Is Straw Hat Luffy going to be executed too?

In fact, many people in the sea who have received favors from the Straw Hat Pirates are now heartbroken when they see this scene.

"Don't... don't!"

In a country famous for its sand, a very beautiful girl burst into tears. She couldn't understand why things turned out like this!

Above Marineford!

The shock caused by Luo Xiu's execution of Ace was brought up again.

The impact of killing Straw Hat Luffy may not be inferior to that of killing Roger's son Ace!

Because his grandfather is the navy hero Garp, and his father is known as the most vicious criminal in the world, Monkey, D. Dragon.

Of course... there are still very few people who know the latter, but this does not affect the consequences of killing Luffy. He is too involved!

""No... Don't! Luo Xiu... Put that child down first, and let our navy handle it. I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Finally, after hesitating for a while, Sengoku stopped him. He was really afraid that his old friend, who was under his control, could no longer be controlled!


Garp didn't say anything, but just looked at Luo Xiu with tears in his eyes. His eyes were extremely complicated... There was threat, hatred, and of course more entanglement!

If Luo Xiu really killed Luffy, would he really take action?

He is a navy... With what identity should he take action?

At this moment, Garp felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to die, because if he died, he wouldn't have to consider such things!

So he could only hope in his heart that Luo Xiu would consider the face of the navy and not kill Luffy here... As long as he didn't kill him now, there would still be a chance!

"You guys... have you misunderstood something all along?"

Luo Xiu stepped on Luffy and looked up at Zhan Guo and said softly,

"I am not discussing with your navy...and your navy is not worthy of discussing with me now, at least the navy led by you, Zhan Guo, is not worthy!"


Zhan Guo's face was ugly. He didn't expect Luo Xiu to be so difficult to talk to. But his peripheral vision suddenly swept across a figure on the battlefield, and he suddenly thought of something and spoke.

"What about Akainu... Just give Akainu some face, Luo Xiu!"

Sengoku advised,"Now that Ace is dead, Whitebeard will be killed soon... The fate of the Whitebeard Pirates is a foregone conclusion this time, there is no need for any more accidents to happen!"

"Tell your men not to attack those Shichibukai, and let us handle Luffy.……"

Sengoku spoke to Luo Xiu earnestly, as if he was doing it for Luo Xiu's own good!

At least... Sengoku really thought so!

Luffy really couldn't die here like this, he already had a premonition that Garp would really go crazy... Two family members died in front of him, and Sengoku couldn't help it! When he heard Sengoku mention Akainu, Luo Xiu suddenly stopped his Zadao!

Sengoku was delighted... Hey, he succeeded, as expected, his bet was right, Akainu had helped Luo Xiu before, and he bet that the leader of the Akatsuki organization would remember him!


But the next moment, the knife flashed, and a little bit of gentle blood splashed directly on the faces of Zhan Guo and Garp!

A head with a look of astonishment slowly rolled down in front of them!

Luo Xiu slowly wiped the bloody knife on the ground, tilted his head... The blood pupils in his eyes shone very brightly!

"Sorry... I owe Akainu a favor. I have already repaid it when I helped your navy kill several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates in the Battle of Marinford, reducing your navy's losses!"

"Now I... don't owe him anything anymore!"

Luo Xiu's emotionless and cold words fell heavily on Garp and Sengoku's hearts!

Countless people in Marinford were also watching this scene in horror, and a group of navy warriors were already scalping. Kill him... really kill him? No mercy at all?

"It’s over… It’s over, something terrible is going to happen!"

Many vice admirals who knew Garp’s personality covered their heads and cried out in pain. They knew that Garp would really do things without considering the consequences!

If Garp really did this to Luo Xiu, who had killed many pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates in this war… He could almost be called the greatest hero of this war!

This would have a different meaning!

Even Aokiji, Kizaru and a group of senior naval officials all changed their expressions. Not only that, in terms of pirates… Many captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also had their pupils shrunk.

Is this real?

On the execution platform!

Looking at Luffy’s body, Garp and Sengoku’s eyes were dull… Especially Garp, with one big hand groping and feeling the gentleness of the blood, his eyes were full of disbelief… Muttering

"Dead... Luffy... Is he really dead?"

However, Sengoku reacted immediately and tried to suppress his old friend beside him.

"Calm down, Cap.……"

But... bang!

Garp roared and punched the defenseless Sengoku, sending him flying!

Garp slowly stood up, staring at Luo Xiu with a pair of numb and crazy eyes.

"Right or wrong... I don't want to argue anymore. You killed Ace and Luffy. As their family, I must give them an explanation!"

"Today, I, Garp... am no longer a marine, but just one of their family members.……"

"After I kill you... I will go to Push Castle to be punished!"

After saying that, Garp had already killed Luo Xiu!

In the air, Garp had already used the Armament Haki, and his entire fist turned extremely black!

A punch blasted out, causing a thunderous explosion!

Iron Fist Garp!

This is Garp's nickname recognized by countless people for decades, because countless people have fallen under this pair of iron fists!

The iron fist also showed that Garp was serious... He really wanted to kill Luo Xiu!

Countless ordinary soldiers of the Navy Headquarters looked at this scene, and they felt that their inner faith collapsed!

They are not Garp, so naturally they can't empathize with Garp who lost two grandsons in succession. They only know that their naval hero is because of a pirate... He is taking action against the great hero who just killed many people in the Whitebeard Pirates and indirectly saved countless naval lives!

This... is too disappointing!


Sengoku in the distance could only watch in despair as Garp struck Luo Xiu!

He knew that once this strike landed... it was over, something bad was going to happen to the Navy!

This Akatsuki organization would also be pushed to the opposite side by this strike!

"Navy... What a great navy!... Hahahaha……"

"If that's the case, don't blame me.……"

Facing Garp's powerful attack, Luo Xiu did not dodge or evade. From under his mask came Luo Xiu's cold and mocking laugh!

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the red light in his eyes was extremely intense this time... Luo Xiu gently raised his hand and shouted


(The following words are not included in the total number of words!)

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ʚ₍ ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ ₎ɞ

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