's words.

For the first time, Doflamingo looked the boy in front of him squarely!

But he chuckled and said,

"Oh, really? But you don't have a chance... because you will die here next! Just like those who want revenge on me!"

Doflamingo said, raised his right hand... and launched the final attack.

Countless threads attached with armed color domineering directly attacked Luo Xiu!

He didn't want to argue with Luo Xiu anymore, such a boy must die!

"Death? I don't think I will have the chance to die again, because……"

Luo Xiu looked at Doflamingo expressionlessly. The blood-red pupils in his eyes flashed slightly, and then the strange symbols in the blood-red pupils began to change.

They slowly gathered together and finally turned into a symbol similar to a dart.


In just a moment, Luo Xiu's momentum changed dramatically.

The next moment, Luo Xiu whispered,

"Divine power!"

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