On the night the pig fairy appeared, I slept soundly in bed, dreaming of a sweet scent of flowers. Is this a dream or a reality? I forgot what kind of dream I had, but I wonder if it was a dream in the flower fields. Maybe I'm asleep now.

When I opened my eyes with that thought, I saw something blurry white in front of my eyes. And pretty close.

"Pig fairy...?

It moved twitchily in response to my voice.

No, I'm not a fairy. From the size, is this a human?

Gently releasing his body, he opened his eyes calmly and looked closely, and under the moonlight, which plunged into the gap between the curtains, a silhouette thought to be a white man entered his sight.

While I was sleeping, I jumped up in a hurry wondering if someone had snuck into the room and was about to fall out of balance and fall out of bed.

Then he grabbed my hand and pulled it toward himself, and with that momentum I fell against his chest.

This is who the sweet floral scent is.

A soft, authentic floral fragrance distinct from the sniffed twist and fox perfume came from the body.

I woke up with Ba and tried to leave immediately. But I didn't go as I thought, with my hand still grabbed.

Get your hands off me!

"Wait, wait, calm down. Oh, I can't look like this. Shit, when did you get back to where you were? I can't help feeling suspicious....."

What I heard was a low, engaging man's voice.

Apparently, as far as this man's posture is concerned, he lay down with his arm on his pillow and sleeping in my bed. The first thing I saw when I woke up was this man's pure white hair. When I opened my eyes, it was too close to me and I could only see almost white lumps because I had long hair hidden while sleeping sideways.

The man raised his sleigh and body and looked at me with his long, depressing hair on his face.

His skin was white enough to fall out, his face was as if it were a creature, and he had an unbelievable and daunting beauty. Your eyes are red, your edges are black, and you don't feel like you've seen them somewhere recently.

When I wooshed in and tried to raise my voice, the person's body sparkled for a moment and turned into the white pig fairy I saw this morning.

"... you're lying, were you just a fairy?


It was definitely the white pig fairy I saw this morning who sat a little in my bed.


To answer my question, the pig fairy once again turned into a human figure.

"You surprised me, descendant of Linatemis. I was going to talk to you in your dreams, but before that, you woke up and failed. My name is Levient. The first owner of this inn was my friend."

"Leviant, um..."

I can't understand what he's saying.

Descendants of what? Linatemis is the name of the goddess of water and abundance. What are you afraid to say about your descendants? That's not all. There are too many clichés in what he said, and I don't know what to ask him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the descendant of the goddess Linatemis. Why would you do that?

"That book."

Once he turned to the living room, Leviant began to talk about an old mythology book placed on a shelf just ahead of him.

"Can you read that?

"Yes, of course."

"What's in it?

What the hell do you mean, you can read a book?

"What is it...? It's a myth of the goddess. This is the story of the goddess of the prankster who was punished by God, who was brought down to earth as a man, who lived with him, gave birth to a child that had been given between him, and returned to heaven."

"Hmm. The writing of the story you just told me can't be seen by ordinary people, rather than read. Normally, you would think the first few pages are blank and empty. From the pages that follow, it's normal for everyone to read only the mythical parts of the water and the rich goddess Linatemis."


"The only thing you can read is that you were born with the soul of the goddess's daughter. Of the children that have multiplied over the years, only you, the daughter of the goddess, can read that letter. The soul consists of a part of the body of the goddess. From what I've seen, the goddess has taken over the power with little effort."

Is my soul made out of part of the body of the goddess? You mean I was not mistakenly lost in this world and accidentally reincarnated into this body?

I thought you were just a pretty fairy during the day, but who the hell knows about this?

"Did Leviant come to tell me that?

"No. I haven't seen my friend's face in a long time, but I've forgotten that time feels different between humans and fairies. He left the world over a hundred years ago. By the way, why is there only one plant in this room? When my friend was there, there were various plants in this room. This will not restore my strength for long. Don't you want to decorate more flowers? I tried to tell you that in my dreams."

Is Leviant a flower fairy? You're nourishing plants in some way. I'm sorry, but there's only one potted plant in this room that Singh gave me.

Tomorrow is a half-day off and I think I'll go buy flowers and plants that I've wanted for a long time.

"Leviant couldn't see his friends, but is he going home now?

"I can't think of anything interesting about you, and I'll let you stay here for a while. I wonder where all the fairies who were helping to heal the guests when the first owner was there have gone. Have the fairies gone out of town because of the lack of greenery in the town? That's why there are more people in this town wearing black."

Taki's talking about the black moya. Does it look like a fairy? I wonder if there used to be fairies everywhere to purify the town.

"Can I ask you one more question?

"What is it?"

"How long have you been here?

"I came with that Blue Daisy. If I was tired and resting up, I was lucky to get where I wanted to be. The man who bought the flower seemed to see me. But if you come, I don't have any friends, and there's only one plant. I couldn't help but sleep in that flower until I regained my health."

"That's right... I'll go buy flowers tomorrow. Until then, will you just put up with it?

I think he believed in fairy tales calling for happiness, and I wonder if Singh tried to carry happiness to me in private. I just got thinned out and didn't return anything, did I? I wonder what he would do to please me.

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