The huge change in Dressrosa also shocked the public opinion of the entire New World.

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo, was killed... This is an absolute big news!

You must know that each of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is a powerful pirate recognized by the World Government. Their existence is allowed by the World Government... It is used to balance the various forces on the sea.

Even the navy can't do anything to these pirates, and sometimes they have to provide them with certain protection!

But such a big pirate was killed by a teenager, and he single-handedly challenged the entire Doflamingo Pirates!

This is simply absurd... But it is helpless!

Because this is indeed a real news, this is the truth after the navy went to Dressrosa to investigate the next day!

Luo Xiu's name is also completely famous at home and abroad!

And because he killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea recognized by the World Government, and his origin is not a navy recognized by the World Government.

So after an emergency meeting... Luo Xiu was also rewarded!

And the bounty amount has directly reached 800 million Baileys, which is a special honor that only the top strong can have... This represents the importance that the World Government attaches to Luo Xiu! The World Government

's bounty for a person or a force is not just based on whether you are a pirate, but mainly on the threat you pose to the sea situation!

For example, the reason why the bounty for the Revolutionary Army's Dragon is so high is because it has an impact on the rule of the World Government, and his own strength is another influence.

And the same is true for Luo Xiu... He is too young, and his potential is so great, and the killings he caused in Paradise City and Dressrosa are really too great! The death of nearly 20,000 pirates is real life data.

In the eyes of the World Government, Luo Xiu has been labeled as unstable. The World Government does not need an executioner to maintain order. In their eyes... obedience is the most important thing!

Blood Eye Luo Xiu! Pirate Killer!

The two names have laid the foundation for Luo Xiu to become a top strong man in the future, and countless top forces want to get Luo Xiu's information.

Some wanted to get to know him and use him for their own benefit, while others felt threatened and wanted to assassinate him!

At this moment!

Marine Headquarters, Marinford!

In Akainu's exclusive office, after hearing about the bounty order for Luo Xiu, Akainu was so angry that he smashed many tables, and the whole office was in a mess!

"Are those old guys in the World Government all idiots? The ones killed by that brat Luo Xiu were all the most heinous pirates... What's the point of protecting the lives of pirates? The more Luo Xiu kills... the more people can be saved from disasters!"

"What the hell is wrong with that? He even offered a bounty for Luo Xiu!... 800 million Baileys! Did he think that guy was a rebellious revolutionary?"

"This is simply absurd!"

Akainu roared angrily, and his voice was so loud... that the guards outside the room frowned and covered their ears. It was the first time for them to see their chief lose his composure and be so furious. They had been staying in the Navy Headquarters and had no idea about the intersection between Akainu and Luo Xiu, or their watching of Luo Xiu!

In the end, Akainu's adjutant gritted his teeth and pushed open the door and walked in.

"Sir, the World Government has no choice but to do so. Don't get angry any more. It's not good for people outside to see this.……"

The adjutant wanted to persuade Akainu, because he knew how Akainu looked at Luo Xiu. He was very jealous of Luo Xiu.

He wanted to lure him to be a navy officer, or even train him as a successor. After all, Luo Xiu's style of doing things was too consistent with Akainu's ideas. He was brave, resourceful, and decisive!

Isn't this a gift from God to Akainu?

"Or, sir, if you go to visit Luo Xiu in person, there will be a chance for him to join the navy!"

"As long as you join the navy, the bounty will be removed naturally!"

The adjutant continued to persuade, but Akainu narrowed his eyes and said softly

"Do you really think I was angry just because Luo Xiu was wanted for a reward, which made it even more impossible for him to join the navy?"

The adjutant opened his mouth to ask back, isn't it, but he finally suppressed it... He was afraid that the hot-tempered Akainu would beat him. Humph!

Glancing at his adjutant calmly, Akainu snorted in dissatisfaction.

"The real reason why I was angry was not because Luo Xiu did not join the navy. Yes... I admired Luo Xiu very much, but I later realized that Luo Xiu was not suitable to be a navy."

"Or... he is suitable for doing something else, because his obsession is too deep, and being a navy officer will only limit his development."

The adjutant listened to his superior's explanation and felt confused. So this is what his superior thought.

"The real reason I was angry was the attitude of the World Government towards Luo Xiu. They couldn't bear to see an unstable factor like Luo Xiu grow up, but Luo Xiu was too arrogant... It was almost inevitable that there would be a conflict, and……"

Akainu frowned.

"This kid's talent is so high, that in just two months, he has the strength to kill even a strong man of Doflamingo's level. Such a speed of strength improvement... is simply unheard of!"

"And there is no trace of the source of his ability, as if it came from another world."

"Such a guy will almost certainly become a top-level warrior in the future. If a conflict breaks out with the World Government... then the consequences will be too great!"

Akainu said at the end, his face was extremely ugly!

He could foresee the day when the World Government and Luo Xiu would clash in the future.

Will Luo Xiu confront the World Government?

The relationship between the World Government and the Navy has always been criticized by many people, but it is obvious that... the conflict between the two has become deeper and deeper!

The adjutant opened his mouth in surprise. He did not expect that his superior was worried about such a thing, but... Luo Xiu is just one person. How can one person's power fight against the World Government.

Is his superior overthinking it?

But after hesitating for a while, the adjutant finally asked in a low voice,

"If it really happens one day, then sir,……"

Akainu narrowed his eyes and did not answer the question. The adjutant nodded silently, not knowing whether he understood or not.

As if remembering something, the adjutant reminded,

"I heard that Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, has ordered a search for Luo Xiu. It seems that he has bad intentions... I heard that Doflamingo has a vested interest in him. Will Luo Xiu be in danger?"

"Should we provide some assistance?……"

As a navy officer, he still has a good impression of Luo Xiu, who has killed many pirates.

"No need, that guy's wings have gradually grown stronger... He is no longer a fledgling eagle that needs protection. I can't predict his future.……"


Akainu narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This kid can give us a surprise in the future!"

Eliminate all the pirates, or can this kid really do it?

Akainu is looking forward to meeting Luo Xiu next time!

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