Zhan Guo tightly controlled this old friend, and then spoke anxiously

"Garp, you must always remember that you are a marine... a marine hero personally appointed by our marine headquarters. All marines are watching you right now, right?"

"Have you forgotten the oath you made as a navy officer?"

Sengoku grabbed Garp's collar with his big hands and yelled,"Ace and Luffy are pirates... and as navy officers, we are natural enemies and we will never defend pirates.……"

"Calm down, damn it!"

Seeing Garp, who was furious and about to attack, Zhan Guo slapped him directly!


This slap also completely woke Garp up. Although Garp had lost his breath, he still looked at Luo Xiu in front of him with hatred.

At the same time, he screamed with tears,

"Zhan Guo...just keep controlling me like this, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill this kid!"

"Just control me however you want!"

Garp was terribly fragile at the moment. On one hand, there was the navy, and on the other hand, there was Luffy's family. He was really too entangled! It was even harder than facing an army of tens of thousands!

Sengoku didn't know what to comfort Garp. He had a similar situation with Garp before. Corazon, who looked half like him, was killed by Doflamingo, but he was still unable to take revenge.

On the contrary, he had to protect the other party, just because the other party was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and was of great use to the navy.

Sengoku took a deep breath and had to change his expression and said to Luo Xiu

"What on earth is your purpose in doing this? Not only did you help our navy deal a heavy blow to the Whitebeard Pirates... but now you've attacked the Seven Warlords of the Sea on our side, giving the Whitebeard Pirates a chance to catch their breath!"

Sengoku was talking about Zoro and the others dealing with Hawkeye Mihawk and the others. At this moment, because of Zoro and the others... the first line of defense collapsed directly.

Many captains of the Whitebeard Pirates have freed up their hands, causing considerable casualties, which were unnecessary casualties for Sengoku!

That's why Sengoku had been holding back until now to ask Luo Xiu... even though Luo Xiu is still messing around and has interfered with the execution!

"What am I doing? Can't you see... I'm trying to wipe out all the pirates!"

Luo Xiu answered as a matter of course, and Zhan Guo asked in confusion

"Then shouldn't you cooperate with our navy, or even join our navy... This is the fastest and most convenient way to eliminate pirates!"

"Cooperate with you?"

Luo Xiu suddenly asked, Zhan Guo nodded.

"Isn't that right?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Luo Xiu suddenly laughed loudly, pointing in a certain direction of the battlefield and sarcastically said,

"Cooperate with your navy to kill pirates? Are you kidding me?...Look at what your navy is doing in the Battle of Marinford today?"

"Among such a large number of high-ranking navy officers, I only saw Akainu fighting desperately, or those young people... What are the other people in your navy doing?"

"The two powerful admirals have been doing nothing on the battlefield, not trying their best at all... Otherwise, the Whitebeard Pirates would have been crushed. The deaths of ordinary marines are directly related to this."

"Now let's talk about you two.……"

Luo Xiu continued to scold,"As a naval marshal, you don't lead by example... and you don't want to kill all the pirates to help the navy get revenge, but you are just paying attention to the status of your old friend."

"And Garp... what a bullshit navy hero... he's just a bastard who protects each other. The existence of Straw Hat Luffy and Fire Fist Ace is all because of Garp, and they are so arrogant today. They think that they have achieved great merits before... and they can be above the law!"

"Their descendants can trample on the law at will.……"

"Why do you think there are more and more pirates in this sea area? Is it all because of the Pirate King Roger?... No, no, no, at least half of the reason is because of your navy's inaction."

Luo Xiu listed one crime after another about the navy, leaving Sengoku speechless... Even Garp, who was lying on the ground and still angry, was stunned!

"So you tell me... How can I cooperate with your navy?"

They wanted to refute, but they opened their mouths and couldn't refute at all.

Is our navy really that bad?

A big question suddenly arose in Zhan Guo's heart, but he still said with a grim face.

"So...you...oh no, what is the purpose of your Akatsuki organization?"

"Will they become enemies with the navy?"

Zhan Guo suddenly became curious about this, and his fists clenched subconsciously.

To this, Luo Xiu just replied calmly,

"You will know it later... I can only say that what I am going to do will be huge, so huge that you navy members may not understand it. Whether or not we will become enemies at that time... depends on your own choice!"

Go ahead!

Luo Xiu has picked up the razor left by the executioner who just left!

He raised the razor high at this moment, and there are only ten seconds left!

The global live broadcast has been restored at this moment, and countless people in many sea areas can see this scene at this moment.

They wondered why the executioner was replaced by this person, but it didn't matter... They were just curious whether they could successfully execute Ace in public!

The entire battlefield of Marinford also stopped for a moment at this moment, and everyone subconsciously put down their swords and looked over here.

Witness this historic scene!

The navy looked solemn but proud. Ordinary navy soldiers had no interest and no reason to care about why the executioner became Luo Xiu.

And why there was one more person... They only knew that they won!


"team leader……"

However, the Whitebeard Pirates were in low spirits, looking in that direction with tears in their eyes. They had failed after all!

Completely failed!

The battlefield between Whitebeard and Akainu also stagnated for a moment, and Whitebeard looked in that direction with a lonely look!

"Ace... failed again?"

Whitebeard said dejectedly, not noticing that a dark shadow was approaching quietly from behind him!

(The following is not included in the total word count!)

Dear readers, the data has dropped seriously across the board... Is there something wrong with what I wrote?

But it shouldn't be, I have already reached the climax!

Woohoo... There are only a few dozen yuan left in reading fees, and there are almost no new readers!

After reading this, please send a love letter to the old readers!


_:(´□`」 ∠):_

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