The bodies of his companions fell one after another in front of him!

Doflamingo's face became more and more gloomy.

"Almost... almost, I'm about to see through this kid's flaw!"

He kept muttering, his face was already hideous because of the murder of his companions!

Many people say that Doflamingo is an emotionless monster, but in fact he is much more sentimental than many people... it's just that his way of being sentimental is different from many people!

However, his absolute psychological quality still prevented him from losing his mind. He firmly believed that he would be able to find Luo Xiu's flaw and kill Luo Xiu!

And Luo Xiu seemed to have intentionally put Doflamingo last. He did not actively attack Doflamingo, but tried his best to assassinate his compatriots!

Because Luo Xiu also wanted Doflamingo to experience the pain of seeing the people he cared about die in front of him!

"Come feel the real pain with me!"

Luo Xiu's voice suddenly rang in Doflamingo's ears like the whisper of a devil! Buzz! Buzz...

Bang! Bang...

Hiss! Hiss...

I don't know how long it took!

When the pirates in Dressrosa who were trapped by Shaitan's ability and now recovered to normal came to the battlefield, they were stunned!

Because all they saw were corpses, and they were still mutilated corpses, and the strong smell of blood made people sick!

It's just that these corpses have something in common, that is, they are all from Doflamingo!

In addition, there are no other corpses!

Just when they were at a loss and didn't know what happened, someone with sharp eyes finally discovered something.

He pointed to the battlefield in the center, and there were actually two figures next to the ruins!

One was wearing a pink sweater, a pair of unique slippers on his feet, and a pair of red sunglasses on his face. Seeing this figure... everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Because this man is the nightmare in their hearts, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo!

They are now suffering. Everything they suffered was because of Doflamingo!

It's just that Doflamingo's condition now seems to be a little bad. He is actually sweating... But his face is very calm, and the calmness is a little scary!

You know, there are corpses of his compatriots around!

And when they saw the figure in front of Doflamingo, they were even more confused... Because it was actually the figure of a teenager.

The boy looked about twelve or thirteen years old, with fluent black hair. Although his face was immature, it revealed an unimaginable toughness!

Of course, the most important thing is that the boy's pupils were actually blood red... They just took a look and felt a surge of excitement in their hearts, as if those eyes were going to suck them in!

The battlefield at this moment was terribly silent!

Almost everyone subconsciously did not dare to make a sound, but just watched this scene eagerly.

Because of his height, Luo Xiu almost had to look up at Doflamingo, but everyone present knew who was at a disadvantage now?

"Have you found my flaw? Doflamingo... You think you are so powerful, why didn't you have the courage to fight me just now!"

Finally, after a moment of silence, Luo Xiu spoke.

And he spoke with heart-piercing words, because his words showed that... everything just now was just playing with Doflamingo.

He didn't use his full strength at all, but just toyed with the other party... letting Doflamingo guess the weakness of Kamui.

Swallowing his saliva, Doflamingo looked at Luo Xiu's tender face, and suddenly... he laughed.

Doflamingo covered his face with one hand and laughed wildly, laughing so hard that he fell forward and backward, forgetting everything.

Even Luo Xiu didn't know what Doflamingo was laughing at, because he couldn't understand the latter's current brain circuit.

But he knew that Doflamingo was the strongest and most resourceful pirate he had ever seen!

He could even ignore the death of his companions and just stare at them to test themselves!


Finally, Doflamingo stopped laughing crazily. He did not answer Luo Xiu's question but looked directly at him and said softly,

"Luo Xiu, is this how you want to make me despair?... As an avenger, I think your goal has indeed been successful, but do you want me to beg for mercy in agony and then denounce my crimes?... Then you are really overthinking it."

"I still say the same thing, this era is like this, there is no real justice, powerful force is the only truth, your village was destroyed because of me, just simply because they are weak, and weakness is the original sin"

"Everything I have now was destroyed by you only because I am weak."

Doflamingo simply thought that Luo Xiu, the Avenger, just wanted to mess with his mentality, which was ridiculous...

He would not do as Luo Xiu wished! Even if he lost!

As a hero, he must have the posture of a strong man even if he lost, although all this happened too suddenly, and even made Doflamingo not even prepared.

But losing is losing, there is nothing to say.

He sneered and wanted to see a disappointed expression on Luo Xiu's face, but... there was no disappointment.

Luo Xiu's face was full of indifference, and he even looked at Doflamingo with some pity!

"You are wrong!"

Luo Xiu said softly.

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