Aokiji and Kizaru were the first to notice Luo Xiu's sudden attack. They looked over here with serious expressions, wanting to see what Luo Xiu was up to!

Then... they saw something that shocked them extremely!

Diamond Jozu, the captain of the third team of the Whitebeard Pirates, who was known as the absolute defense, could even block the attack of Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman... but his defense was directly broken by Luo Xiu!

Yes... directly broken.

Aokiji and Kizaru only saw Luo Xiu glance at Jozu, who was defending with all his strength, just one glance... and then Jozu fell to the ground in pain. With blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and wailing in pain, Aokiji and Kizaru looked extremely serious when they saw this!

On the battlefield behind the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Ahhhhh… this… how is this possible, what kind of power do you have?"

Joz knelt on the ground, covering his chest, looking at the young man in front of him with disbelief. He was known as the Diamond Joz of Absolute Defense!

His defense was recognized by the entire New World, but it was as fragile as paper under the attack of this young man!

In response to Joz's question, Luo Xiu just looked down at him condescendingly, then shook his head in surprise.

"You are really one of the stupidest people I have ever seen... If you fight Kamui head-on, even Kaido the Beast will have to kneel down!"

How can the power of space be defended by the flesh?

"You can go to hell now!"

Without further nonsense, Luo Xiu said expressionlessly, and then walked in another direction without looking back!

Joz, whose heart was completely crushed by Kamui, also fell to the ground in response.


His eyes were full of confusion and unwillingness!

Instant kill! Direct instant kill... In less than thirty seconds, Luo Xiu solved a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!

This directly shocked everyone's eyes!

Is this the true strength of the leader of the Akatsuki organization? It's so terrifying... and... he seems to be going to take action again, and the target seems to be... the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, one of the real soul figures of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Hiss... Marco is a truly top-level expert. It would probably be very difficult for this guy to win!"

"Indeed... otherwise, it would be too scary!"

Everyone murmured, their eyes full of anticipation, and Luo Xiu had already come behind Luo who was fighting Marco.

"Chief, since you are here... I will go find another opponent. I happen to be very interested in him too!"

Law is naturally smarter and more decisive than Zoro. Seeing that Luo Xiu was about to intervene in the battle, he did not hesitate for a second... and chose to leave directly!

And his target had been determined long ago, that is, Gekko Moriah, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Studying corpses? He was actually very interested in it!

After Luo left, Marco did not choose to stop him. Instead, he looked at Luo Xiu with murderous intent.

"Damn bastard... You killed many of my brothers, I must kill you!"

Marco was the most angry with Luo Xiu, especially since he had just witnessed Luo Xiu killing his brother Diamond Joz!

Buzz! Buzz!

The Phoenix flame rose again, and the scorching flame directly made everyone within a hundred meters feel the heat!


In response to Marco's anger, Luo Xiu just replied indifferently, he has been numb to this kind of double standard pirate spirit!

They are only allowed to kill other people's brothers, but not allowed to kill people he cares about!

It's ridiculous!


Luo Xiu still tried to use Shenwei to test Marco's attack.

Buzz... swish!

Although he diverted Marco's attack and also acted on Marco, the opponent soon recovered.

Obviously, the natural devil fruit ability has a certain restraining power on Shenwei!

On the contrary, Marco saw this and rushed towards Luo Xiu without stopping.

Just now, Luo Xiu used Wood Release, and this weird space force seemed to be restrained by his own ability. He was obviously Luo Xiu's nemesis!

At that moment, Marco was excited!

""Die for me!"

Marco increased the power of his attack, and countless flames directly enveloped Luo Xiu!

Luo Xiu seemed to be at a disadvantage in an instant!

Many people who witnessed this scene shook their heads in regret. The leader of the Akatsuki organization was indeed strong... but when he met someone who was specifically designed to restrain him, he seemed to have to kneel!

However, Luo Xiu seemed to have anticipated such a situation. He shrugged slightly and murmured

"The natural devil fruit users have a natural restraint on the power of Kamui... But... I don't only have the power of Kamui!"

For many strong people, the most special thing about Luo Xiu has never been the power of Kamui, but the diversity of his abilities, that is, his comprehensiveness. No matter what the opponent's abilities are, Luo Xiu can use the most restraining ability to fight against the opponent!

The power that most restrains the natural devil fruit users is naturally... Armament Haki and Taijutsu!

And these two are what Luo Xiu is good at!

Luo Xiu was in a raging fire, and no one could see the scene inside the fire. Luo Xiu began to pinch the seal with a calm look in his eyes and then shouted softly

"The Eight Gates Ninjutsu...Open, open!"


"The door of!"

"The wound"

"Dumen... Open!"

Eight Gates Ninjutsu that Zoro could master, how could Luo Xiu, as the instructor, not master it? In just a moment, Luo Xiu instantly opened the fifth gate!

The invisible strong wind blew directly, making his robe rustle, and even Marco's flames were blown away, revealing Luo Xiu's current state!

The blood-red aura was daunting, and the next moment, the armed color domineering covered his hands directly!

"This... this is……"

Under Marco's surprised expression... Luo Xiu bowed slightly, and then the next moment he jumped up with his toes!


Everyone could only see a shadow and a deep pit on the ground. The next moment, there was a loud noise in the sky...


Marco was directly hit by Luo Xiu and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of thick blood!

Pain! It hurts so much!

Marco felt a sharp pain in his internal organs. It was the first time he was hit so hard. This damn bastard... How could he be so strong!

""Ah!! I don’t believe that your physical skills are that strong!"

Marco roared, and the flaming wings that appeared behind him slapped towards Luo Xiu who was rushing over!

But... it was in vain!

Luo Xiu, who had opened five gates, now had a physical fitness that had increased nearly tenfold, and was infinitely close to the peak of physical training in the pirate world!

Perhaps only a strong man who specializes in physical training like Garp or Kaido could suppress Luo Xiu now!

So for Marco’s attack, Luo Xiu just punched out!

Bang... Boom!

The flaming wings were directly shattered, and Luo Xiu punched Marco in the chest! He was knocked up hundreds of meters again, and Marco vomited blood and almost died!

And Luo Xiu took advantage of the wall of Marinford and jumped up to chase him!

In Marco’s unbelievable In his eyes, he came right above him!

The two sides were almost face to face!

Luo Xiuwan's flower tube sharingan trembled slightly, and Marco's eyes were confused for a moment... The devil fruit ability also stagnated for a moment!

Luo Xiu directly seized the opportunity!

He raised his fist high, and then swung it down!


Marco's body fell rapidly and slammed on the ground of Marinford!

Boom! Boom...

A deep pit with a diameter of dozens of meters was created, and Marco was lying in the deep pit

, his life or death unknown! Many people in Marinford opened their mouths in shock at this moment.

Continue to share today's results!!!!

Those readers who said that I was weak and short, today's two chapters will not be weak and short, right? (4500 words!)


The water mentioned above is just foreshadowing. You can't just keep killing without plot...

And you said it's short. The author is a college student who writes novels part-time. He doesn't have much time... It takes more than 4,000 words to write for 3 hours. It's not that I'm lazy... The previous extra chapters were all written by me staying up late.

Anyway, is today's update... worth a small gift? (Thank you)

٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥

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