Several pirates very enthusiastically invited Luo Xiu to board the ship. After Luo Xiu really boarded the ship, they were eager to try, and they were so happy.

On the contrary, Luo Xiu began to look around the ship after boarding it. When he saw several cages in the corner... Luo Xiu's expression suddenly became ugly.

Because there were people locked in the cages.

A group of men, a group of women!

Luo Xiu took a rough look and saw that there were probably dozens of them. They were eating extremely dirty food, and everyone's expression was numb and desperate.

Seeing Luo Xiu's eyes looking over here, the group of people all shook their heads with sympathy on their faces... Obviously they thought that Luo Xiu was also an unlucky guy like them.

Of course, some people's expressions were indeed gloating, and they thought it was good to have Luo Xiu, an unlucky guy like them.

"A pirate group that specializes in human trafficking?"

Luo Xiu frowned slightly. If you want to talk about which pirate group is the most hateful, it is naturally this kind of pirate group that traffics in people, because a child can destroy a family!

Thinking of this... Luo Xiu's chest rose and fell, and a red light flashed in his pupils.

At this time, a man came over. The man wore a black hat and dressed a bit like a western cowboy. His arrival... made everyone on the ship stop their work and look at him respectfully.

""Hello, Boss!" they said in unison.

The cowboy man didn't pay much attention to him but pointed at Luo Xiu and asked with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

"Wow, they caught another one... Which one is this this month?"

"Boss, this is the thirty-seventh one."

"Is that the thirty-seventh one? It seems that this month's harvest is not bad... Selling all these children should bring a good profit. By then, we can even change the weapons of our pirate group!"

The cowboy laughed loudly, and the pirates who brought Luo Xiu on the boat also laughed loudly. Obviously, after Luo Xiu got on the boat... they were too lazy to even pretend.

After all, they didn't think that a child would have any ability to resist.

"Okay, put this unfortunate kid in a cage... Remember not to feed him too bad food, or he'll starve to death."

The cowboy yawned, and after giving the order, he wanted to leave. Several of his brothers immediately walked towards Luo Xiu with their teeth bared.

"Little devil, you'd better not resist... to avoid physical pain."

The people in the cage closed their eyes in silence as they watched this scene. They had obviously anticipated what would happen next, but they were too lazy to care... after all, it was none of their business.

Only a disheveled little girl in the cage suddenly raised her head and screamed

""Big brother, what are you standing there for? Run!"

Obviously, she was unwilling to let Luo Xiu give up his last hope of escaping, even though he was in the vast ocean... escaping was simply a delusion.

But she couldn't help but remind him. The woman next to her changed her expression and quickly covered her daughter's mouth, fearing that the pirates would punish them.

However, the girl didn't know what she saw. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she began to struggle violently, and her palms kept pointing forward to signal her mother to look.

Soon, the shocked voices of others were heard nearby, and everyone who was paying attention to the cage looked at this scene in shock.

" is this possible?"

"This boy……"

The middle-aged woman had no choice but to turn around and look. She stared at the shocking scene in front of her with wide eyes and some disbelief.

Because those powerful pirates whom she regarded as ghosts and gods began to fall one after another, accompanied by miserable wails.

And the one who killed them was the boy who looked harmless.

The boy rushed into the group of pirates with a short knife in his hand as if he was in an empty space. Every time he swung the knife, he would take a life.

"Ah... Damn it, how can this kid be so strong and so fast?"

"Get out of the way, this kid is a tough nut to crack... We are no match for him"


The pirates immediately lost their arrogance and began to flee in all directions, but how could their escape speed match the killing speed of Luo Xiu with his Sharingan activated?

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the ordinary pirates on the ship fell to Luo Xiu, and the whole ship was littered with corpses.

The horrible smell of blood was nauseating, but Luo Xiu did not mind it, because this group of pirates also provided him with more than 20 revenge points.

This is a large number!

The remaining pirates looked at the terrifying young man in the center with fear.

"You... who are you?"

The cowboy is the owner of this pirate ship, the captain of the Love Pirates, who specializes in selling people for a living. Hans said with a little fear.

He is also a well-known pirate in the North Sea, with a bounty of 8 million Baileys, but he felt so weak in front of this boy.

Luo Xiu killed a group of his crew members, and he didn't even have time to react... Fast, too fast, every blow of the boy was almost a kill.

"Who am I?"

Hearing Hans' question, Luo Xiu's mouth slightly raised to reveal a cold smile, and the red light in his eyes attracted attention.

"I am an avenger... an avenger for all pirates."

Looking at Luo Xiu's terrifying eyes, Hans was a little scared. He swallowed hard and laughed dryly.

"Hehe... little brother... do you believe me when I say that everything just now was a misunderstanding? How about we shake hands and make peace... I can give you some of my treasures and drop you off at the next port."

"Look at you, you should be calm now after killing so many of my men, so let's just treat it as a friend."

Hans gave in. He was afraid of this young but fierce boy, and would rather sacrifice something for peace.

Seeing that Luo Xiu's expression seemed to be a little different, Hans was instantly excited, but the next moment... the little girl who had just reminded Luo Xiu shouted again

"Don't listen to him, big brother... The next port is their base camp, they will definitely not let you go once you get there."

"You are looking for death!"

Hans's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that his inner thoughts were actually guessed by others. He threw a knife at the girl. The little girl immediately hugged her head in shock. The woman next to her struggled to protect her daughter behind her, but it was too late.


But just when the little girl was dying, a flying knife was thrown over, instantly resolving the crisis. It was Luo Xiu who took action.

He looked at Hans with an indifferent face and said,

"I'm sorry, because you're a pirate... so you have no right to negotiate with me. After we meet, there is only one ending. Either you die... or I die."

"So... there is no room for negotiation?"

Hans' eyes suddenly became fierce. He had been in the North Sea for so many years... His temper was not easy to deal with. At the moment when Luo Xiu refused, he took the initiative to attack Luo Xiu.

A blade of light instantly attacked Luo Xiu!

Although he was not a Devil Fruit user, his combat power was not to be underestimated.

Facing Hans's blatant attack, Luo Xiu did not dodge or evade, and even made a move that puzzled everyone. He quickly flipped his hands. He made various movements with his hands, and finally put one hand in front of his mouth and blew gently. He said softly.

"Fire escape, small fireball technique!"

As soon as the words fell, a large amount of flames spurted out of Luo Xiu's mouth. The huge flames were like a small fire dragon, instantly covering Hans's sword light.

The whole audience was shocked!

"This... is this the ability of a fire devil fruit? This guy is actually a devil fruit user!"

Hans was a little stunned, but was replaced by greater fear, because he knew that every devil fruit user was a scary guy.

So he gritted his teeth and launched a more terrifying offensive again. He swung more blades at Luo Xiu!

But the next moment, something strange happened again. The deck suddenly began to shake violently, and a huge earth wall rose out of thin air to block all of Hans' attacks.

"Earth escape! Earth flow wall!"

Luo Xiu stopped making seals and whispered, that's right... these two ninjutsu are the basic ninjutsu he just exchanged from the system mall, and the effect seems to be very good.

The existence of fire escape and earth escape in the pirate world is equivalent to the power of natural devil fruit, which is extremely terrifying. Compared to what Luo Xiu found... under the blessing of Sharingan, the power of these two ninjutsu will be further enhanced!

Luo Xiu was still calm, but Hans was furious.

"What just now seemed to be the power of earth...but wasn't the guy in front using the power of fire?"

"How could two completely different devil fruit powers be manifested in one person?"

The pirates watching were completely upset, because they had no concept of ninjutsu, so they instinctively attributed Luo Xiu's ability to the devil fruit.

But what happened now was contrary to all this, but no matter what, it proved one thing, that the boy in front of them was very strong, far beyond the reach of their opponents.

"Can you let me go this time? I won't do this again?"

Hans struggled to get another chance to survive, but Luo Xiu still denied it.

Finally, Hans accepted his fate. He staggered and smiled, then launched the final attack, heading straight for Luo Xiu, shouting as he attacked.

"Ahhhh… There are so many pirates in the North Sea, so many scums who do the same thing as me. Why would a strong man like me want to kill me?"


Obviously Hans didn't think he did anything wrong, he just felt that he was unlucky, because the North Sea is like this? The world is like this, if you are not ruthless, you will have no place to stand. The other pirates also charged towards Luo Xiu's final outcome.

In response, Luo Xiu just made seals with both hands again!

The earth escape was released again, but this time it was not for defense... but to restrict their actions, and then Luo Xiu blew suddenly, and an extreme fire escape began the most violent output!

Buzz! Buzz...

Low-level ninjutsu such as the small fireball burst out with powerful power under the blessing of Luo Xiu's extraordinary mental power!

Without any surprise, a group of low-level pirates all died under the scorching flames, and then fell down weakly with black smoke.

As for the most powerful Hans, Luo Xiu opened his Sharingan and killed him. After several rounds... the latter was also killed by Luo Xiu and fell to the ground. When he died, his eyes were wide open, obviously full of unwillingness

〖Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 8 million, and reward 8 revenge points〗

〖Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a 2 million Bailey pirate, rewarded with 2 revenge points〗



A series of kill reports began to sound in Luo Xiu's mind.

Luo Xiu stood indifferently in front of the pile of pirate corpses, with blood-red pupils in his eyes... making Luo Xiu look like a killer god from hell! ps: Please add this to your bookshelf.

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