Because the Sabaody Archipelago is the only way for the four seas to the new world, there are usually a lot of strong people here!

Here, pirates with a bounty of tens of millions can no longer be kings like they were in the four seas. In this magical island, they can only bow their heads and be human beings, so as not to cause the displeasure of the real big guys!

The big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million here are the real masters who can run rampant here!

For example... those supernovas who were rated as the most evil era, but even these supernovas with a bounty of over 100 million chose to keep a low profile today.

Because several major events have happened in the Sabaody Archipelago in the past few days, even the Celestial Dragons, who are called the real world nobles, have appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago, and it seems that more and more navy have appeared here!

This makes these supernovas who want to go to the new world safely more careful, after all, they don’t want to face the navy head-on!

Time passed like a white horse passing by, and the Sabaody Archipelago was so strangely quiet for several days, and finally became lively one day.

Because the coating work is about to begin, these supernovas have to do this job no matter how mean and forbearing they are, otherwise it will be difficult to go to the New World again!

It seems that there is a tacit understanding between the pirates, and these supernovas began to show up one after another.

"Haha, the Chabaoti Archipelago is different... It is worthy of being the gateway to the New World. You can really meet some interesting guys here!"

""Hahaha... this is where the strong should come!"

At this moment, a man with long crimson hair began to walk out with a rebellious smile. He looked arrogant as if the whole world belonged to him, causing many passers-by to frown and retreat!

Of course, this person was so arrogant because he was really powerful, because his name was Kidd, one of the top ten supernovas (why it is the top ten will be explained later)... and his bounty reached more than 400 million Baileys.

And his bounty amount was earned by killing people. He was considered a murderer in his sea area and had slaughtered many innocent villages!

Kira, who was wearing an iron mask, looked at the captain's appearance and could only shake his head and stand aside in silence.

It was because he was a normal person!

"Where are those guys? Why don't they dare to show up? Are they scared by the navy?"

After a while, looking at the boring street, Kidd said dissatisfiedly,

"I also want to test the strength of those guys, especially the straw hat boy... I'm really interested in this guy!"

"Captain, since they are not here... why don't we go to the nearest auction house? I heard that it is very lively there, and maybe we can encounter some interesting things!"

In the end, it was Kira who reminded Kidd, so that he would not continue to act crazy here without paying attention to others!

Seeing this, the latter scratched his head and agreed.

Soon, the two came to the largest auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago. Looking at the brilliant scene in front of him, even Kidd was amazed.

It is said that this auction house will auction some items that are even banned by the World Government, and it is even nicknamed the black market... The two narrowed their eyes and quickly slipped in from the secret intersection with curiosity.

This underground auction house is very dark, and you can't see people clearly if you don't look carefully.

But the moment Kidd stepped into this underground auction house, his brows immediately frowned... but then he showed an excited smile.

Because in this auction house he felt many powerful auras, and some even made him feel threatened. Kidd, who likes to make trouble the most, immediately knew that he came to the right place!

Without any hesitation, he found Arrived at a secret location and sat with Kira, hiding his body tightly in the darkness!

Kidd smiled and waited for things to happen!

As time passed, more and more people began to come to the auction, and the strong auras among them were endless, which made Kidd seem excited, and he also paid special attention to a few people.

A young man who looked like a fool wearing a straw hat, and a tall and thin young man with a cold dead face and a white spotted hat!

Of course, what Kidd noticed most was the person sitting in the front row of the auction venue!

The man was wearing heavy white clothes and a transparent fiberglass on his head. Although his aura was as weak as a grasshopper that could be stepped on to death at will, Kidd was full of solemnity after seeing it.

Because this person is a Celestial Dragon, a Celestial Dragon known as the descendant of God!

Even the World Government exists for them. They have supreme power, killing people will not violate the law, and they themselves are not bound by the law!

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