The plain and unnoticed me is no more

151 · I'll take care of the rest.

Lana, the witch Irina is on her way.

"Irina? Perfect. Weiss, enough of the sentry. Thank you very much."

As soon as Leviant left, Weiss informed me that Irina was coming. Probably came to see how things were.

Sandra, who finally regained consciousness here, was yawning with her arms up and stretching. The face was so bright that it also looked a little younger than Sandra when we first met.

But I don't think it's going to end like this.

Leviant didn't know what was going to happen, but he assumed the worst.

Even when she changed her appearance, it didn't change instantly, but gradually over time, so we need to follow up for two to three days... but I'll leave the rest to Irina.

Something I shouldn't be involved with anymore.

"Sandra, you've noticed. How are you feeling?

"... what do you mean?

She doesn't seem to understand the meaning of my question, even though she thinks she was lying awake. Besides, this reaction seems to have completely forgotten about the ritual that ended in failure.

She may just be asleep, but the fairy in her may have lost her memory.

"I was unconscious for a while. Are you thirsty? I'll bring you some water now."

Sandra shouted her throat and swallowed it all at once as she poured the water from the water tank placed on the table by the wall into the glass. Irina arrived in this room as soon as she held the water bottle to pour it over her.

"Lyla, what happened? Did you succeed?

"Yes, it's over. Now you don't have to be afraid of the curse anymore. Has His Majesty the King returned?

"No, not yet... In fact, there was a little noise....."

"Are you making a scene...?

Irina was looking at a window near the ceiling to see what was happening, so I turned to you. However, there was nothing particularly unusual and nothing likely to cause the noise.

"The light from the purification leaked out of the window. There were a few young priests making noise when violent lightning like thunder came out of the building, and the priests wanted to see me....."

The young priests couldn't stop listening to the cancellation of the ceremony and they looked at us from behind the wall for a while.

That's when strange light leaked out of this room, so there's no reason to expect it.

"Really... it was sunny all day long, so I just thought it was okay... Can you deceive me?

"I want to talk to these kids about it properly later. Of course, I will lie down about you, but I think it would be better to know as a clergyman that something like this has happened. I will record this incident and leave it in a book for future generations."

"Then be careful not to misunderstand the existence of fairies. Most of them are good and harmless. Rather, it's a useful presence for people."

"Yes, I understand."

While she was talking to me, Irina was looking at Flyers and Sandra.

Irina-sama remembers when she was attacked, and her expression is hard because she has no heart or face. And I talked to Sandra nervously.

"Remember me, Virgin?

Sandra stares at Irina in silence.

Sandra would have calmed down and shouted at Irina before she was cleansed. But she didn't.

In fact, they only met once, and I heard that Irina, who had been attacked by a black moya, had fallen and been transported immediately.

It was Sandra who threw Irina out of the shrine for selfish reasons. There's no way you don't remember the person who went all the way to do that.

I can't imagine what kind of change is going on in Sandra, but she turned down uncomfortably.

"... I'm sorry. I feel like I remember, but I don't know."

"My name is Irina the Witch. The Virgin seems to have settled down, and I invite His Royal Highness the King's brother again to this room. She has an important story to tell. We will leave our seats for a moment, but please do not leave this room. Lyla, go outside for a minute."

Sandra, who had heard Irina's story, suddenly began to shudder and was about to pour her own water into the glass. But my hands trembled and didn't work, and I only wet my clothes and floor.

Looking sideways, I followed Irina out of the room.

"Lana, please leave the temple like this. It seems that His Highness Frederick was interested in you."

"Er... is there something wrong...?

I doubted my ears.

"No, I was asked where my daughter lives, how long she works here, and whether she lives here. I was embarrassed by people close to me, but did you give up..."

I have no choice but to pray that Aaron will do something about the Frederick affair.

As far as I know, His Highness is also interested in my cousin Dalia and the traveller boy Kai. And now it's Lyla, the plain maid.

I may be distracting you from your loneliness by speaking up gradually, but I want you to do that in places I don't know.

"Ha... if I knew who you were, your ex-fiancée, who you hated deeply... Is Lord Frederick in Sandra's room with you?

"Yes, so please leave Lana at the inn in the meantime. It was originally promised for a limited time until it was cleansed, and the rest is fine."

My job is to purify the darkened former fairy.

Other things should be dealt with responsibly by this country, which enshrined her as a saint, and it would be better to leave early to avoid trouble.

I said goodbye to Irina and left the temple without showing Sandra my face.

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