The Plains In Super

Chapter 110 - Disappearance

"Fily go inside to Von and Lei and tell the guards to bring you the castle, immediately!" Venedette spent the time she bought from severing Yorela's wings off of her and throwing her over the island's cliff even though Venedette knows she could just regenerate it and fly back here soon.

"What?!" Fily shouted after not getting Venedette's words since Venedette was flying too far from her.

"Take everyone back with you to the castle and stay as close to the Queen as possible! We can't underestimate these people or else we'll lose!" Venedette shouted once again which Fily understood right away this time.

"Got that!" Fily shouted and flashed a thumbs up to Venedette who was now anticipating for Yorela to come back up to the island after regenerating her wings back.

"Petunia, come faster please…" Fily whispered to herself instead of messaging Petunia and the others about what Venedette told her.

And when Fily finally saw Petunia from a distance, looking like a walking mess from thinking about something too much, she immediately grabbed the frozen scientist's feet and did her best to pull him closer to Petunia which was immediately noticed by the guards beside Petunia.

"Thank you, bring him backstage and tell the people there to prepare the Zoomer for a trip back to the castle, alright?"

"Roger that!" one of the guards said and proceeded with their tasks while Fily went closer to Petunia to help her with her problem.

"Are you okay?" she asked which seemed to bring Petunia back to reality.

"Huh? Oh, yes, I'm fine." Petunia said and flashed a fake smile on her cat's face which was weird to see for the first time.

"You're definitely not okay," Fily concluded and just brought Petunia with her back to the backstage quietly beside the guards and the frozen scientist.


"I'm back!!" Yorela said and laughed uncontrollably after seeing Venedette's problematic face.

"That was slower than I thought." Venedette lied to provoke her with her serious poker face which did not convince Yorela at all.

"Try that again! Do you want to see me grow more wings?" Yorela said and threw her severed right-wing to the burning houses while stretching her head and new black wings that were still far from looking complete.

"Let's do that then!" Venedette said and charged herself to Yorela, targeting her wings once again but Yorela already saw through her target which allowed her to dodge it by dropping lower to the island's ground.

"Oops," Yorela said as if she was enjoying playing with Venedette.

But unbeknownst to her, Venedette had already calculated the time that Yorela needed for her regeneration to be complete.

"If I can only sever both of her wings at the same time…" Venedette said while looking at Yorela like she was some sort of an insect, a butterfly if you must, but an uglier and more disgusting one.

"What? You've already given up?!" Yorela said and shot herself to the dark sky, once again disappearing among the dark clouds that were giving Venedette a hard time earlier.

"Stop hiding, you coward!" Venedette said and relied on her other senses instead of guessing where Yorela would come from.

"Tagu-taguan, maliwanag ang buwan HAHAHAHHAH!" Yorela chanted foreign words which gave away her location.

She was flying against the moonlight, and since today was a full moon, her silhouette against the mood immediately became a hot attraction for the audience to take pictures of, removing their focus from Herim and Posa who were both suffering from light sensitivity as if she was a mermaid who called for their attention intentionally.

But since both Posa and Herim were already captured by Sir Grand and his people, Yorela's tactic did not work very much and only gave away her location to Venedette who was now flying directly to her.

"Whatever, I'll just burst her upper body!" Venedette thought and charged at full speed with her iron fists in front.

But the moment Venedette's fist almost touched Yorela's body, Yorela just suddenly disappeared like a strip of light into thin air.

"It was fun playing with you." Yorela's last words were which she said so softly that it almost felt like a direct whisper to Venedette's ears which gave her those unwanted creeps she had been trying so hard to ignore ever since she first saw Yorela and her sister Crones.

So that was why Yorela did not even bother to dodge, huh?

But wait, what happened? Why did Yorela suddenly disappear like a dozen strips of light turning off to nothingness?

"Venedette!" Sir Grand shouted while approaching her who was still dumbfounded about what happened.

Venedette's punch created an impact on the second layer of the Earth's atmosphere where both she and Yorela were standing which left Venedette even more confused as to how Yorela was suddenly able to disappear just like that, in front of her and in this empty space…

"Did that Crone disappear too? My guy disappeared along with that Crone's severed lower body which gave me the impression that she also disappeared along with them." Sir Grand said without organizing his thoughts first which made it harder for Venedette to understand what was happening right now.

"T-The kids? Are they alright?" Venedette spilled the first concern that popped inside her mind.

"Let's go and check on that." Sir Grand pulled Venedette back to the island calmly while trying not to add to Venedette's disappointment of losing her opponent that way.

"Do you know what she said to me before disappearing?! She said 'It was fun playing with you.' Like, who says that before running away from a fight like a coward?!" Venedette lashed out before proceeding to the backstage where she told Fily to take Von and Lei back to the castle immediately.

And when Venedette did not see her children at the backstage tent, her heart suddenly sank and started beating faster while assuming for the worst-case scenario that might have happened to them along with the disappearance of their enemies.

"It couldn't be…" Venedette muttered while looking ghastly at Sir Grand in this empty backstage.

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