"God's power!"

A very abrupt voice exploded from the field. Everyone present shuddered subconsciously when they heard this voice, because this voice was really too cold...

It was as if it was not a sound that humans could make.

But as this strange voice fell, soon... something magical happened in the field. Rayleigh's swift attack on the sword girl actually... cut into the air.

Yes... It was empty!

The sword girl's lieutenant general actually disappeared directly out of thin air as if there was no such space.

Everyone was confused, and Rayleigh frowned... His observation Haki suddenly opened, and he immediately turned his head to look.

At the end of the long street, a mysterious man covered in red clouds and black robes appeared at some point. He wore a special vortex mask on his face, and his whole body... Only a pair of eyes were exposed.

And it is worth noting that the eyes of this mysterious man are blood red, terrifyingly red... There are also symbols similar to darts in the pupils, which makes the temperament of this mysterious man even more weird.

This person's breath seems to be extremely low, so low that no one can feel his existence.

The knife girl who just disappeared was standing next to this mysterious man, and she looked frightened.

"Hiss, what a strange mysterious man"

"Who is this person? It seems to be the knife girl he rescued……"

"It's another big guy. Today's big events are one after another.……"

Although no one knew the identity of the masked man, everyone present was not stupid... They all knew that this masked man who suddenly appeared was not simple. What no one noticed was that when Rayleigh, who had just made the move, saw the masked man appear, his face became terribly solemn!

Boom! Boom...

The scene was strangely quiet for a few seconds, and the knife girl who was finally rescued couldn't help but ask the masked man beside him:

"Who are you... Why did you save me?"

Xiaonan's voice was a little cold, but the masked man didn't even turn his head and ignored her. Instead, he looked at Rayleigh opposite him and laughed a little coldly.

"Hehehe… What a Pluto Rayleigh, once the deputy of Pirate King Roger… Is this how a legendary pirate bullies the weak?"

"This is really ridiculous!"

As soon as the masked man finished speaking, the crowd immediately started to discuss.

"Pluto Rayleigh... This old man is actually Pluto Rayleigh"

"No wonder this old man is so powerful, he used to be the deputy of Pirate King Roger, a truly legendary existence.……"


Rayleigh narrowed his eyes and looked at the masked man with a somewhat cold expression.

"Who are you? I should know a strong man of your level... but I feel a little strange about you."

This masked man really made him feel apprehensive. He hoped that the other party was not here to cause trouble for him... but simply wanted to help the navy.

But the next moment, the masked man's cold voice came,

"Who am I?" The masked man seemed to think for a moment and answered.

""The one who came to kill you!"

The answer was concise and to the point, which made Rayleigh's face change drastically... His brows were directly wrinkled into a"川" shape, and the pirates present were also stunned.

This guy is too arrogant, directly threatening to kill Pluto Rayleigh. You have to know that the other party was once the deputy of the Pirate King, not some random person.

"Sir, I don't seem to have any grudge against you.……"

Rayleigh frowned, and the right hand holding the sword began to exert force.

The masked man sneered when he heard this.

"Do I need a good reason to kill a pirate? If I have to give a reason... it's that I am happy to do it."

"And... I'm not saying I want to kill you, a pirate. Even if you are Pluto Rayleigh, you are not worthy of my planning for so long. I want to kill……"

The masked man looked at everyone in the field with his scarlet eyes.

"All of you!"


All the pirates' faces changed drastically, but before they could react, the masked man clapped his hands and said calmly

"Okay, I won't waste my time talking to you guys. If I delay for a while... a troublesome guy is coming. It's wasting my time to delay him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come so slowly.……"

"So... let's clear the field first!"

"I want this newly opened era of evil to be ruptured immediately... All the pirates present must die!"

The masked man looked in a certain direction and said in a grim tone.

"Take action!"

"Yes! I have been waiting for a long time... Chief!"

Two very indifferent voices answered him. One was from Luo who was fighting against Lieutenant General Tianlong on another battlefield... At this moment, the latter suddenly jumped up and pointed his butcher knife at the two supernovas beside him.

Swish! Swish!

Blood splattered, and everyone was shocked... Why did Luo, who was a supernova, attack his own people?

But what surprised them was not just that.

A figure wearing a red cloud and black robe had appeared on the battlefield where Kidd and Lieutenant General Tianhu were fighting.

It's just that this man in a red cloud and black robe did not wear a mask.

He had a fluent green short hair, a bandage on his forehead, and three knives on his waist... He sneered and said

"Finally... is it my turn?" ps: The exciting plot has begun, please give me a small gift to urge me to update and give me a thumbs up!

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