"Who lost?" After everyone discovered that after the huge collision, one person was actually smashed directly into the deep pit, and they immediately became curious!

Of course, because of Kidd's previous combat performance, everyone still believed that the latter was more likely to win. After all, the navy who fought against Kidd... they just noticed it.

It seems to be a very young young man. What kind of strength can such a young navy have!

All the supernovas thought so, but when they really saw the figure in the deep pit, their eyes widened and their breathing became rapid.

Because the figure lying in the deep pit had a dazzling red hair and an unruly face. Who else could it be but the arrogant Kidd before?

At this moment, Kidd was lying in the deep pit, gasping violently. It was obvious that he had suffered a loss in the collision just now.

And the young navy's clothes were messed up, and it didn't seem that there was anything wrong!

Everyone took a breath of cold air when they saw this, and the old man who had been watching the battle calmly frowned, and then smiled.


Ignoring everyone's shock, the young marine tilted his head and walked towards the pit with a calm face... Then he looked down at Kidd from above and said in a deep voice

"Kidd, with a bounty of 315 million Baileys, is a vicious pirate from all over the world. He once slaughtered several villages without reason, causing the deaths of thousands of innocent people.……"

The young marine quickly told Kidd the secret information, especially his killing behavior... It was simply outrageous!

After saying this, the young marine looked at Kidd with a sullen face and continued

"Do you really think you can get away with it?...This is the Sabaody Archipelago, an island under the control of our navy!"

"This is not a place for you pirates to do whatever you want!"

Listening to the young marine's sermon, Kidd was furious... He stood up suddenly, and then leaped to attack the young marine again!

He grinned

""I, Kidd, can do whatever I want. You hypocritical marines are not qualified to judge me!"

But the young marine was not panicked at all, and punched down fiercely again!

Compared with Kidd's huge mechanical arm, the fist of the young marine was almost invisible, but such a fist burst out with a force that amazed everyone!


Kidd was hit hard into the deep pit again. Obviously... he could not beat this young marine in terms of power confrontation. No matter how hard he tried... this young marine just relied on his physical strength to suppress him!

Buzz! Buzz...


The earth spread out like a spider web, causing everyone to retreat in fear.

All the supernovas stared at this scene in amazement. Kidd was actually suppressed by a young marine!

"Kidd... this guy actually lost to that marine, how is that possible?"

"That marine looks younger than us, how could he be so strong?"

"Who is this guy?"

The supernovas exclaimed. Although they didn't want to admit it, they had noticed in the battle just now that Kidd might be one of the strongest among them.

And this young marine could actually beat Kidd in a fight. This was simply too shocking!

In the end, the extremely knowledgeable Becky recognized the identity of the person who came. He said solemnly with a serious face

"If I'm not mistaken, that young marine should be the super rookie who has become famous in the Navy Headquarters in recent years. At the age of 18, he was given the code name"Tenhu", a vice admiral of the Navy... He had fought against the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, and achieved considerable results.……"

Listening to Becky's story about the young navy, several supernovas immediately looked serious!

They didn't expect to encounter a navy of this level here, but they were shocked, but they couldn't just run away.

Several supernovas immediately decided to besiege the young Lieutenant General Tianhu!

"No matter how powerful this guy is, can he withstand the siege of a group of us? Let's go together... Kill this marine!"

Someone grinned and was about to attack. Luffy also defeated the enemy rear admiral at this time, and ran over with his hands rubbed.

"Are we going to fight again? Leave the strongest one to me.……"

Luffy smiled innocently, as if he didn't care about what everyone was saying.

But he was immediately dissuaded by Bege. Luffy looked at Bege angrily...but saw that the latter's face was unprecedentedly solemn.

He was even more shocked than when he saw Tianhu's attack just now. He was stunned for a moment and found that Bege's eyes were fixed on the other two young navy men who were slowly walking over!

One man and one woman!

The man was cold and stern, and the woman was heroic!

"Vice Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, Sword Girl, Tianlong... an existence at the same level as Tianhu, who has repeatedly blocked the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates' actions to attack the Four Emperors... is a candidate for this term's Admiral of the Marine Headquarters!"

Bege said in a deep voice, and his footsteps had unconsciously retreated a few steps. Luffy scratched his head and said indifferently

"What about Tianlong, Tianhu... What strange code names, but they do look very strong."

Luffy pointed at Xiaolong and Xiaonan and laughed heartily.

"Hey, let's have a fight... I think you guys are interesting!"

Luffy jumped and attacked!

Facing Luffy's attack, the two young marines were still discussing slowly.

"This guy should be the straw hat boy... Who will come?"

"Let me do it. I have disliked this guy for a long time. He has made a mess of the situation."


The young man with a blue dragon tattoo on his face took a step back and stretched out a hand very gentlemanly, as if to say please!

In the end, Konan stood up. She looked at Luffy with an indifferent face, and her right hand had already grasped the hilt of the knife at her waist!

Calm down and concentrate!

At the moment when Luffy was about to bow to her, Konan suddenly drew her sword... An extremely huge blade light immediately came out!

The momentum was like thunder!

Everyone took a breath of cold air, and the white-haired old man's face finally became rare and solemn!

This person's sword power is really strong, even if he has been roaming the sea for so many years... There are not many people stronger than this girl!

Everyone exclaimed,"This person... What a strong sword power!"


The sword light directly led Luffy to retreat continuously, smashed countless walls, and then fell directly into the ruins!


Luffy's screams could be heard from a long distance away, and the young navy officer known as the sword girl did not hesitate at all and chased after him again with a sword in hand!

Bang! Bang...

Luffy was soon beaten and fled away with his head in his hands. His rubber fruit ability was completely unable to deal with Konan's sword light, and he was beaten very painfully...

The two most powerful supernovas were suppressed and beaten in the blink of an eye. This scene really made these supernovas uncomfortable. The actions of Konan and Xiaohu, that is, the sword girl and Vice Admiral Tianhu, immediately excited the navy, allowing these supernovas to continue to be arrogant... This time the other party is going to be finished.

"Damn... This is really troublesome. These guys seem to be really tough. What should we do?"

""Let's join forces, shall we?"

Someone suggested with difficulty. At this juncture, everyone immediately put aside their pride and prepared to join forces against the enemy.

"Well, Becky, you are responsible for the fire support... Becky... Becky" someone suggested, and then froze in the spot. There was no trace of Becky who had just spoken in the field. They looked back.

Becky had already run two miles away!

"Damn you, Becky... You actually ran away alone!"

Someone yelled angrily, but Becky turned a deaf ear and just ran for his life.

He knew Tianhu, Tianlong, and Daonu best, and knew that they were invincible.

They still want to join forces? What a bunch of idiots!

"I'm running away first, you idiots stay here and have fun!"

Becky sneered and increased her speed again!

At this moment... Qinglong, who had not taken any action, finally stood up! His powerful observation Haki directly locked onto all the remaining pirate supernovas present!

"The rest of you... just fight with me!"

As he said that, the stern young man took a step forward... the ground shattered like a spider web, he snorted coldly and punched everyone directly!

He actually wanted to fight seven alone!

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