The plain and unnoticed me is no more

68 · Memories of encounters, memories of farewell

I noticed a narrow passage surrounded by walls of hedges as long as my back, and I had nothing to think about.

Uh, what is this place? I can't believe this place started all of a sudden. Is there an exit?

"Hey, what are you doing here? This is my maze! You can't go in there and have fun before me! Get out of here!

What, this is a maze? I've just learned that I'm a directional maniac. What do we do, which way do we go?

A little further away, the boy's voice was heard, and I looked back at the voice. Looking back, the green wall that I just passed through just continued.

Apparently, the boy is angry that I went into this maze on my own.

"Who? I'd like to leave, but I don't know the direction anymore."

"Lady, go straight ahead and take the second corner to the right!

What? That was my maid's voice.

It sounded like the voice of heaven, but when I looked up, I couldn't see her anywhere.

Straight ahead. Second right? So, which way is it straight? Is it the right person? The one with the right face? I wonder if my body is suitable for this kind of situation.

"Oh, I disagree. Not you....."

Should I have gone in the direction my face was facing? Um, well, that way?

As I was instructed by the maid, I kept turning around, and I had no idea where I was anymore.

I stopped to calm down and took a deep breath to look around.

The lawn at your feet seems to be dead or peeled and poorly maintained. Instead, the walls of the hedges on both sides were cut to perfection, and I didn't see anything that looked like a landmark.

Wait a minute, that boy's voice, that voice that comes out of your dreams every once in a while. Does that mean this is a dream? Am I dreaming about that boy again?

"Hey, can you hear me? I'm on my way. Don't move from there. That's right... sing a song and wait to get distracted."

Singing? Suddenly...

"Song? Song... er... rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah"

"Huh, it's a song I've never heard before... it's not a bad melody, but what's the word?

I was laughed at.

Hmm? Words? No, I accidentally sang in Japanese. Then let's do the humming later.

This song is a song that sings dissatisfaction with a loose lover in time that never appears at the rendezvous point and was popular just before I was reincarnated. The lyrics contained the content of coming to pick me up early, and I felt that I was in the current situation.

When the B melo of the song ended and entered the most exciting rust, a boy with milk tea hair appeared momentum ahead of my gaze. I stopped singing and jumped unexpectedly with joy.

But the song continued to flow in my head, and I felt like I was watching a drama scene. But reality doesn't look like a drama.

Looking at him better, he was smaller than me and collapsed behind me with great momentum, but the area was not so painful despite the shock, thanks to the green grass.

The boy looked at me and laughed and told me to be a friend.

Oh, yeah, that's how I got along with this kid.

Hmm? But this is just a dream.

I wonder what you're convinced of. I think it's connected to a dream I've seen before, but I think the boy is smaller than the dream I've seen before.

The scene changed, and I was running towards a place with a maze while I was canning.

In front of the maze, there is a boy who has grown up a lot more than before, a young man who looks like a servant, and somehow a magician stands up.

I was talking to a boy in the maze a while ago, and suddenly the scene changed without any pulse.

This kind of place feels like a dream.

When I arrived in front of the boy, a magician man who could only see his mouth in the hood stepped forward and pointed his palm at me and murmured something. It must have been some kind of spell, not talking to me.

I wonder why? After the change of scene, it went silent like a silent movie. I can see the mouth moving, and I can see the wind blowing around me, but I can't hear the voice of people, the shaking of the plants, or any sound.

The view was also sepia, and the faces of the people who were supposed to be there were blurred to the face of their maid.

The boy said something to me.

At that time, I felt that this was not a very pleasant atmosphere.

What did you say?

I want to hear, but I don't want to hear.

I could see around my mouth, so I remembered what he said in lip reading.

Lana, Tsuginiorettachiga Atokinija, Mou

The moment I read the words, the area turned pure white, and only the voice of the boy could be heard.

Lana, by the time we meet again...

I woke up there.

"... why? He called me Lana. Do I forget someone I loved when I was a kid...?

When I realized it, I spilled tears and tears, making me the most emotional ever.

Before I woke up, I cried too much and held my mouth with both hands until I was about to sneeze.

Even though I still feel so sad, what I saw in my dreams will soon fade away.

Still, I don't want to forget this time, trying to evoke the memory of my dreams, but ruthlessly, the actual sound of the birds and the sound of the hands of the clock pulled me back to reality.

(Lana, did you have another sad dream?

"Good morning, Weiss. Yeah, it was such a fun, sad dream. I seem to have forgotten someone I care about....."

"Puggy, puggy, puggy."

(The boy who comes out of that dream may be the one with the memory lid.)

Levy speculated that the painful experience with the boy who often came out of my dreams was pushed into the back of my memory and covered.

"But I don't know his name, and I don't know who he is. I think it always comes out in the same place, but I don't even know where it is. Remember, the boy had milk tea hair."

I turned to the bathroom to wash my face and looked at my face in the mirror.

"Terrible face. Did you like her so much that you cried? It was so painful for me to forget that I still love you as much as I dreamed."

But this time, only the last words remain in my ear.

"Lana, the next time we meet, it's..."

Is this the continuation of someone else in red? Did I unilaterally hate her? I can't even see the look on the boy's face, so it's hard to predict what kind of emotional words he said.

I felt like I was pushing my emotions and killing them, and I felt lonely.

"Is that dream not just a dream, but a lost memory of mine? Then who is she? I'm not Evan and I'm not your cousin. I wish I could at least remember my name... Why don't you get in touch with the maid you were with? I'd like you to write to me today and tell me about your childhood."

I was dressed, a little early, but I went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast as usual.

While waiting for the rice to cook, I watered the back flower bed and harvested some fruit vegetables from the home garden. While singing a song with a small voice, I also watered the plants in my private room.

Sin's Blue Daisy is now moving to the bedroom window. Apparently that's where Levi sleeps.

"Fufu, cute. I want to increase it a lot, so I'll talk to my parents. I'd like to share it with Singh when I get more. Their place was a killing scene."

When I went back to the kitchen after a light cleaning, the rice was almost cooked. We used the harvested vegetables as the ingredient for the miso soup, and prepared rice balls for the number of customers, eggs grilled, and so on. It's a holiday today, so I made Chiyo and my breakfast the same without a hand.

"Good morning, General. It's early this morning."

"Ah, good morning, Fred. Going out already?

"No, I got caught by a nice smell. Looks like the timing was good."

"Fufu, you're ready. Please, sit down. I will serve you now."

Fred sat in the middle of the counter seat in a deep hood. If His Royal Highness Wilfred became Crown Prince, these people would be busier than they are now. I would like to ask you about the current situation, but I can't give these people a topic related to His Highness.

I wonder how far I can ask? You seem busy these days, can't you?

"Please, the ingredients of miso soup are vegetables from our field."

"Oh, there was something in the field. Perhaps the back of this building is also the property of the inn?

"Yes, beyond that door is a private space, connected to the back entrance. There is a small garden, after all. I also made a beautiful flower bed the other day, so if you have a chance, please take a peek."

What did you do with the Imechen case you proposed to Liam?

This hood looks suspicious and evil.

While I was cleaning up the kitchen, I asked Liam if she was still awake.

"Um, is Liam still resting?

"Liam? He's been somewhere else since last night. Can I help you?

"Ah, no. Did Liam tell you anything about me?

"No...? I haven't heard anything. Hmm? Those ears... are you talking about that?

As I nodded, Fred put down his chopsticks and invited me to come near him. In response, I left the kitchen and stood next to Fred, who was sitting in the counter seat.

"I'm sorry, something happened while I was gone. It's not that I don't trust the General. Nh... can you bend over a little bit?

When I yielded as I was told, Fred stood up and lightly removed the earcuff from my ear.

"Huh? Are you sure? Because that's....."

When I looked back, I glanced at him angularly and unintentionally inside the hood.

The face hidden in the hood looked more alike than Liam, and as long as his hair was black, he had two melons with His Highness Wilfred.

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