The plain and unnoticed me is no more

142. That was a blind spot.

"Perhaps... Sandra was tried by God? By the age of sixteen, various temptations were waiting for me, and I should have been able to overcome them and be empowered as a saint for the first time..."

"I don't know."

"Hyah... don't be surprised, Leviant. Was he awake?

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I suddenly heard a voice from behind and shrugged my shoulders.

Looking back, Leviant, who was supposed to have occupied and slept in the middle of the bed until a short while ago, returned to a beautiful person from a small, cute pig fairy.

The maid's room given to Irina had only beds, desks and chairs. I wonder if sleeping in this room without plants will not heal him at all.

Being so worried about me, Leviant, who was lying on his back to me, turned to me when he woke up slowly. I wondered if I was tired from applying surgery to Sandra, but I was surprised if she just had a lack of sleep.

He began to talk to me to answer my own words.

"You're right... the unfavourable situation must have been the last test imposed on that soul to become a saint."

"Yeah, the truth is, God knows. Even so, no matter how many generations you've earned virtue, it's not that easy to give you special powers... Hey, what happens to the fairy that led Sandra back then?

"Ah, I'm sure you were eager to help your disappeared companions... but you did something extra. Even if not intentionally, he made a serious mistake of guiding the exiles and causing trouble to the human world. Find it and punish it in the fairy world. I have no right to speak to you about this."

Leviant told me so clearly before I said anything.

I was certainly about to say something a little sweet. "I did it for someone, so take care of it" is something I can say because I am not the party who suffered the damage.

We will have to leave this matter to him, the fairy king.

Yes, I wanted to ask you something.


"What happens to her after she purifies and disappears from Sandra?

If you think you can answer my question right away, Leviant will close his eyes and shut up. I can predict that I won't be safe just by seeing that look. I became very anxious.


"... I don't know"

"I don't know...?

"When I took it into my body, if it could be cleansed immediately, it wouldn't have had any effect... but it's been ten years. The fusion period was too long."

I mean, what do you mean?

Leviant took a breath and replied that he was sorry.

"... that's hard for you to say, but in the worst case scenario, you might disappear with my brother."

"Hey... you're kidding, right? Extinction... is that how dark she is?

"Rather... think not only about taking it from others, but also that the host daughter herself has been deprived of her vitality. What happened to all the people you've seen?


Everyone was as thin as mummies.

If Leviant is right, her skin and hair are not so glossy and healthy. But I also know that not many people were attacked by Sandra because they showed me their memories.

Starting with her mother, Taki a few years later, Will five years later, Irina and the priest Huey and several witches after entering the temple.

Will was the only one I didn't know.

I was worried that there would be many other victims and that people who secretly took a breath or were still suffering would be in trouble, but I was relieved.

Except for Sandra's mother and the witch who died during the rainbow begging ceremony, the others can be saved by my purification.

But how did Will recover? I know he hasn't been affected in the meantime, so let's do it now.

Actually, I've been looking at my memories and wondering. I think it was after I cleansed the victim, but she was changing her appearance. Is that because the beauty you took was returned to the owner? I did remember to return what I took to the owner when I purified it.

"Hey, what if what you took from people is forming her now? I can't give it back to someone who's already dead, so if you assume that the beauty taken from my mother and the witch is creating Sandra today, if the existence that is taking it in and stopping it disappears...."

"It's not just the host who's safe... But you won't know unless you try. If I keep this, I might lose that body someday."

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