The Plains In Super

Chapter 175 - Charger Flower

"What is it? What can you see from there?" 

"It's a flower. A painting of a flower made by the same things that make the lake glow! Are you sure those lines on the walls of this river cliff are made by nature and not the Salamanders themselves?" Gem asked the elderly, finally deciding to open up about the things that she preferred to keep as secrets from them before, "Because from the way these were drawn, I'm sure it's them! I could almost see the same scenario back at Yvandir when I saw these little guys crawl in my room-"

"You saw the Salamanders alive?" Elder Song said with his eyes wide open at Gem who nodded innocently not long after that.

"Why didn't you tell this to us earlier?! She's the chosen one, brothers! She's the chosen one!"

"Chosen one!" the rest of the elders said and pulled their arms from a courteous position in front of their tummies and into the floor when they bowed towards Gem with all of their might.

"Whoa, what is happening here? Why are you b-bowing like that to Gem?" Von said in disbelief while gesturing to the elders who suddenly lost his respect because of their impulse bow.

"I thought you knew nothing about Salamanders and that you were just fakes," Gem said reluctantly while making her way towards Fily.

"Can you read what this says?" she said and sent Fily a picture of the wall that she was crazing over earlier and with the drawings that she traced using her stat-hut.

"The flower is a food, it says," Fily said with a confused expression which Gem quickly understood what it meant..

"The gigantic ice Edelweiss flower! It's the food for my Salamandite!" Gem said her realization out loud and raced with the elders, Von, and the others back to the garden outside of the cave.

"But we're not supposed to touch it," Von said while being the first one to arrive back at the garden.

"There were more drawings in that empty river but I couldn't show you. It looked like the procedures of how the Salamanders found this flower as the home for their cured Phyxies, like a storage for their honey and how to extract them!" Gem said enthusiastically.

"Did you take a picture of it?" Fily asked which Gem quickly answered with a light shook of her head.

"No, but I remembered what it looked like," Gem said and asked Von to carry her to the center of the flower.

"We're not allowed to touch it," Von whispered aggressively to Gem when they were already near the five-disc florets of the gigantic flower but Gem only ignored her.

"Just bring me there," she said, which Von had no choice but to follow since the elders weren't stopping them from doing so anyway.

"Okay, here," Gem said and Von landed them in the middle disc of the flower where they were surrounded by five receptacle scales that looked just like an enclosed altar each with liquid in them.

"This should be it," Gem said and picked up the Salamandite gem from its case on her neck, placing it down one of the five receptacle scales of the flower's disc and waited for something to happen with it.

"Am I doing it right? Do I need to say something to make it work? Bibbidi bobbidi boo?" Gem said while looking around nervously and clenching her fist when suddenly the flower started glowing an intense aqua blue against the sunlight that was still shining on them as if their bright lights were challenging each other.

"It worked! It worked!" Gem said and almost hugged Von out of happiness which Von quickly prevented by stopping Gem with his pointer finger on her forehead.

"Oops," Gem only said and laughed while jumping around the disc floret of the gigantic ice Edelweiss flower.

"S-Stop jumping around, we don't want to destroy this flower, do we?" Von said and scooped Gem up in his arms so Gem would stop jumping around and making him nervous in front of the elders who were probably upset already for letting them step on this sacred flower.

"How long does it take?" Von asked which Gem only responded with a pout.

"I don't know, it didn't say," she said, which urged Von to bring her back to the place where Venedette and the others were at while watching them.

"It worked!" Gem said in celebration with Fily who also couldn't believe what just happened.

"H-How did you do that?" Elder Song asked while his eyes couldn't stop looking back and forth from the flower and to Gem who was overjoyed and jumping around with Fily and Venedette on the side.

"The Salamandite gems, that flower was made to feed it!" Gem only said which the elders still couldn't comprehend.

"I think the Salamanders configured that flower to make it a charging station for the Salamandite gems while using the elements on the lake to feed it," Fily explained even further which made more sense to the Elders, except they don't know what Salamandite gems are.

"What are Salamandite gems?" Elder Song asked while watching the flower flicker the same aqua blue light every second, indicating that it was still charging whatever that Salamandite gems were.

"They're the gifts that Gyu and Iba gave to all of the countries as a gift and peace offering for world peace, look, even the princess has one," Fily said and urged Venedette to show off her necklace to the elders who were still clueless and having a hard time believing all of this stuff that Fily and the others knew without their knowledge.

This made Fily happy on the other hand for finally having a leverage of knowledge from these old folks about the Salamandites and their powers.

"But mine's still not activated, we don't know how she did it," Venedette said humbly to the elders who were now starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together in their heads.

"Where did she get that? If the leaders of the countries were the only ones who knew of this transaction, then does that mean Gem is also from a family of leaders in her country?" Elder Song asked which made the rest of them think the same thing too.

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