It's been a long time, both of you.

Hearing a familiar voice, I look at the voice.

From behind the shrine came a slender man, with long, white hair.

"Levient!? Why are you here?

For some reason, Leviant smiles bitterly.

"Ah, there's something I have to apologize for..."

"I don't think we had anything to apologize for."

"No, I do. I, the king of the fairy world, must atone for the sins my countrymen have committed in the human world."

Even if I'm apologized for something I don't remember, I get in trouble.

Leviant and I have been reunited since we parted in the temple of King's Landing.

The time has not passed so much as I think I still miss it, but the unexpected reunion with someone who has given up that I will not see you anymore brings with me a twist of joy.

But Sin whispers in surprise in my ear, delighted to be reunited.

"Ah... I'm sorry to interrupt. Are you the only one who sees Levi?


"Up, up."

He followed Sin's gaze and looked up at the giant tree in front of him.


I've certainly felt the signs of God since I entered the cave, but I didn't expect you to show up.

I wonder why I didn't notice so much presence.

Above the thick branches of a giant tree was a goddess who followed a large white lion.

"Dear Linatemis....."

Don't tell me you heard my voice earlier....?

I noticed that Singh was kneeling down and lowering his head to the goddess. Happily I knelt next to Sin.

"Both of you, it doesn't matter.... my cousin, I was waiting for you to come here."

"You've been waiting...?

I have a favor to ask of you. If you accept, I will fulfill your wish. "

"Oh, really!? Let me know what I can do!

I see. My daughter's treasure is buried somewhere in this land. I want you to find it. "

"Bao...? Doesn't the goddess know where it is?

I don't know. But the man next to you must know. "

Why would Sin do that?

I don't know why, but I look at Shin with a lot of momentum. Then Sin awoke away from me.


Though Sin is the prince of this country, he is not here for the first time to explore the land, but the daughter of the goddess... that is, he cannot know where my treasure of the previous life is buried.

The goddess asked me to look for it, and I don't think there's anything that would be easy to understand and a landmark.

And how can you say, "Thin should know"?

I doubt it, but as long as we listen to that request, we can save Artemis.

I tried to hear Sin's opinion, and once again turned to him, he nodded without looking away.

"I see. I'll find out. Therefore, I would like you to restore this country to its original form....."

I fulfilled that wish earlier. Anything else?


There would have been other wishes. Let me tell you something.

Anything else?

Even if you suddenly say such a thing, it doesn't come to mind.

"No, you just saved Artemis."

I'm a greedy daughter...... Then, in the village downstream of the river, I left behind the house where I used to live when I was human. I'll do it for you. Feel free to use it. "

"Ah, thank you...?

The goddess suddenly disappeared into the light.

Me and Singh stand up slowly to make sure they're gone.

"I wonder what it meant to leave my old house. It's the house I lived in the last life, isn't it? Is that where the treasure is hidden?

"Hmm... I don't know, Levi, let me know if you know anything. And what do you want to apologize to us for?

"... I wonder what to say. My apologies go hand in hand with the goddess's request. In fact, my research in heaven revealed that one of my brothers' victims included you."

Leviant somehow looks backwards at Singh.

What do you mean, when Sandra, possessed by a fairy, was about to lose her life? Or was that fairy involved in your parents' death?

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