"Wood Release, a world of trees will be born!"

"Wood Release! The Flower Tree World is Coming!"

"Wood Release, Tree Binding and Eternal Burial!"

Luo Xiu stood behind the Whitebeard Pirates, using Wood Release Ninjutsu without restraint, and for this type of group battle.

The damage of these Wood Release Ninjutsu can undoubtedly be maximized, which is the difference between the strong in the Pirate World and the Naruto World.

One has low attack and high defense, and the other has almost full attack and no defense!

In a short while, the rear of the Whitebeard Pirates became a dark forest, with countless towering trees standing... and toxic pollen floating everywhere!

The sight was full of corpses. In just a short while, almost half of the people in the rear of the Whitebeard Pirates died, and the rest would hardly live long!

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 10 million Baileys, and reward 10 revenge points〗

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a 5 million Bailey pirate, reward 5 revenge points〗


The sound of kill reports kept ringing in Luo Xiu's mind. The rapid increase in revenge points also meant that the number of deaths was constantly increasing!

Luo Xiu's kill count at this moment may have reached the highest in the audience!

He was like a living god of death, endlessly reaping lives!

And several other members of the Akatsuki organization, such as Zoro and Law, were supporting on the side. The four-man combination attracted the attention of the audience! At this moment, Marco had also done his best to get rid of Aokiji, and rushed back to the rear of his own pirate group at the fastest speed!

When he saw the bodies of his companions all over the ground, Marco roared in anger.

"You bastards... How dare you... All of you die!!!"

In a rage, the Phoenix Flame burned to its extreme, and countless flames rushed directly to Luo Xiu who was in the front!

"Blue Flame Star Falling!"

Marco naturally wanted to deal with Luo Xiu, who was the biggest threat to the Whitebeard Pirates, as soon as possible. Endless green flames exploded in the air!

Exuding a blazing power!

Even Luo Xiu subconsciously narrowed his eyes at this kind of attack. Among the Whitebeard Pirates... Marco's strength alone was still very good.

But... it was still not enough.

Luo Xiu just took a look and ignored it, as if he didn't care about this level of attack at all!

And the next moment, Luo on the side moved

"Want to get close to our leader? You are not qualified!"

He pressed with one hand and shouted softly,



The space in front of him fluctuated, and this wave of attacks was resolved. The ability of the surgery fruit was still very abnormal, it could attack and defend!

But Marco was a well-known strong man, how could his attack be so simple!

He pointed in the air, and the devil fruit ability began to surge... Groups of green flames emerged from behind him again, and then attacked everyone again.

Divert the attack? How could this guy divert so many attacks!

"It seems that this is really a bit troublesome... Then I have to……"

Luo narrowed his eyes, lifted his hat slightly, and showed a cold smile. His hands began to move.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo seemed to be sick... But the next moment he shouted softly

"Ninjutsu, Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff...

The next moment, hundreds of"Luo" appeared in the whole place, all of them with grim expressions, as if they were copied and pasted!

Luo was also stunned when he saw all this, and then smiled coldly... From his perspective at this moment, he could clearly feel the situation of all the clones.

This is his special feature, the mind can be used for multiple purposes!

"bring it on……"

Luo said expressionlessly, and the next moment he began to move.

And soon, this group of identical"Luo" also attacked simultaneously, hundreds of surgery fruits were fully activated, this scene was amazing.

The space in front began to vibrate violently... as if it was going to tear the space apart. Under the power of countless surgery fruits, Marco's flames were as fragile as a piece of paper.

But in a flash, Marco's attacks were resolved one by one!

Marco was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief!

"How is this possible?"

But that's the truth!

Not only that... these hundreds of"Luo" rushed directly towards Marco. These clones are not clones in the general sense.

They can really be completely controlled by Luo, and their combat power improvement is no longer an ordinary addition!

Marco was suppressed in just a moment. After all, his Phoenix Fruit ability is not famous for attack, and some abilities are naturally restrained by the Surgery Fruit ability.

Those who have been paying attention to the battle situation here were instantly shocked.

"Clone? Where does this Luo get the ability to clone himself...isn't he the user of the Operation Fruit?"

"This must be fake, where did this skill come from... He wasn't that strong when he appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago!"

"This Akatsuki organization is really extraordinary!"

The captain of the first squadron of the Whitebeard Pirates is the real number two of the Whitebeard Pirates. Not only in status, but also in strength, he is undoubtedly second.

Even among other royal groups, he is ranked high, and is praised as a person who can take over the banner of the Whitebeard Pirates in the future.

But such an extremely powerful person was stopped by a member of the Akatsuki organization. Judging from the level of their battle... it is hard to tell who will win!

Aokiji, who was about to rush over immediately, also slowed down his pace at this time, and his pair of lazy eyes narrowed up with spirit at this moment.

"This ability... Akatsuki? Where on earth do these guys get their power from?"

Aokiji's face was a little solemn. He really wanted to see what this so-called Akatsuki organization could do!



At this time, in addition to the captains who were responsible for holding Hai Xi on the battlefield, several captains such as Diamond Joz finally arrived.

They looked at Luo Xiu and the others with murderous intent and were about to attack.

But the next moment, a fierce blade was about to attack them. Diamond Joz appeared in front of everyone in an instant!

The devil fruit ability was activated and it was easily stopped!

"Hey, hey, hey...you guys should stop disturbing my leader!"

"He really doesn't like you pirates being so close to him.……"

A young man with a rebellious smile on his face came out holding two swords. It was Sauron!

After seeing Luo's great power, he couldn't hold back his temper!

"Diamond Joz, huh? The guy known as the absolute defense guy... I want to see whether your shield is stronger or my sword is sharper!"

"I will break your sword! Damn bastard!"

Joz cursed, his murderous intent was hard to conceal!

Zoro just laughed, bit the third sword in his mouth, and made a weird posture.

""Three sword styles, demon slash!"


The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot and rushed straight to Diamond Joz, who also quickly turned his arms into shields to defend himself!

Clang! Clang! Clang!


Countless collisions exploded in the field. After the smoke dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that Diamond Joz's shield did not seem to have any major damage, but only had some slight cracks!

Joz looked calm, as if he was used to it. After all, his shield had just blocked Hawkeye Mihawk, who was known as the world's number one swordsman!

How could an unknown swordsman break his defense so easily now!

He wanted to see the discouraged look of this unknown swordsman, but when he looked up... he was stunned.

Because what he saw was a face that was full of fighting spirit and very excited!

"Hehe... In that case, let's try my trick. I also want to see how powerful it is!"

Zoro sneered, slowly wrapped the cloth on his arm around his forehead, and then tightened it!

Zoro made a seal with his hands and shouted softly

"The Eight Gates of Dunjia……"

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