Far away on the other side of the island, Lafitte and the others, who had already left very far, actually noticed the movement over there immediately, and their faces instantly became solemn.

The black and light blue energy intertwined and collided, which was simply terrifying. They felt that the entire island was shaking. Compared with the battle with the Fire Fist Ace not long ago, the battle at that time was like child's play!

"Oh my god! What on earth happened over there? How could there be such a huge energy fluctuation? I felt a little bit of it here and my heart was a little bit trembling."

"That black... must be the captain's power, still as strong as ever, but that light blue power seems to be even stronger than the captain's power... and more than one level stronger. Is this the kind of power that a human can possess?"

""Has the captain encountered a figure of the admiral level? Should we go to help?"

A group of people were whispering with serious faces. This was the first time they encountered such an emergency. For the first time, they felt a little unconfident about their own Blackbeard. They felt that their captain could not be the opponent of that mysterious man!

But after hesitating for a while, they still did not choose to go.

Because Blackbeard asked them to leave just now, it seemed that he already knew what would happen next, so there should be no danger.

But a group of people still looked over there with fear, very curious about what the outcome of the battle over there would be?



After an unknown amount of time, as the energy riot subsided, a rough hand covered with black hair stretched out from the pile of dirt with difficulty, but soon the pile of dirt became quiet again, and after a while another rough hand stretched out.

It was also quiet for a while...

After an unknown amount of time, there was a rustling sound from the pile of dirt again, and finally a bang.

The pile of dirt exploded, and a somewhat bloated man walked out of it, revealing a few iconic teeth in his mouth, with three guns on his waist!

It was Blackbeard, Marshall, D, Teach!

However, at this moment, he looked more than just in good condition. There was a large hole in his chest, and blood was constantly oozing out of it. There was even a small dent in his head, as if he had been hit by a hammer!

Not only that, he was still limping and looked quite embarrassed!

"cough cough……"

Blackbeard coughed twice and spat out a mouthful of blood before he felt much better. He forced a smile and looked at the figure in front of him, wearing a red cloud and black robe, with his hands behind his back.

That figure was still as powerful as ever!

"The leader is still as strong as ever... I am really no match for you, I can't even compete with you? Haha……"

"You will be the one who will become the king of the sea in the future!"

Blackbeard laughed dryly. At this moment, the rebellious heart that had just risen in his heart had been completely suppressed. He swore that if he was not absolutely sure, he would never challenge the young man in front of him again!

Terrible... too terrible!

Blackbeard is still in shock about the battle just now, because it was not a situation of confrontation between the two sides, but a pure crushing of one side against the other!

The kind that has no power to fight back, this feeling is even more terrible than facing his father, the terrifying man.

And Blackbeard doesn't know whether the other party has used all his strength!

He is really afraid of Luo Xiu. Maybe even if he gets the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, he is still not the opponent of the other party!

Luo Xiu did not respond to Blackbeard's flattery, but just said indifferently

"See you in Marinford in seven days... Don't let me down!"

After that, Luo Xiu's figure slowly disappeared, and finally left the field completely.

Blackbeard stood there, looking at the place where Luo Xiu disappeared without saying a word, his eyes narrowed, and I don't know what he was thinking?

It was just that his hands were clenched into fists for a while and then loosened again, over and over again!



Grand Line, first half!

An unnamed island on the edge of the sea, deep in the Devil's Triangle. The world only knows that there is a gloomy and terrifying moving ship in this place covered by fog all year round. It is called the Terror Three Ghosts. The sailboat is the pirate ship of Gekko Moriah, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In fact, there is an unknown island in the depths of this Devil's Sea. It is in a windless zone... Almost no ship can approach this island, but it does exist.


With a wave of space fluctuations, a figure slowly appeared on this mysterious island in the dark. He was wearing a red cloud and black robe and a vortex mask!

It was Luo Xiu!

He greedily breathed in the somewhat decayed smell in the air. I don't know why he likes this strange smell now, because it can make him feel at ease.

Of course, it may be the sense of security given to him by this mysterious island in the dark!

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was a sound of crisp footsteps, and two figures came out from the mist. Both of them wore swords on their waists, but the difference was... one of them had a sword on his waist, and the other had three long swords on his waist. They greeted Luo Xiu.

"Chief! Are you back?"


The speakers were Zoro and Law, who were both wearing red and black robes. Law was also wearing the same red cloud and black robe, and the wide robe completely covered his figure.

Luo's face looked even colder. He was about to continue speaking, but he saw another figure coming out from the shadow behind him. He was also wearing a red cloud and black robe, but the difference was that the person who came was slender, with a proud swan neck, and a beautiful face that was shining in the dark.

That's right, the person who came was actually a woman!

Judging from her clothes, she was also a member of the Akatsuki organization. When Luo and Zoro saw the person show up, their faces showed a rare fear, and they stepped back a few steps to make room for the beautiful woman.

A deserted island actually gathered four members of the Akatsuki organization. If someone saw this scene, they would definitely be very surprised!

Because this is obviously the secret base of the mysterious Akatsuki organization!

A beautiful woman who was over 1.8 meters tall walked up to Luo Xiu with a pair of long legs. Her cold face finally showed a barely perceptible smile. She said softly:

"Chief...my retreat is over!"

"Lan... I didn't expect your retreat to end so soon. That's even better. We can solve it all at once!"

Seeing the visitor, Luo Xiu's brows relaxed for a rare moment, and he seemed to trust the visitor.

He looked at Sauron and the other man and said softly,

"Get ready, the stuff this time... should be pretty good for you!"


Hearing this, Zoro and Luo's faces flushed with excitement, as if what Luo Xiu said was extremely attractive to them!

Let me continue to report today's results to all readers!

(The following is not included in the total number of words)

No way, everyone? You really caught up with the top 50 on the gift list!

Awesome!!! (Roaring loudly)

There is nothing else to say, just add more chapters! If you can get to the top 40, I will continue to add more chapters... (The author is now madly rushing to finish the manuscript.)

By the way, I would like to thank my number one Shanshan is the boss, number two Loveonese, and number three Si Jianzong from the Blood Sea Demon Island!

Thank you all for your support!

Asking for a small gift……ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

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