Sabaody Archipelago!

At this moment, the battle between the supernovas and the navy has reached a white-hot stage, except for Bege who is being chased by other navy forces!

On the battlefield at this moment, Konan and the other two are actually fighting one against three without losing the upper hand!

That's right... Each of them can resist the attack of three supernovas!

It's so terrifying!

Xiaohu VS Kidd, Drake, and Killer!

Xiaolong VS Law, Urouge, and Bonnie!

Konan VS Luffy, Appo, and Hawkins!

The battle between these people directly destroyed the buildings within a radius of hundreds of meters. Even a small aftermath is not something that ordinary people can resist...

And those supernova pirates naturally fought with the remaining navy, and the scene was once very chaotic.

"These three little guys from the navy are so powerful! They are even stronger than these little guys called supernovas.……"

"Is this the foundation of this generation of navy? I don't know who wrote it, is it Sengoku or Garp... or the current navy?���Admiral!"

The old man with white hair, untidy beard and worn-out slippers seemed not to be afraid of the aftermath of the attack. He leaned against a corner and watched the battle intently!

The old man was actually one of the top strong men of the old era, and his name was... Pluto Rayleigh!

He was once the deputy of Pirate King Roger, a real top pirate, and had fought with the current navy's top fighters Sengoku, Garp and others many times!

But after Roger voluntarily arrested and disbanded the pirate group, he has been living in seclusion in the Sabaody Archipelago as a ferryman.

But after meeting Luffy a few days ago, he found that When he found out that the latter was wearing Roger's straw hat, and that he also had a connection with the red-haired kid, Rayleigh immediately became interested.

He had been observing Luffy and his crew these past few days, and found that they were very similar to them back then... Rayleigh had actually secretly wanted to pass on their legacy!

Maybe... the next Pirate King will be that Straw Hat kid!

But now that he found out that Lu Fan was suppressed by a navy man of the same age, Rayleigh's face instantly turned ugly...

A man who wants to become the Pirate King must be able to suppress his peers!

He doesn't want to see Luffy lose here,

"Have I been hiding for many years, will I be exposed today?"

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes, full of hesitation!

While Rayleigh was hesitating, the battle in the field was almost coming to an end!

Xiaohu had seriously injured Kira, the weakest of the three. At this moment, the latter's chest was already sunken... You can imagine how serious his injuries are now!

But even so, he was still fighting with Xiaohu like a madman.

And now Xiaohu, who had transformed into two pairs of tiger claws, seemed to be still at the peak of his energy and blood. Although there were many scars in front of his eyes, he seemed to not care at all!

His eyes were full of determination!

""Die for me! Pirates!"

He shouted angrily, and the power of the Tiger-Tiger Fruit was brought to its extreme. His whole body was raised again, and a pair of huge tiger claws slapped directly at Kira! The huge force even made the space a little distorted. Kira, who was seriously injured, had no time to dodge and could only watch the attack fall.

Drake, who was unfamiliar with Kira, did not hesitate at all and teleported away. He did not want to sacrifice for this group of unfamiliar pirates!

""Kira!!! Don't!"

Kidd roared, forcibly condensing the power of the devil fruit, and the huge mechanical arm was about to block Kira directly!

And try to use his body to block this attack!

Kira is Kidd's partner, he will not allow the other party to die in front of him!

But Kira knew that Kidd could not block this attack, how could he watch his captain die...Kira just smiled indifferently.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I may not be able to continue to accompany you on the journey to the new world... Please continue to help me fulfill my dream!"


Kidd shouted hurriedly!

After that, Kira forced his blood to condense... and rushed directly to Xiaohu's attack. This was Kira's last attack!

For this, he ignited his vitality. There was really no other way... This young admiral was too strong.

Even if the three of them worked together, they couldn't defeat each other!

The next moment!


Without any hesitation, Kira laughed and forced his remaining power to explode, colliding directly with that attack!


The huge force made Xiaohu fly backwards and smashed countless walls. When he got up... he found that his chest was full of blood.

Obviously, he was seriously injured. Xiaohu's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect the latter to be so decisive.

But... Kira became the first supernova to die!

At this moment, Kidd was holding Kira's body, his eyes full of tears... He began to tremble violently!


Kidd roared, and a powerful force began to surge from him!

The huge gale and the great sense of oppression made everyone change color!

"This is... Domineering Haki!"

Everyone's pupils shrank in disbelief. They didn't expect Kidd to be able to awaken Domineering Haki under such circumstances!

Rayleigh was also shocked by this scene. Although he knew that Kidd was the most talented among the group, he was still surprised that he could awaken Domineering Haki now.

"Although it was a forced awakening of the Conqueror's Haki, it was not very stable... but it was enough to bring about a great change in this battle."

Rayleigh nodded thoughtfully. What he did not notice was that while he was shocked.

On another battlefield, a tall and thin young man who was fighting fiercely with Lieutenant General Tianlong, also known as Xiaolong, noticed the changes here.

He frowned and murmured,

"Did Kidd actually awaken his Conqueror's Haki? I didn't expect such a change to happen.……"

"I hope it won't affect the leader's plan, otherwise……"

Luo, who was also a supernova, narrowed his eyes, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Don't force me to take action in advance!"



""Kira, didn't you say you would accompany me to explore the new world? Why did you just leave like that... Bastard, you are a fucking bastard!" It's hard to imagine that Kidd, who has always been unruly and even decisive in killing, would be so out of control after Kira's death.

Maybe this is the contradiction of a person, everyone has two sides!

Everyone in the field was fighting while resisting the movement here.

How strong will Kidd, who has awakened the domineering domineering, be? Can he defeat this group of navy? This makes these supernovas very curious.

The sword girl who was suppressing Luffy and others changed her face slightly and was about to rush to Xiaohu, but was immediately stopped by Xiaolong on the side.

The cold young man said expressionlessly

"Believe in Xiaohu, he can solve it by himself... We knew a few years ago that the only person we can rely on in this world is ourselves"

"So... believe him!"

The reason why they have been able to progress so fast in the past few years is because they are not afraid of death. Each of them has crawled out of a pile of dead bodies.

Only by facing death every time can they become stronger!

Konan was silent for a while and nodded heavily, but she couldn't release her anger and turned her head to stare at Luffy and the others.

She raised her sword and slashed!

"You bunch of damn pirates, can't you just die?……"

Boom! The battle started again!

At this moment, Xiaohu also endured the severe pain and climbed up with difficulty. He felt the condition of his body and looked at the furious Kidd. Suddenly... he grinned and said

"Pirates? It must be hard to feel the loss of a friend, right?"

Just one sentence made Kidd start fighting, his red tiger eyes looked directly at Xiaohu.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Hearing this, Xiaohu smiled... He shrugged slightly and said word by word

"I say you deserve it, you damn pirates all deserve it... You have killed so many innocent villagers and destroyed so many innocent families along the way, don't you know?"

"Now your partner has been killed... You are starting to get angry, do you pirates deserve this?"


Few people know that the most famous Vice Admiral Tianhu in the Navy is not only extremely powerful in combat, but also has a terrible mouth.

He likes to irritate those damn pirates and then kill them, because he thinks that ordinary killing is not enough to vent his anger!

"You pirates should all die!"

Xiaohu, still young and energetic, remembered some past events and yelled at Kidd!


"You're dead, you insulted my companions... I'm going to kill all of you��!"

Kidd, whose wounds had been rubbed with salt, finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Xiaohu!

The domineering aura that had just awakened became more solid!

Xiaohu said nothing, but raised his arm and killed him again!!

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