"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique?"

Luo was stunned when he heard the name. He quickly reminded,

"Chief, didn't you teach me the art of clones before?……"

Luo looked a little resentful, thinking that Luo Xiu was a little biased towards Sauron. Could it be that what he did was not recognized by the leader?

As if he could see what Luo was thinking, Luo Xiu explained lightly,

"The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is different from the Clone Technique... The latter is very fragile and only has a trace of the original body's ability. It can only be used to confuse the enemy at most, but the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is different... It has a strength close to that of a real entity."

"And you have most of the abilities of the main body and can fight alone. I know that you, who have the ability of the surgery fruit, can do multiple things at once... I think you should be able to perfectly match this ninjutsu and unleash its true power!"

"Okay... I won't say any more, just feel it for yourself!"

After saying that, Luo Xiu did not wait for Luo to refuse, and immediately began to teach him the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Although the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is not in the forbidden ninjutsu of the system, it is definitely a bug-level ninjutsu. In theory, it can create countless clones with unlimited power.

Combined with Luo's powerful mental arithmetic ability, his strength can definitely reach a new height!

And the fact is almost exactly the same. Luo, who has fully absorbed the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, almost did the same thing as Zoro.

He said to Luo Xiu with a serious face

"From now on, my life belongs to you... I will never refuse, even if it means death!"

"Remember what you said!"

Luo Xiu still spoke in that cold tone, as if Zoro and Luo's statements could not affect him at all.

In fact, if a strong man of their level swore allegiance to a strong man of Kaido's level, the latter would also be very happy!

This is someone who has a chance to become an emperor-level strongman!


Luo Xiu didn't have time to say anything, his eyes shifted to the last figure, Lan, but before he could say anything more, the girl had already walked slowly in front of Luo Xiu, her beautiful sapphire eyes staring at him.

"Brother Xiu...what are you going to give me?"

The girl's attitude shocked Zoro and Law so much that their eyes almost popped out. What...what's going on? Is there something wrong?

In fact, Zoro and Law had only recently met this beautiful girl. After all, each member of the Akatsuki organization didn't know who the specific members were, and they would only meet them when Luo Xiu summoned them.

But what is certain is that this beautiful girl is very strong...because Zoro and Law felt threatened by her, although the girl's slender body didn't seem to have any powerful strength.

But every time they looked at the girl, their hearts would skip a beat, as if their brains were giving them a warning!

Zoro and Law stared at the two of them with wide eyes!

""Xiao Lan...what are you doing? I told you to call me leader in front of others!"

Luo Xiu said helplessly. The girl shrugged and said insincerely.

"Got it, Brother Xu!"


Luo Xiu was helpless, because the girl had a very special place in his heart, almost like a sister, just like Xiaolong, Xiaohu, Xiaonan and others!

Because she was the one who accompanied him in the most difficult times. After all, his emotions were very unstable at that time, and he was killing every moment.

It was the girl who gave him a little warmth, otherwise Luo Xiu was not sure if he would go crazy.

"How is your mastery of the power of your devil fruit?"

Luo Xiu suddenly looked at the girl and asked. In fact, in his opinion, the girl's potential was the biggest problem, even more than Zoro.

It was because she ate a devil fruit called the Soul Fruit. This devil fruit had never appeared in the original work, but it was terribly powerful!

It seemed to be given to the girl by God, and it accidentally fell into her hands after the girl went out once.

And the ability of this devil fruit is just like its name, related to the mind...

It is a bit similar to illusion but more terrifying than illusion!

How to say... It is a bit similar to one of the secret techniques of the special Mangekyo Sharingan, Izanagi, and Izanami!

But the price of using that power is also terrible, that is, it will consume life, and the life consumed at one time depends on the strength of the opponent you control!

"It has awakened for the second time... and has awakened more abilities. I think I can help you defeat more enemies with it!"

Ah Lan replied with a sweet smile, staring at Luo Xiu with her beautiful eyes.

Luo Xiu subconsciously avoided the girl's burning gaze.

"That's good……"

Luo Xiu said calmly, and then touched the girl's forehead.

"Although your devil fruit is powerful, its protective power is too weak. The ninjutsu I will give you this time is called Flying Thunder God Jutsu!"

"As long as you leave a mark in advance, you can use it to go to the marked location immediately without worrying about distance restrictions……"


Luo Xiu looked at the girl with his bloodshot eyes and said in an unquestionable tone

"I hope you can use it to protect yourself and don't die easily. I'm not in the mood to carry a dead body... It's of no use to me!"

Luo Xiu's words were still almost ruthless, but the girl still had that smile on her face. She said softly

"Got it! I won't die easily……"

In fact, the girl added a sentence in her heart. How could she die so easily? She was still waiting for the day when Luo Xiu fulfilled his dream?

She wanted to see that era!

Without any accidents, Luo Xiu quickly taught the girl the Flying Thunder God Technique.

So far!

Luo Xiu has passed on three powerful ninjutsu to three people!

Zoro obtained the Eight Gates Ninjutsu!

Luo Xiu���


Xiu had chosen these three ninjutsu for a long time, each of which was extremely powerful and perfectly matched with their abilities. Luo Xiu felt that these three ninjutsu would allow them to improve their strength to a higher level in a short period of time, and perhaps they would give Luo Xiu a great surprise!

At this moment!

The three of them stood in front of Luo Xiu, looking at him solemnly.

"Go back and practice diligently the new power I gave you. In the battle of Marinford seven days later... I hope you won't let me down!"

"Yes!!!" the three replied.

Let me continue to report today's results to all the readers!!! 42nd place, I have never been ranked so high in my life!

(The following is not included in the total number of words)

Although the gift list is not ranked in the top 40, I still have to add more chapters. I sincerely thank everyone for their support!

The author is a student, so I can only rely on extracurricular time to write, and the update may not be fast enough... I apologize in advance!

By the way, thank you for the explosive update and flower gifts from the Explosive Sky Technique!


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