Akainu looked at Konan and the other two helplessly. These kids were usually very nice. They were dignified but warm to their subordinates, and respectful but not self-deprecating to their superiors.

But when they encountered Luo Xiu's problem, they changed drastically... The genius vice admiral was gone, and there were only three brothers and sisters who missed their brother.

"Hey... I don't know what charm that boy has that makes you guys so concerned? How can you be my vice admiral?……"

Akainu said this with a wooden face, but the three people who had known Akainu for a few years and were very familiar with his personality naturally knew that he would not be angry about this at all!


Akainu was helpless. He was actually very curious about Luo Xiu. After all, he had almost made it clear that he wanted to recruit Luo Xiu into the navy a few years ago, and even used his own power to help Luo Xiu several times.

However, he failed for various reasons at that time, and Luo Xiu disappeared directly, which made Akainu uncomfortable for a long time.

Luo Xiu was the first young man that Akainu recognized, both in terms of strength and style!

"I didn't expect that the little guy who said he owed me a favor would repay me in this way... It's really surprising!"

Akainu shrugged and murmured a little sighing. Luo Xiu's growth rate was really beyond his expectations. He thought that he would need more than 10 years to reach his level, but he didn't expect that Akainu could not see through him in just five years!

And... he also founded the extremely mysterious Akatsuki organization!

Akainu still remembers what Luo Xiu once said, that he would use his own power to kill all the pirates in the world. Is this the path he is taking? It's terrifying!

Akainu glanced at the three little guys who were still worried about Luo Xiu, and his heart was very complicated... It seemed that all the major events of this year happened after he met Luo Xiu.

The boy seemed to have some kind of magic!

Just when Akainu and others were still discussing Luo Xiu, a messenger suddenly ran over in a panic. The few people were stunned. Did something big happen again?……

"Report to the superiors! Marshal Zhan Guo invites you to the conference room... There is something important to discuss!"

"What's the matter?"

Akainu asked subconsciously, and the latter hesitated for a moment and said

"Portgas, D. Ace, the former captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division, was captured... It is rumored that the man is the son of the deceased Pirate King Roger!"


Akainu and his companions were shocked, and the surprised voice made a group of navy people look sideways.


Half an hour later!

In the highest-level meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, all the senior officials of the Navy Headquarters have gathered here at this moment. Those who can come to this meeting room are the real senior officials of the Navy, or... the future senior officials.

The lowest here are some professional civilian rear admirals, and even the vice admirals can only sit at the end!

The three admirals of the Navy, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu are all present, and at the head of the conference table... a man with a resolute face, wearing a navy justice cloak and a square face is sitting upright!

He is the current marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku!

At this moment, all the navy gathered for one thing, that is, to revolve around Ace who has just been arrested. There is no way... the latter is the son of Pirate King Roger, which is too important!

What does he represent... all the navy present know it. At this moment, the atmosphere in the conference room is extremely depressing!

A group of naval executives frowned, obviously still absorbing this shocking news.

Finally, someone spoke,

"Has this news been confirmed? That child...really?" the official said with a sullen face,"Is it really the child of Pirate King Roger?"

"Why didn't we know before that Roger had another child alive!"

"If it's true, Roger's son of the devil is really too important!"

Everyone started to discuss, but most of the people who spoke were some vice admirals.

The three admirals sitting in the front of the conference room, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Aokiji, were silent and calm.

Dong! Dong!

In the end, it was Zhan Guo who knocked heavily on the table to quiet down the noisy conference room. He looked at everyone with a sullen face and said

"Portgas, D. The King has already confirmed that Ace is the son of Pirate King Roger, so don't worry... But the people who arrested him are not from our navy?"

"If it's not someone from our navy... then who is it?"

Someone asked curiously, and Zhan Guo replied

"It’s Blackbeard Marshall, Teach… He was once a legendary crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates together with Ace. However, this Blackbeard was hunted down by the Whitebeard Pirates because he killed his shipmates and stole something important from the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Ace was the one who was ordered to hunt down Blackbeard, but he was not strong enough and was captured by Blackbeard instead.……"

Everyone was confused as they listened to Sengoku's story. They didn't expect Ace to be captured by Blackbeard, his former teammate. Someone frowned and asked,

"Then why did Blackbeard hand over the captured Ace to our navy?"

Zhan Guo glanced at the man and said in a deep voice,

"Because he wants to use Ace to exchange for a position as one of the Shichibukai... and wants to cooperate with our navy!"

"What... He wants to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

A group of people were shocked, and even the faces of several admirals changed. After all, this guy Blackbeard Marshall Teach was not just any cat or dog.

Many people present had fought with him before, and even if he tried his best to hide it, everyone knew that this person was not simple.

And he was very ambitious!

""Okay... Blackbeard Marshall, you know what to do with Teach. The focus of this meeting is to deal with the Pirate King Roger's son, Ace!"

Sengoku waved his hand, his face serious... because what he said next might have a great impact on the navy in the future.

"Ace has been imprisoned by me in Impel Down at the moment, and no one can rescue him... My current plan is to put Ace in Marinford in a few days... and then publicly execute him!"

"And it will be broadcast live all over the world... Let everyone know the fate of the son of Pirate King Roger!"

As soon as these words came out, the conference room became agitated again!

Let me continue to share today's income with my readers, as shown in the picture... Almost all of it is supported by the income from gifts, that is to say, it is all thanks to your support...

(The following does not count)

Thank you so much!

The author is actually a college student from the countryside. I wanted to write a novel to supplement my living expenses, but I didn't expect it to be liked by so many people!

I can actually rank so high in the gift rankings. I am so grateful to everyone. The backstage is all for love...

If there are more chapters, the author will guarantee at least two chapters a day, and then accumulate more manuscripts to burst out all at once...

Thank you again for your gifts!


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